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What if the human can talk with other species?

CIA:s Project "Acoustic Kitty" 1960's

Kimmo Huosionmaa

What if the human body can communicate with microchips and via that equipment with other species? That will cause the revolution for medical and another kind of sciences. That technology would allow our brains to communicate with microchips that are implanted in the human body, and those microchips might send data of infections and damages of the human body to brains or even via mobile telephones to hospitals, and that makes so systems so fascinating but same time so frightening. It can allow that the person will be under control 24 hours per day.

So doctors of tomorrow might know if we will get influenza before we will yourself know that. Those microchips might control miniature submarines in our body tomorrow, and those nanotechnological submarines can remove tumors or single tumor cells from our bodies, and it can make observations of wealthiness about our body. It can communicate with other systems, and that support system might give pieces of advice to people, how they must change their lifestyle and what kind of food is optimal for any situation. But this kind of technology is very fascinating for other things, what we always wanted to do. That microchip technology will give us an opportunity to communicate with other species.

This requires that those animals have the same kind of microchips than a human has, and after that communication between species will be done via radio transmission. That system allows a man to communicate with animals with EEG transmission. Those will be marvelous opportunities for people, who want to see deeper things about animals, what the only picture can be transmitted. But that equipment, what allows the communication between animal and human will create some frightening things in my eyes.

There will be change to take an animal to control by a human, and that will be more effective way to control any animal than any acoustic systems ever can be. Nowadays there are' acoustic systems, what transmits the picture to surveillance teams screens, and they can use voice files, what human can’t copy, to control their animals like robots. That system might be used by joystick, and all directions where that thing moves gives different voice signal.

Those voice signals are trained as commands to those animals like dogs, and somebody believes that those dogs, what were used in Osama Bin Laden case had that kind of system. Many people think that some birds are also trained to attack against enemy snipers, and those animals might be Eagles and another kind of big species, what can make serious injuries even for humans. CIA had a project called "Acoustic Kitty". That project's target was to implant a cat with radio-telephone an in-ear channel put microphones, that it could be controlled by agents. "Acoustic Kitty" system transmitted the voice from walkie-talkies loudspeaker to cat's ear via scull.

That project shat down in 1960's and some rumors say that those systems are tested with humans. If that rumor is true, CIA will make a very effective psychological weapon, which they can use with jihadists or some other people. And do you know what that equipment can be done with people who don't even see television or ever read of those things? Those devices are extremely dangerous in wrong hands because it can be used as a motivator for suicide terrorists. In that scenario, those types of equipment will put inside target's head in secret surgery. And if the person does not even know that he could be implanted with loudspeaker will that cause terrible things if those systems communication equipment goes in wrong hands.

But rumors tell that there will be projects where those birds are implanted with control-chips, what makes them work like robots. Some rumors are about the test where birds brains are connected with UCAV:s like X-47 B's computer system, and operators will test how this kind of animals EEG might help those drones to survive in all situations. In those tests, hawks or other birds will connect to that drones computer with EEG-systems. And decoders will turn those birds EEG to control signals for that plane's computers.

But if an animal is implanted with microchips they will be taken under more effective control than acoustic systems will allow. And that kind of special microchips will be used via normal cellphones. After that, those operators might take reptilians and another kind of strange animals under a control, and that will give more effectiveness to biological- and special warfare departments to use animals as a weapon. But that will make horrifying visions in our sights, what will the high level of computer technology make in hands of criminals.


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