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Think always, why some service is so cheap?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Is cheap service also safe is a question, what must be asked when man or woman faces very cheap service. They must ask why some services are so cheap? Every businessman must get profit from their services, so he must keep so high price, that he or she will get enough money to live with that business. When we meet cheap services, must we ask about one good question, and that is, “Is that service some kind of honeypot”. Marks of good service are excellent work methods, good equipment, open marketing and of course nice and polite service without any covert lists what is hiding in the service desk.

Cheap style place, where feels absolutely necessary to make some kind of crimes. That kind of places acts like some carnivorous plants. They put the bait for criminals to catch those people. One identification mark for that type of action is that place is like made for some criminal activities.

And there is sometimes stuff, what mission is to troll out criminals to work more openly. That makes them make mistakes, and tell lots of things about their gangs for those operators. Those places are calling as “kill houses”. They are equipped with microphones and net surveillance tools. That material is collecting the governmental and private organizations what missions are sometimes illegal.

When some organization is collecting surveillance data from the target person, it will not use it against anyone. The data itself is a weapon which effectiveness will depend on people. Normally professional intelligence organizations do not use data against anyone. When they choose the target for their operations, the target must have something that is interesting in their opinion.

If some intelligence organization will use the information against normal people, it’s “kill house” will be uncovered and will become useless. That’s why they must choose their target very carefully. The target must have information, what that organization wants. Normal thieves don't work like this. Normally they use single data collecting operation and clean the places.

They don’t blackmail any person for years. So if somebody is collecting information about bank directors or somebody else, they might want information. Information what they want might be accounts where the money comes from government or some military and high-tech companies, which products are wanted in every conflict area.

Weapon technology is normally classified, and some mobile solutions are denied to take outside EU because it can use as a military support system. And that kind of technology is interested in intelligence. Also, some security solutions are interested in private spy organizations, because that data can be sold to other criminals.


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