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Showing posts from July, 2024

Why did many scientists refuse to believe that black holes are real?

Above: Einstein's big mistake was that. He believed that the information could vanish. Information is one energy form. And material and energy are together. The law of indestructibility of matter determines that energy and material cannot just vanish. Wave-particle duality means that the energy can transform into material. And the material can transform into energy. The energy or wave movement can turn to some other wave movement if there is something, that can change the wavelength of the radiation. That means it's theoretically possible to turn gravity waves into some other wave movements by adjusting those wave's wavelengths.  This is one of the most interesting things in history. Many brilliant scientists, including Albert Einstein, refused to believe that black holes could exist. The black holes were proven when researchers found a supermassive black hole in the Milky Way's core. And then. Those ultimate objects found quite a usual phenomenon. When researchers noti

Tachyons, theoretical faster-than-light particles, change everything that we know about physics.

"Research on tachyons, particles theorized to move faster than light, has progressed significantly, revealing that prior inconsistencies within quantum mechanics stemmed from inadequate boundary conditions. A new framework, considering both past and future states, not only resolves these issues but suggests a novel type of quantum entanglement and positions tachyons as central to the formation of matter via Higgs field excitations. Credit:" (ScitechDaily,  The particle can move faster as long as energy travels in it. We know that when a particle closes the speed of light, it turns shorter. Then quantum field jumps out from the particle. And energy starts to travel out from it. Theoretical tachyon particles can travel faster than light, but the particle must have a shape, that allows that energy to continue to travel into the particle, even if it travels faster than photons.  The energy bag in Tachyon could aim energy into its shell. The Tachyon can harness th

Hubble unmasks the secrets of dark matter.

"A long-term Hubble Space Telescope study of the Draco dwarf galaxy’s stars suggests dark matter is concentrated at the galaxy’s center, supporting the density cusp theory. This finding challenges earlier observations and improves our understanding of dark matter’s role in galaxy formation. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Hubble Unmasks Universe’s “Invisible Glue” – Stellar Motions Reveal Dark Matter Secrets) Dark matter is a gravitational phenomenon, "cosmic glue" whose origin is unknown.  The dark matter or dark gravitational interaction is the second dominating effect in the universe.  And we know that gravity is the thing, that glues dark matter to visible material. In some theories, dark matter is the thing, that is involved in all material.  The idea is that the expansion of the universe causes the expansion of atoms' quantum fields. That thing makes the quantum-level low pressure in atoms and subatomic particles. The expansion

Which came first: black holes or stars?

"This set of illustrations explains how a large black hole can form from the direct collapse of a massive cloud of gas within a couple of hundred million years after the Big Bang. Cold streams of gas can lead to the direct collapse of a "seed" black hole of several tens of thousands (at least) of solar masses, which can form even prior to any stars forming in the surrounding young galaxy. As the galaxy and black hole grow, eventually the stellar mass content will outweigh the more slowly-growing black hole. This is strongly favored, observationally, over the primordial black hole scenario." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Did black holes form directly from the Big Bang?) In theoretical models, there were so-called primordial black holes in the universe's dark ages. Those primordial black holes formed the quantum dots in energy flow. After that, the Schwinger effect, or wave-particle duality, formed the first particles from crossing whirls in the radiation field. Those pri

Can a Roman telescope find dark matter?

"Sometimes, stars can be stripped away from globular clusters as they orbit a massive galaxy. Researchers have identified several instances in our own Milky Way galaxy – and they’ve also spotted gaps between these looping tendrils. What caused those gaps? One possibility: a substance known as dark matter. Following the launch of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, astronomers will use its vast, high-definition images to spot many more tidal streams – and potentially their accompanying gaps – in nearby galaxies for the first time. " (ScitechDaily, Can NASA’s Roman Space Telescope Unlock the Secrets of Dark Matter?) "A prime candidate is our neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy, which appears in the illustration above. Soon, not only will researchers be able to identify tidal streams in Andromeda, they may also be able to use Roman’s fine resolution to pinpoint more properties of this mysterious substance. Credit: NASA, Joseph Olmsted (STScI)"  (ScitechDaily, Can NASA’s

We create aliens when we create intelligent machines.

"A brain in a vat that believes it is walking" (Wikipedia, Brain in a vat) Dreams of artificial brains are not always positive, but they are not always negative.  Mini-brain research can help people who have brain injuries or some other anomalies in the brain. In some models, people, who live with anomalies in their brains will get cloned neurons to fix those errors. The problem is that the system must transmit the data from lost neurons to those new neurons.  The reason why we say that neurons don't renew is this: when the neuron is destroyed all its data is gone. It's possible to use nanotechnology to store data from human brains. In that case on the neuron's shell is a nano-size microchip. That stores electric actions in the neuron. This makes it possible to transfer information from one neuron to another neuron.   The Swiss company connected lab-grown mini-brains to the new type of computer. It's also possible that researchers can grow mini-brains of the s

Quantum tornadoes and black holes put gravitation into motion.

"Researchers at the University of Nottingham, along with King’s College London and Newcastle University, have created a quantum vortex within superfluid helium to simulate black hole conditions. This experimental setup allowed them to study tiny surface waves and their interactions in superfluid helium, revealing how these conditions resemble the gravitational forces near black holes, offering insights into quantum fields in curved spacetimes." (ScitechDaily, New Quantum “Tornado” Experiments Challenge Our Understanding of Black Holes) The synthetic dimension means. The energy level in wave movement or environment will turn so high that they form space, that acts as a higher dimension. In the case that we want to create the synthetic  4th. That is more difficult than just increasing the energy level in some wave movement or hologram.  The synthetic fourth dimension is  When a black hole supercharges energy in the middle of the black hole, that energy forms the energy tower. T

Shadow of the gravity.

Gravity is like a shadow in atoms and subatomic structures. That shadow forms in the quantum field interaction around atoms and their internal structures. When the quantum field around particles oscillates it pulls a little bit from the Higgs field into it.  The idea is that a gravity wave is the energy ditch that travels in the Higgs field. The wave that follows the ditch can be long but low.  And if the energy wave that follows this ditch is long and low, that makes an effect, that looks like a traveling energy ditch. When a particle drops in that energy ditch, it must release so much energy that it can jump out from the energy ditch. In that case, the energy level in the energy ditch turns higher, and the wave travels slower.  The difference in energy levels at the top of the wave and the bottom of the ditch determines the power of this effect. Gravitation itself is hard to detect because energy travels into the ditch. When an energy wave or string travels into the energy ditch'

The fifth force didn't cause Muon G-2 anomaly.

"Individual and composite particles can possess both orbital angular momentum and intrinsic (spin) angular momentum. When these particles have electric charges either within or intrinsic to them, they generate magnetic moments, causing them to be deflected by a particular amount in the presence of a magnetic field and to precess by a measurable amount." (BigThink, New theoretical calculation solves the “muon g-2” puzzle) The Muon G-2 anomaly is not the fifth force. The reason for the anomaly is that Muo G-2 can be the electromagnetic field. When a muon changes its trajectory, it sends an electromagnetic wave. There forms an electromagnetic vacuum or electromagnetic low-pressure at the side, where it sends that wave.  This thing can pull the muons out of their trajectory. The explanation is not the fifth force. But then we can think about the things that somebody would find that mythic fifth force. Would that thing be more revolutionary than we expected? Or is it less revoluti

Can WIMP be the Higgs Singlet?

  "Astronomical computer simulations indicate strong evidence for the existence of dark matter, supported by the observations of galaxy features difficult to explain without it. Researchers, including a team from the University of California, Irvine, have utilized these observations to test and strengthen the dark matter model against alternate theories. This approach, described in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomy Society, confirms dark matter as a crucial component in understanding the universe’s structure and dynamics." (ScitechDaily, Galactic Features Reveal Dark Matter’s Invisible Hand) Dark matter is one of the most interesting in the universe. Dark matter interacts only through gravity. The Higgs field could explain dark matter as the lower energy areas or holes in the Higgs field. That means dark matter is a thing that makes gravity field or Higgs field travel. The thing. What makes dark matter interesting is that it can interact only through gravitational wa

Remarkable finding. JWST found mysterious dust clouds in the exoplanet WASP-23b's atmosphere.

"This artist’s concept shows what the hot gas-giant exoplanet WASP-43 b could look like. WASP-43 b is a Jupiter-sized planet circling a star roughly 280 light-years away, in the constellation Sextans. The planet orbits at a distance of about 1.3 million miles (0.014 astronomical units, or AU), completing one circuit in about 19.5 hours. Because it is so close to its star, WASP-43 b is probably tidally locked: its rotation rate and orbital period are the same, such that one side faces the star at all times." (ScitechDaily, Remarkable Webb Telescope Find: Mysterious Dust Clouds on an Alien World) "Temperature measurements based on the amount of 5- to 12-micron mid-infrared light emitted by the planet show that the nightside is probably covered in thick, high clouds. Spectroscopy measurements indicate the presence of water vapor on both the dayside and nightside. But because it is too hot for liquid water to exist, the clouds are probably made of tiny mineral grains instead

Is time an illusion?

Time and material Material is only one form of energy. Time is the direction of energy flow between particles and their environment. We can say that time is energy. Or some part of the time is energy. All the material and energy formed in the enclosure is called the Big Bang.  This incident caused the expansion of the universe. And as the universe expands, space expands as the amount of matter and energy remains the same.  If we think that the universe is like a balloon in a vacuum chamber, we can say that the pressure in the ball decreases. That thing causes the pressure of quantum fields to decrease, and particles turn into wave movement. Or otherwise saying they vaporize.  In this case, we can say, that time is an illusion. Then we can say that things like the gravitational effect turn the particles young. Or, they can keep particles young. This thing is called time dilation.  A gravitational wave is like a ditch or lower energy area in the Higgs field. The reason why the Higgs fiel

Higgs field and gravitation.

"Artist’s interpretation of an array of pulsars being affected by gravitational ripples produced by a supermassive black hole binary in a distant galaxy. Credit: Aurore Simonnet for the NANOGrav Collaboration" (ScitechDaily,The Galactic Pulse: Pulsar Timing Arrays Detect Long-Period Gravitational Waves) The Higgs field is a theoretical base energy field in the universe. The hypothetical graviton is the thing that transports things like photons in this field. That means the graviton is a pothole or lower energy point in the Higgs field. When a particle travels in the universe, it travels between this pothole and the higher energy point behind it.  When we look at the image of a hypothetical WARP drive, we can say that all particles travel the same way. There is an energy ditch or pothole in the direction of the particle, and then a higher energy level point behind the particle pushes it forward. So that thing means that the particle travels in waves. The gravitational waves tr

Tornadoes and tropical storms.

The birth of a tornado.  The tornado is a whirl like all other devastating storms. In models, there is a cloud. That forms the colder point in the hot air. When hot air rises, the difference between temperatures below the cloud and outside the shadow rises. The Coriolis force will turn that cold air statue to rotate, and the oncoming air cannot fill that channel. Energy will transfer from outside to the shadow and that turns the bottom of the air channel warm. But below the cloud is a lower temperature area.  In some cases that cold air would collapse into the air statue. That forms the structure where warm air surrounds cold air. And then the energy starts to transfer through that hot air whirl to the lower energy core of that whirl. The whirl acts like a chimney. First, the air collapses in it, and then the air flow starts to travel oppositely from the ground to the top.  That increases the speed of the whirl. The speed of the whirl depends on how long the structure can keep itself i

The mathematical models and neural networks can predict, where and when rogue (or killer) waves are born.

"Researchers have developed a neural network-based tool that predicts the emergence of rogue waves up to five minutes before they occur, using data from sea surface elevation measurements. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Rogue Waves: Predicting the Unpredictable With Advanced Neural Networks) All waves form in the same way. There forms a ditch at the front of the wave. There is a higher energy level or higher water surface behind the wave. And the water wall that we call the wave travels just behind the ditch.  The thing that determines a wave's power is the difference between energy levels at the bottom of the ditch. And the hill behind the wave. So if the ditch at the front of the wave is deep, that increases its power. When water faces the ditch, it falls in it. At the same time, Earth's gravity and sunlight. Along with moving water mass, transferred energy to that water. So water that travels through that ditch pumps energy to the wave. Theoretically is p