Saturday, July 27, 2024

We create aliens when we create intelligent machines.

"A brain in a vat that believes it is walking" (Wikipedia, Brain in a vat)

Dreams of artificial brains are not always positive, but they are not always negative. 

Mini-brain research can help people who have brain injuries or some other anomalies in the brain. In some models, people, who live with anomalies in their brains will get cloned neurons to fix those errors. The problem is that the system must transmit the data from lost neurons to those new neurons. 

The reason why we say that neurons don't renew is this: when the neuron is destroyed all its data is gone. It's possible to use nanotechnology to store data from human brains. In that case on the neuron's shell is a nano-size microchip. That stores electric actions in the neuron. This makes it possible to transfer information from one neuron to another neuron.  

The Swiss company connected lab-grown mini-brains to the new type of computer. It's also possible that researchers can grow mini-brains of the same size as human brains. 

In laboratories, mini-brains normally grow without stimulation. The lack of stimulation means that the neurons will not make the connections. 

Researchers grow brains in the lab. The question is: can those brains become conscious? Sometimes people suggest the answer is like this: because there are no eyes or ears, nothing comes in or out. Neurons will not make connections without stimulation.  If we think of this as a rule, we face another problem. The problem is that it's possible to transmit information into those mini-brains. 

In some research, the mini-brains are used to cooperate with microchips. Those microchips are called an "organic neural network". Artificial neural networks can involve organic parts. Those organic parts can be the living neurons that cooperate with the microchips. Those organic systems need nutrients.  

Source: Tom's Hardware

Chinese researchers used cloned neurons to control the robot. Some books introduced a model that in future laboratories artificial brains, created by cloned neurons are under the dome where there is a life support system to keep that thing alive. Those cloned brains control the computers using the BCI systems. The cloned brains can connected to a network, that allows them to interconnect themselves. That kind of system can turn very intelligent. 

In some visions, the interstellar probes where living brains control the craft can be the first systems that travel to Alpha Centauri. These kinds of probes can be more intelligent than humans. The artificial brains can make copies of themselves, and transmit data to the next-generation system. That thing allows them to turn immortal. 

And that forces us to re-estimate the intelligence. In some visions, the UFOs are the ultimate robot-neuron hybrids. The idea is that the interstellar cloned brains can control the spacecraft. And the spacecraft itself is intelligent. And those humanoids are the robots. That the craft controls. 

When we create thinking machines we create intelligent creatures. The problem is that the intelligent machines can make many things. And some of those things can be a surprise. When we create intelligent machines we create aliens. And the thing is that we must think about things that we want. We must also think about things that we need. If we create intelligent things, we must realize that those creatures exist when we make them. An intelligent creature that turns conscious realizes its existence exists even if we want to remove it. 

The problem with the AI is that we made it. It makes life easier, but it causes social problems. We think about things like unemployment and other kinds of things. Why cannot we transfer our work to robots? The unemployed people can get the citizen's salary. And that can solve the problem. But then we can think about things like attitudes and the base of our society. Can we turn into a society where people are not going to work? Are problems with AI real problems, or are they because of attitudes?

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