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The fifth force didn't cause Muon G-2 anomaly.

"Individual and composite particles can possess both orbital angular momentum and intrinsic (spin) angular momentum. When these particles have electric charges either within or intrinsic to them, they generate magnetic moments, causing them to be deflected by a particular amount in the presence of a magnetic field and to precess by a measurable amount." (BigThink, New theoretical calculation solves the “muon g-2” puzzle)

The Muon G-2 anomaly is not the fifth force. The reason for the anomaly is that Muo G-2 can be the electromagnetic field. When a muon changes its trajectory, it sends an electromagnetic wave. There forms an electromagnetic vacuum or electromagnetic low-pressure at the side, where it sends that wave. 

This thing can pull the muons out of their trajectory. The explanation is not the fifth force. But then we can think about the things that somebody would find that mythic fifth force. Would that thing be more revolutionary than we expected? Or is it less revolutionary? 

When we think about four fundamental forces: Gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force. We must realize one thing: all those forces are quite similar. They are interactions between energy or quantum fields and different-sized particles. The transmitter particle determines the force. 

The reason why a strong nuclear force can have so a short-distance effect is simple. The gluon, the strong nuclear force's transporter particle is so small. When the gluon transmits energy the energy travels like a bubble around the gluon. And that means those waves can turn weak over long distances. 

When a gluon sends radiation it forms an electromagnetic vacuum around that particle. And that means part of the energy travels back to gluon. Or at least part of the energy travels back into the wave bubble. And that interaction means that strong nuclear force will affect only short distances. The reason for that is that interaction happens between protons and neutrons. 

Above: All particles travel in waves between the energy ditch. In front of them. In all waves, there is a lower energy ditch in front of them. Because the energy level back at the wave is at a higher energy level than the bottom of the energy ditch. 

And behind the particle is the area where energy is higher than at the energy ditch. Antigravity would be the case where the gravity wave or energy ditch will filled with energy. When the energy ditch turns into the energy hill, that thing can cause an effect that feels like antigravity. 

The weak nuclear force interacts with the hadrons, neutrons, and protons. Electromagnetism can also affect longer distances because the area that pulls particles to an ion or anion is larger. The area where the fundamental force affects determines the distance of the force's effect. 

The difference between gravity and other fundamental forces is that there is no polarity in gravity. Gravity is a neutral force, and there is no repelling or antigravity. That means the gravity could be the electromagnetic low energy area in the atoms. If the Higgs field exists that thing can explain gravitation as the area in the atoms, where that field's power is weaker. And that makes the energy field travel in an atom. 

And if we want to make the repelling gravity effect we must raise the energy level in the atoms. That makes the atom "shine" or send electromagnetic wave movement. And if two opposite atoms shine with the same energy level they would push each other away. 

But what makes two electrons repel each other? When particles with the same polar electric load are close to each other, those particles take a little bit of electromagnetic field with them. Because both particles send wave movement with the same frequency. They form a standing wave or electromagnetic electromagnetic tornado between them. 

That wave acts like a stick that pushes electrons away from each other. It's hard for us to model this situation. Where the stretching stick comes from nowhere. So that structure forms when the quantum fields create a tunnel between those particles. 

Particles with the same polarity form standing waves between them. And then the energy starts to reflect from that wave. This is the reason why the particles with the same polarity repel each other. 

The graviton interaction affects longer distances because gravity centers send stronger gravity waves. A gravity wave is like an energy ditch that travels across the space. When those waves face some particle, that energy ditch pulls the particle into the gravity wave. This is the reason why there is no visible antigravity. Or we can determine traveling energy hills that have the same wavelength with gravity waves as antigravity. 

But when energy dives in a gravity wave, that thing can pump more energy to the energy field that travels through the energy ditch. In some visions, the energy that fills the energy ditch that is the gravity wave can turn gravity into the opposite.


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