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Tornadoes and tropical storms.

The birth of a tornado. 

The tornado is a whirl like all other devastating storms. In models, there is a cloud. That forms the colder point in the hot air. When hot air rises, the difference between temperatures below the cloud and outside the shadow rises. The Coriolis force will turn that cold air statue to rotate, and the oncoming air cannot fill that channel. Energy will transfer from outside to the shadow and that turns the bottom of the air channel warm. But below the cloud is a lower temperature area. 

In some cases that cold air would collapse into the air statue. That forms the structure where warm air surrounds cold air. And then the energy starts to transfer through that hot air whirl to the lower energy core of that whirl. The whirl acts like a chimney. First, the air collapses in it, and then the air flow starts to travel oppositely from the ground to the top. 

That increases the speed of the whirl. The speed of the whirl depends on how long the structure can keep itself in form. There is the possibility that the tornado touches the ground. And then that friction destroys the structure. When a tornado touches the ground. t transfers its kinetic energy into the ground. 

When the thermocline or the border between cold and hot air is low, the tornado turns very dangerous. When cold air flows into the tornado, it comes out from whirl from below. Normally the interaction between that whirl and outgoing air means that the whirl-shaped air statue touches the ground. At that point, the friction pulls energy out of the whirl. 

The tornado begins its existence when the air statute falls. That forms a whirl, and suddenly the whirl acts like a chimney. Then there can form low pressure in the whirl and air starts to rise in the the whirl. In some other models, the cold air can fall around the whirl. Then that air can travel below the tornado and from the air cushion there the whirls hover. 

Sometimes the burning forests can form a situation where the air statute moves oppositely. The burning forests make the standing, high-energy air statue, that can turn to whirl. In that case. The fire makes rising air statues, there are high-temperature gasses. The gas cannot escape from that air channel. And it forms a fire tornado. In this type of tornado, the tornado gets energy from inside it. 

Can we someday control tornadoes and other tropical storms?

When we think about a fire tornado, the extremely cold material that can be injected in the middle of the tornado can pull the fire energy out from it. In the cases of regular tornadoes, the system must warm the internal structure of those whirls. When the inner and outer temperatures are the same that stops energy transfer through the whirls. 

Which side of the whirl must be warmed depends on which side of the whirl's wall is warmer. The idea is that the energy or temperature difference between in- and outside the whirl will level off. 

When we think of the possibility of controlling things like hurricanes, the thing that could be useful is the system, that removes the cloud layer from above the tropical winds. That cloud layer is the thing, that forms a colder air area around the eye of the storm. The laser systems can break the water droplets that form those clouds. And that thing can make it possible to control tropical hurricanes. 

The normal structure of a tropical storm is there is colder air around the warm eye. The idea is that the temperature difference between the eye of the storm and its environment will level off. 

The hottest area is near the eye of the storm, there the cold air falls to the sea level from high altitude. Around it is hotter air, and that interaction turns the hurricane's wind speed so high. 

The cloud layer creates a lower temperature area around that structure. And that causes a reaction that the air flows in that area, forming the structure that doesn't let air away from the whirl. Falling air in the middle of the whirl keeps the structure in its form. The cloud layer acts like a lid, that denies the temperature difference between the storm's eye and its environment level off. 

Images NOAA/Pinterest:


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