Friday, July 26, 2024

Quantum tornadoes and black holes put gravitation into motion.

"Researchers at the University of Nottingham, along with King’s College London and Newcastle University, have created a quantum vortex within superfluid helium to simulate black hole conditions. This experimental setup allowed them to study tiny surface waves and their interactions in superfluid helium, revealing how these conditions resemble the gravitational forces near black holes, offering insights into quantum fields in curved spacetimes." (ScitechDaily, New Quantum “Tornado” Experiments Challenge Our Understanding of Black Holes)

The synthetic dimension means. The energy level in wave movement or environment will turn so high that they form space, that acts as a higher dimension. In the case that we want to create the synthetic  4th. That is more difficult than just increasing the energy level in some wave movement or hologram.  The synthetic fourth dimension is 

When a black hole supercharges energy in the middle of the black hole, that energy forms the energy tower. The term "fourth dimension" means a situation, where a particle's energy level rises so high, that it cannot interact with the three-dimensional particles and energy fields. 

That means: straight interaction between the four-dimensional object and the three-dimensional environment is impossible. But when we think about the situation. 

Where some kind of energy tower is below the 4 and 3-dimensional objects. The interactions between dimensions or energy layers are possible through that energy tower. The outcoming energy that the black hole pulls into it keeps that energy tower in its form.

In black holes, the outcoming energy and material push the material in the middle of the event horizon into so high energy level that the black hole pushes or squeezes material into the 4th. dimension. 

That process continues until the black hole is in the space void or vacuum, and in that case, the energy starts to flow back from the black hole. 

The reason why the material cannot just start to vaporize is that the black hole or area in the event horizon is like an onion. When energy starts to flow back from the black hole's core it must travel through the lower energy layers, and each of those layers will pull a little bit of energy out from the energy wave. 

The black hole is like a sombrero. The energy hill in the black hole involves a structure. That is like a tornado. That structure transports energy out from the energy hill.  And it moves energy out from the black hole. 

"Deep learning empowers light manipulation in a synthetic dimension. Credit: Xia, Lei, et al., doi 10.1117/1.AP.6.2.026005." (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Fourth Dimension: How Synthetic Dimensions Are Redefining Physics)

The collapse of a black hole means that the energy tower that connects it with the fourth dimension collapses. And that thing cuts the energy pothole that forms the black hole. 

The difference between energy levels on the bottom of the energy ditch and its outer layer is extremely high. The reason, why we cannot see the material in the black hole is that the energy hill in the middle of that pothole is too low. 

And the thing. What causes the destruction is the collapse of the energy hill. That thing should make the energy pothole fill. 

But it's possible that when the energy hill collapses and the structure rotates there forms an energy tornado in the middle of that structure. The outcoming energy field closes that tornado inside it. It's possible. The quantum tornadoes and vacuums inside it keep atoms and subatomic particles in their form. 

If a black hole is too small there is the possibility that energy starts to flow out from it very fast. That thing causes an effect that the substitute energy cannot flow inside the event horizon. The effect causes a situation that forms an energy vacuum in the event horizon. That energy vacuum pulls energy out from the black hole's core so fast that the energy tower in the black hole collapses. 

When that energy tower collapses that cuts the energy pothole. And that is the thing. That destroys the black hole, as I wrote before. 

One of the remarkable things about dimensions is this. When a particle jumps into the fourth dimension it leaves the hole behind it. The hole is the energy ditch. That surrounds the energy tower in the pothole. And the reason why it's so hard to perceive this structure is that it's hard to model a ball-shaped pothole. 

"These photos were taken with a scanning tunneling microscope. Left: bismuth fractal (yellow) formed on top of indium antimonide (brown). The individual atoms are visible here. Right: the local density of electrons in a fractal. Credit: Utrecht University" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: 1.58 Dimensions Unlock Zero-Loss Energy Efficiency)

Synthetic dimensions are the next-generation tools. 

Photonic manipulation and AI  can create artificial dimensions. The photon itself cannot turn into a long-term black hole. Gravity is the small energy pothole that is at the front of a photon or some other particle. 

But photonic manipulation makes it possible to create synthetic dimensions. And the synthetic dimensions can be the ultimate tool for new quantum solutions. The ability to make a high-energy photonic cloud around the object means. 

That there is an energy ditch around the object. Those photons form the energy towers below them, and those energy towers form the energy ditch. That can make it possible to create protective fields. When outcoming energy hits that field, the black hole photon pulls the energy in it. 

The high-energy radiation or wave movement field acts like pressure. That thing can form a situation. That there is no energy loss in the electric system. That means it's possible to create the superconduction using the synthetic dimensions. But that thing requires so much power, that it's not otherwise economical. 

There is zero energy emission in the 1,58 dimension. That means that there are no limits to information travel. The energy emission means the information leaks from the system. These kinds of things can be the next-generation tools for the quantum systems.

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