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Artificial intelligence and human-shaped robots can uncover criminals

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In the area of artificial intelligence and robotics is a vision, what we ever thought. In the future is maybe the law-firms were are working the artificial intelligence. Computers are very good things when we want to do something, where are very straight formulas like in the law. The computers can very easily find out if there are differences between contract-texts and the law. Artificial intelligence can also detect if the person lies in the courtroom.

The sensors what might be used in those rooms might show many things, what normal human doesn’t even notices. The higher rhythm of the heart will cause the rise of blood pressure, what causes changes in the shape of blood veins. And the lasers will notice that thing. Also when person sweats and the eyes would blink faster, will the sensors, what meters the mirroring light from human skin, and computer programs what calculates how many times in minute some picture is changing would tell to judges if some person tells lies in the courtroom or police interrogation.

When the eyes are blinking, the blinkers will hide the picture of the human eye from those sensors. Also, the changing the picture of voice, and the gravity of the worlds would be noticed very easily, and those things tell the observers if the person must think something more focusing than in normal speech. The ultra sharp  EEG-systems, what bases the superconducting elements can see the electricity from the brains from very long distances, and also the places and other things of the evidence are very easy to handle by computers.

But the future technology will not be limited in the courtroom. The artificial intelligence and human shape robots can give us the very frightening vision of the world. In the future, we might have human-shaped robots what acts like the real human. Those robots can be worked as the normal people, and they can even make love with the people. And some robots might play the role of husbands and wives.

This scenario bases the very little known thing, what is known as the ”ghost protocol”. Those machines might work and act like the human. They could even eat food, what they will route to the garbage can. They might even visit toilet, and normal human doesn’t notice anything special about those machines, what would be like terminators. The base of this system is a carbon fiber base skeleton, and this structure would be covered by living tissue. Movements of that robot might make with the artificial muscles, what are actually very small silicone bags, what are manufactured as the shape of the real muscle, and those bags will be filled the electrolytic glee, what can be pulled to another end of this structure, and then it will imitate real muscle cells.

That kind of robots will communicate with the supercomputers thru internet. And they can send anything that they feel, see or hear to the commanders of this kind of machines. The ”ghost protocol” means that if those robots see something to treat the person, who it should protect, they will open the fire. Maybe they will use their covered tasers to eliminate the enemy. When we are talking about the use of this kind of robot, the people would not even know that they have this kind of robot in their house. Also, those robots can be used for security and another kind of purposes, but the army might want to use them as the recon, intelligence and combat roles. They might also want to use as the covert operations as the agents of the police, what is less risky than using humans in those missions.

Those robots might have faces, what are made the copies of the faces of enemy military men, and then they will drop to the area. After that, those extermination androids will replace the men who have their faces, and then they would march in the enemy headquarters. They might send any plans to their commanders, but those machines can also open the fire with machine guns or they might have bombs inside them. And also those robots might have tasers or laser guns in their hands for elimination missions.


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