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Biomanipulation and space science

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Below this text is the article about the astronauts, who will live in the space forever. Those persons could have so dark cornea, that they would be almost blind. Those astronauts will operate in so bright light, that their retina will be destroyed if the eye faces straight solar light. There are two ways to make that thing. One is the surgical method, wherein the human eye would put the silicon- or plastic implant, what is turning dark in the bright light.

That implant will be phototropic material, and they work like sunglasses, what will turn dark in the sunlight. Another way is to use the bio manipulated tissue, what will transpire pigmented in the straight solar light. When somebody would want to leave the identity of some person,  this might happen by using artificial color blindness for that person.

I know that feels brutal and very disturbing way to make the person, who has weakness what denies to track the genomes of that person. The color blindness can be caused by using very high power color light for burning one line of cells from the retina. But when we are talking about supervision, we might face the situation, when somebody has been used one wavelength of light. One of the possibilities to make super sight is used genetic manipulation for creating retina. If the operational area of that person or thing is very dark and shadowy world, scientists can make retina, there are only cone cells.

If in the retina is very thick of cones, the person would have the very good vision in the dark. The bio-manipulation and trans-humanism are actually almost synonyms, and in some “mad scientists” have tried to manipulate human eyes by transferring the was eyes to the human by using surgery. This would be the very brutal thing, what seems more torture than science. The immune system of human would destroy that transparent, but some surgeries have tried this thing. And many of those persons were hiring the law like Dr. Mengele did when his human experiments were uncovered after World War II.


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