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What is the difference between bio- and genetic manipulation?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

There are some differences of bio- and genetic manipulation. Biomanipulation actually means to make artificial cell-lines, and actually, there would be no touch for genomes. One version of biomanipulation is to make artificial retina and surgically implant that retina in the eye, and the retina can be made by cell base, what is filled only with cone cells. Also, two type of vegetables can be connected mechanically, and those combinations make the saplings, what are from an upper vegetable.

Biomanipulation is effective, but it takes time. The modification of the organisms will not transfer to next generations. And mass production of those organisms is very difficult. Genetic manipulation is the more effective way to compile species and give them new features. The needed thing is an artificial virus, what has wanted genome, and that little DNA-bite would be transferred to the nucleus of the cell. The problem is that those manipulated organisms are that those features would transfer to next generations of that organism.

One of the possibility of genetic manipulation for improving some species like a human is to connect genomes to the cells, what makes possible to create chlorophyll in the cells of mammals, and in some visions, those manipulated humans may have roots or threads in the skin, what can take food and water from the air. Those threads might also have harpoon cells, what protects this creature. When we are thinking about the combination of the human and other species, we might face the situation, where we are creating an alien, the species with superpowers. That creature might have a similar nervous system like bugs. It can use only electricity, what means that neurons could connect together and close the synopses.

That would make the brains more effective. Also, those manipulated organisms blood might be poisonous. And the chlorophylls in the skin makes possible to produce sugars in the creatures own body. This might be the route of controlled evolution, and maybe tomorrow we can order the features, what we will have in our next life. In this futuristic scenario the human would record their life by using WLAN-implants, and of course, the body will be cloned. This might make the person live forever. The cloning of the creature will happen by changing the DNA inside the nucleus of just when fertilized ovum. And that would allow making modifications even to human body and mind.


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