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Twilight of the thunder god

"Open air philosopher's seat"

Kimmo Huosionmaa

This is a fictional and philosophical text about the electricity and living forever, so please don't try this at home. Living forever have always been the dream of the human race, and that was fascinated some scientists, who have made experiments, what is so dangerous, that we ever can imagine doing that kind of things. Here I'm writing about the experiments, what are made in 19th. century, by the inventors of electricity. Those persons believed that the electricity gave the power of life to the creature, and then they wanted to make person young just using electricity. They continued the road, what was begin by philosophers of ancient Greece. In that time those persons might believe that Zeus, the god of thunder could transfer the person young by using lightning for that purpose. So some philosophers could stand on the hill, and wait for the lightning strikes to them.

This might cause the disappearing of those wise men because the lightning will cause that this person might disappear by heat. The second attempt was created by some Dr. Frankenstein when he put the test person on the table and conducted electricity to the person body, and that was created the most elegant voice effect or new funerals because the electricity stopped the person's heart and caused terrible pain. Those tests were extremely dangerous because DC-power stops the heart very easily.

That's why nobody should build own electric baton because DC-electricity makes that equipment deadly even if the used electric capacity is low. When we are thinking about the problems of "being young forever", we must understand that the eldering is caused by destroying the DNA and also the increase of pollution in the human body. Some of those symptoms of eldering process are caused by pollution in the structure of mitochondrion, and very often that is caused the pollution in the mitochondrion, what are actually independent parts of cells.

The pollution what causes the eldering process normally comes from mitochondrion energy production.  In some scenarios, the "mad scientist" can make the tests that the mitochondrion energy production would be stopped by ricin, and then the electric equipment would use to keep the heart functioning. During this process person's body would be clean from pollution.

Please don't try this at home, because if something goes wrong, the result would be funerals. But if cells energy production would be blocked, and when the blood is flowing and it is cleaning in the system, what same times oxygenating blood, would it give change to clean the body and give more lifetime. And when the man wanted to wake up, they would need only the electric shock to the heart, and the problem would be only the loss of the muscles during that "time travel".

Also, the temperature must be so low, that bacteria won't destroy body  That might be fixed by using electric body building equipment, what uses electric stimulation to giving the necessary movements to the muscle. This might be a good way, to spend a couple of years in some icebox. But does that technology give the life forever? This is another question, that must ask before nothing will be done. Those things are very good ideas for some thrillers, but they are very dangerous. I don't know if there change, to restore man to the wake up if there would be given ricin injection to them.


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