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Writing about sacrifices and the religion

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are talking about sacrifices, we must consider that many of those rituals are made for the purpose. The leader of the village wanted to see, who will come to take the gift. The sacrificed thing was a trap for the persons, who are collecting taxes from the village And this means that when the chief of the village gives enough important sacrifice, the people of forest would come to take the sacrifice, and they could be ambushed. In some confessions, are spoken, that maybe Jesus was this kind of sacrifice. In this think, the Romans or high priests wanted to give so important gift to the God, who will come and take this sacrifice thing personally.

If this was true, those persons who made that trap believed, that the God was only the human, who has superior technology in his hands. When we are looking at this scenario very careful, we might think that maybe the Hebrew God allowed sacrificing his son for attracting other nations gods to face him on the battlefield. This might seem the little bit too heavy for belief, but I like this theory very much. Why would the crucifixion ever be possible, without God's will?

This is very good idea to talk in some meetings of theologians, who will always think about this kind of thing. When we are thinking about the relationship between Jesus and God, we must know that the man is always beloved by his creators, and if we think those two characters like they would be normal people, we must know that the God taught those skills to Jesus, what made him the “master”. And of course, he was willing to defend his creature or son. The reason for the brutality in the punishment was, that the punishers would want that Jesus uses his skills in that situation. Those persons who wanted to punish and torture innocent man believed that there was something different about this man.

So because Jesus was different, and people believed his power, Romans wanted to see, what kind of powers that man had. Was he Etruscan, or why Romans were so tough about him? Or did Romans thought that this man was Etruscan, who were slaughtered by consul Sulla just before Caesar took power in this empire? Why Lucius Cornelius Sulla made that massacre is not explained, but their very high-level prosthesis will make me think that maybe Sulla was only jealous, and this made him one of the worst persons ever.   And they hoped that the “Father” would come to rescue the son. And results were something else, what they wanted to see. This hypothesis means that the story of crucifixion would be true.

But if that would be not true. Maybe the story of Easter day torture was meant for the warning about this kind of actions. The dark clouds and rain with storm symbolize the anger what people felt when they noticed that the man, who was tortured under their eyes was innocent about crimes what people claimed done by him. The crucifixion might mean for the gift to the people, that some unholy person claimed to be the son of god, but then Romans overreacted that prosecution. They began to brutally torture person under the eyes of ordinary people. And this caused panic and fear, that everybody can be persecuted by those prosecutions. So is this the story, why those things happened in Jerusalem 2000 years ago? We might ever find the final truth, but maybe there were some very big behind those things, what caused the collapse of the Roman empire about 800 years after this day in Jerusalem.


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