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The use of mobile telephones as 3D scanners part II

(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The technology what makes the mobile telephones 3D-scanners is actually the same, what is used to make 3D maps of Earth and other planets. In that technology satellites use radars and meters range between satellite and planet, what makes possible to make those maps, and modern computers and radars allow to make high-resolution 3D-maps, what can be zoom in very good accuracy.

By using VLF or ELF  (Very or Extra Long Frequency) radars those satellites can make 3D maps from the ocean floor from the orbital trajectory. Same way ships can make 3D maps from the ocean floor, by using sonar systems. Also, Lidar or laser radars can be used in those mapping operations. Blue-green laser radars can scan very deep areas of the oceans, and that equipment can also meter the altitude and length of the waves.

But now I missed the thing, what I suppose to write. If the mobile telephones would be connected to drone-helicopters, and they could use enough sharp GPS-system, they could be used to scan very large areas. Of course, the system must know only the distance between the target and phone, and GPS is the very good tool to check the position of the telephone. But it could also work with triangle metering. The changes between the position of the drone and perfect circle can be the addition or subtract from the perfect circle.

That equipment works like satellites, but they are much smaller. And they can scan even entire buildings or ships by using their SONARS. So this might be new role fort smart telephones, what can now use in many things. And if that telephone would cover with waterproof cores and underwater drones it can use to scan entire fish, atolls or shipwrecks. Also, intelligence services can use those things to make 3D-models of submarines. Only thing what is necessary is that SONAR signal must pass the core.


Picture 1


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