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The cathedral and symbolism

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Have you ever noticed the vision, that opens in the people eyes, then they will stand outside the Cathedral of Helsinki. The vision or portrait consists the statue of Russian emperor Alexander II and the cathedral. Alexander II represents the state or the government for people, and the cathedral what is backward represents something else. It is the idea and ideology, what justifies the existence of the state and the nation. Around the statue of the emperor are sculptures, what represents the science, what may not look like very important.

But in the hands of the government, they are very powerful. The poems are the very important role when the national spirit is rising, and the independence and proud of the nation are beginning from the myths of the nation. The spirit of the nation is the thing, what people want to defend. That makes physics important because it can be used to create weapons. And this makes those sciences and skills very powerful. But the most powerful thing is the human spirit. The will to protect the land and something, what is own for those people. And in this process, the history is the very good tool to tell the people, that they are something great. Independence means freedom, and freedom is the ideology, what allows free science and writing about the things, what are very important to all of us, who lives in the free world. Freedom is the thing, what we must defend. That’s why we are independent here in Finland.


In the Cathedral of Helsinki is three statues, what portraits there men Michel Agricola, Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon . Those men present for us, what actually means religion and being in the church. Those persons represent three things, what makes religion and science possible. Agricola’s role in this triangle is that he was a teacher, the man who created Finnish literature language, and made possible to learn the Bible alone without physical teacher existence. Agricola is a man, who created an idea of the learning from the book, and this made possible that people really understood, what they learned and what was the role of religion in the state.


Martin Luther was the man who created the idea that the world of God must give to people by their own language. This made the learning of Latin unnecessary. He also created very nice idea that the  God is in heaven and no man would ever represent him except his own son. In this thought, Martin Luther also separated the State from the religion and stopped the way that the mercy can be bought from Pope. This was the very big advantage for legislative and justice systems. Also that the church was part of the state was the advantage, because the money that went to Rome went after this to the King of the nation.

The role of Philipp Melanchthon is also very big in this triangle. He presents the law, and in this text, this statue symbolizes that the rules of the state must be similar for every people. In this text, the person who steals or violates other people must get punishment. Even they were noblemen or noble women. The law is similar to every person in the state, and it is the principle of reading every lawbook in the war or peace. The king is the ruler of the state, and nobody ever should pay him. In this text, I write on the side of the 16th. Century person. The king symbolizes the juridical person, what rules the land and every state of the world is the ruler. In Finland, it is the parliament, what makes laws for every person in the state. This is the symbolism of this place, by the eye of the art and architecture.


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