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The problem of the asteroid ark. "When there is nothing to do, and days are boring"

Asteroid ark by David Hardy
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

I have written about “Universe 25” two times earlier, and I must say that name of this box or dystopia of the rats is very uncommon, and I believe that one of the missions of that test was test how many generations were needed, until those rats became too degenerated for accomplishing their mission. In some theories that data was collecting for some kind of spaceflight, that could be targeted to some other planet or solar system. And it shows that there would be things, what will happen when people will have nothing to do. And in the long term spaceflight would nothing to do in the spacecraft. This will cause the social problems if the population is in the wake when they are traveling in the Universe.

In the mission could be used two very slow spacecraft, what would fly to the target over 400 years or more, and in those spacecraft would generations follow together, and of course this theoretical spaceflight was out of the question. But the philosophy is the way of thinking, and in this kind of writing, I must not prove anything. So in this theoretical spaceflight, would the journey begin with two different spacecraft, where would be two different populations. When the spaceflight turns to the end, those crews would be combined.

This might be made “superrace” for the colonization of the targeted planet. I sometimes thought that this experiment would make by the MAJESTIC-12 group, and here we must say, that the results of those tests and experiments are done for many reasons. So the results of this kind of tests would use in the multiple places and targets. And I think that the world of science is so fascinating, that I must say that we have right to believe in what we want. The test of “Universe 25” was very brutal. It shows how the enemies keep the population strong, and when the enemies were gone, like in this box, the behavior what allows rats to survive in the natural environment lost. But one solution for the boring time could be "the war", where the "Cylons" would attack against the colony. This would keep them in action and sharp condition. Those "Cylons" might be like some "computer game" what creates outer enemies for the colony.

This is one reason, why so-called asteroid-arks are very problematic. If the population in some environment doesn’t face enemies, the result could be devastating, when this ark will land on some planet. Those aliens would never face any kind of attack, and they probably don’t know how to act, if something attacks, those individuals would probably know how to defend themselves. But the asteroid arks would have many more problems. The hierarchy in that colony would become very stressful for the individuals, who are down in the hierarchy. The children of the captain of the ship would be on the top of the hierarchy, and that would make possible to create absolute monarchy in this spaceship.

When somebody grows on the side of the top person of the society, this causes the behavior that will hurt other. This causes hate. And this is the problem of the societies. The individuals who are top of the hierarchy always resist the changes. They would ever be tired by the work, and they want the stable societies and everything is always fine in their opinion. The thing that wants the changes are always workers and the personnel, who are down in the social pyramid. And if the people don’t know another system, they don’t postulate the change. This is the reason for censorship. But when somebody says, that there would be another way to make things, then let one person rule all things in society.


Picture 1


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