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Maybe some civilizations have two kinds of individuals, what doesn't even look like same species.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The degeneration and focusing on increase brain capacity might cause the situation, what the mankind ever thought as possible. In this scenario, the increasing of individuals brain capacity would cause the separation of the society of those things from the real community. In this scenario, the species would take two lines for evolving themselves.

The first line could be “workers”. The individual members of the community what would have normal muscles, and what makes all works in this hypothetical society. Their mission would defend the “thinkers”, the leaders of this society. Or maybe those “thinkers” would not be leaders. They might be only the “computers” what mission would generate the products for that hypothetical society.

Another line could be “thinkers” the individuals, what might have extremely large brain capacity, but those persons might be handicapped by another way. Their muscles might be extremely weak because that maximizes the nutrition transferring to brains. If those individuals would have weak muscles, they would not need to feed muscle cells, and all available food can be used in brains.

“Thinkers” would be unable to defend themselves against physical attack, and they would need the “workers” help in any actions. When we are thinking this hypothetical society as the result of brutal genetic engineering, we must say that there are many things, what could make this kind of act of sorting very attractive way to generate the species.

I had sometimes the very dangerous vision of the space station or greenhouse, where those  “thinkers” would live. The greenhouse would first come to my mind because that allows the skin to product D-vitamin. Their skin might be sterilized because that makes them impossible to escape. And here I’m thinking about the situation, that those members of the society would be handicapped because of their weak bodies.

Their heads could be extremely heavy, and the neck would not able to hold them head up, and that would be good for information security. When I’m thinking about the secrets of the government, the persons who make strategies and equipment for the government would be advantageous to be handicapped. Those “thinkers” would need the support from “workers” or they must build robots, what serves them. Even those individuals could be extremely weak, they could operate on the surfaces of planets by using remote-controlled robots.

Landing on the planets is extremely dangerous because there might be microbes, what can be put all crew in danger. The reason for that is no species would not have an immune system, what can fight against organisms, what have different amino acids in their layer. Or maybe some humanoids might have the immune system, what would be fully controlled by their brains, but we don’t yet have contact with those civilizations. But as you see we might use our imagination for creating that hypothesis in our brains.

The handicapped individual doesn’t flee away, and they are easier to control. The problem with society is always that those individuals might step at the front of the car. And that could cause the death of those individuals. If those thinkers would sit in a wheelchair, they can be kept always in control.

But if they were locked in some space station, they would need food from the planet. And their work can be controlled by other members of the community. The space without gravity would make those persons extremely weak, and they would not able to land on the planets because the gravity would kill them. This would be a very effective way to handle information security, and it could be compiled with the methods of some security police-organizations like NKVD and Gestapo.

This method would be effective but totally unethical. And remember that this writing is only the production of images. But maybe in future, we will face the situation, where human race would be separate in two lines. Another line would live on Earth and maybe on some other planets and another would live in giant space stations. The last ones could be physically weak, and they might be different than the people, who live on planets. But this would happen in distant future.


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