Thursday, October 31, 2024

The three-body problem has no universal solution.

"This artist's depiction shows what the sky might look like around the moon of a giant planet in a trinary system. Although numerous planets in trinary systems have been discovered, the characterization of GW Orionis indicates that it may be the first known system where planets orbit around all three members of a trinary system." (Big Think, Meet the first star system to “solve” the 3-body problem)

Today we can say that the three-body problem has no universal solution. The solution can be local. The system can make a simulation by following certain objects. 

Data that the operators collect from the solar system makes it possible to create a simulation. That is suitable for that certain three-body system. 

There are always more than three actors in all systems. Also things like electromagnetic fields, and gravitational waves. And other kinds of artifacts can cause errors in solutions. The gravitational waves can cause immediate error in three-body systems if those actors are small. In other cases, the long-term gravitational effect can cause anomalies even in quite heavy objects. 

The thing is that there are not many identical three-body systems. Things like the mass of those objects. But, things like outcoming and outgoing energy affect those systems. This is to make a solution that is suitable for simulation and can be transferred to the real world. The problem with the simulation is that there are only three bodies. In the real world things like distance between those objects determine some values of those three bodies. 

In the real world, there are many other energy effects. That makes it hard to compile simulations in the real world. Some of those effects are very easy to predict. They happen simultaneously. But then there are sudden effects like red dwarf flare eruptions that can suddenly change the trajectories of the objects. Also, things like plasma eruptions from some black holes can cause changes in the system. 

The thing is that there must be a similar three-body system that is used for measurements. If the conditions in those systems are identical to the solution that researchers made for the first system, The solution is suitable for all similar systems. However, the problem with simulations that should prove the solution is that they are made using calculations where those bodies are similar. There is no outcoming suddenly starting energy bursts asteroids and other surprises.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

There could be axion clouds around neutron stars.

"An axion cloud around a neutron star. While some axions escape the star’s gravitational pull, many remain bound to the star and over a long period of time form a cloud surrounding it. The interaction with the neutron star’s strong magnetic field causes some axions to convert into photons – light that we can eventually detect with our telescopes on Earth. Credit: University of Amsterdam" (, Physicists show that neutron stars may be shrouded in clouds of axions)

The neutron stars can be the key to the axions. Those still hypothetical,  mysterious dark matter particles should shroud neutron stars. They should also trapped in the neutron star's structure. The idea is that the heavy gravitation in neutron stars can pull axion particles near them. That allows researchers to observe hypothetical axion clouds' interaction with neutron stars' gravity and other energy fields. 

The hypothetical axions or dark matter particles can interact with gravity. Because all galaxies have no dark matter, that causes models that the dark matter can form similar structures as visible material. There are theorems that axions are similar to virtual, or quasiparticles as excitons. The idea is that the quarks or maybe some bosons can form similar holes as electrons.  In exciton electron jumps out from its orbital and starts to orbit its hole. So could things like quarks have that kind of effect? 

Radiation near neutron stars is very strong. That means there are electromagnetic shadows on the other side of the particles. Those electromagnetic shadows can act like material. And it's possible. That some electrons or some other particles start to orbit those shadows. 

And that is the only confirmed interaction between dark and visible material. In some simulations those particles send reflection. But that reflection is too weak to observe. There are theories that axions are particles that the wave-particle duality formed from gravitational waves. Or maybe axions are particles that spin very fast. In some models, axions are stretched to the needle-looking particles. 

The fast rotation or spin makes the electromagnetic field travel past the quantum field around the axion. That means the axion can act like a stealth bomber and aim the radion over it without reflection. Or in the alternative model, the axion is like a drill or screw that rolls the quantum field. Then that quantum field can travel out from the axion at the point of the spin axle. That forms the energy pike that is hard to notice. Because its diameter is too small.

Living fossils challenge Darwin's evolution theory.

Above: Cretaceous Loricera beetles with specialized morphology for collembolan predation (

The beetle that challenges Darwin's evolution theory has been unchanged for 100 million years. This beetle is one of the things. That we can call "living fossils". When Charles Darwin created his evolution theory, he involved the term "living fossils" in that model. The idea in evolution theory is that species must adapt to their environment. But sometimes evolution creates the "perfect shape" or "perfect construction". That construction can survive in fast changes in the environment. We know a couple of living fossils like Ginkgos, coelacanths, and some other creatures like a beetle named: Loriceda. 

That thing means that sometimes evolution forms creatures with versatile abilities to survive in fast, and large-scale changes in their environment. The Loriceda beetles might form in certain conditions. Where that creature had no competitors. That thing creates the idea that maybe those beetles formed in the conditions after some mass extinction. After those extinctions larger animals whipped out and that left space for the things like bugs. The thing is that living fossils are fascinating things. 

Above: Coelacanth

Above: Ginkgo

They offer a window to the past time. When we think about the need to change, we think that the environment is the thing that sets this need. In the case of other living fossil coelacanths, the reason why that strange-looking creature survived is that those, little bit pike fish-looking creatures lived and still live in very deep sea. In that deep sea, the meteorite that destroyed dinosaurs had no big effect. 

And that left those strange fishes alive. The living vegetable fossils like Ginkgo might survived because some of them were in a position where the asteroid impact didn't affect them straight. The nuclear winter after that impact freezes those seeds very fast. Before meteorites that destroyed dinosaurs, there were no competitors for those species in the group gymnosperm. 

Those species made their seeds much faster than angiosperms. The angiosperms formed the protective layer around the seeds and that made them more resistant to climate change and heat waves. The meteorite made space for those more advanced vegetables that created the protective layer to protect their seeds. The meteorite formed a situation where evolution started to favor complicated structures in seeds. That means evolution must have a reason or fast change to start favoring quality and deny large numbers of descendants.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Quantum squeezing is the new tool for precise particle manipulation.

"Quantum squeezing is a breakthrough concept that refines our ability to measure with high precision by adjusting uncertainty within quantum systems. By “squeezing” one part of a measurement to reduce uncertainty, scientists can capture more accurate data on specific variables, although it means uncertainty rises in other areas. Credit: " (ScitechDaily, Quantum Squeezing: The Key to Next-Gen Precision Technologies)

The quantum squeezer can measure things. Like electron movements around atoms. The idea is that the system searches for changes that those electrons or smaller particles cause in the quantum field. But a quantum squeezer can also move and manipulate particles with a very high accuracy. 

The quantum squeezer is a tool that can be fundamental advances in chemistry and nanotechnology. That tool can be used to move particles without touching them. 

Quantum squeezing is a method where a power field traps an atom or some other particle in the middle of it. Then the system can squeeze that particle.

 Or, it can use that quantum field to move particles to a certain point. The quantum squeezer can also position particles with very high accuracy, keeping them in the right position. 

Researchers can use the quantum squeezers. In particle accelerators, and reaction chambers. There are some particle beams or laser beams, that stress trapped particles in the quantum field. 

The system can use quantum squeezers as a monkey wrench that it can use to put the atom or piece of molecules into a certain point in the other molecules. 

That thing gives the possibility to manipulate the molecular structures with a very high accuracy. That makes it a powerful tool for things. Like nanotechnology. 

The difference between this new tool and the laser tweezers is that this new system can be used for a symmetrical power field. 

The laser tweezers are effective, but because their energy pumping is not symmetrical. They can destroy the chemical bonds. The new tool doesn't break chemical bonds as easily as before. And that allows it to transport heavier particles. 

The quantum squeezers can offer big advances to quantum computers. The system can trap electrons or photons in that kind of thing. Then it can transport energy and information into those photons. That it will be put into the superposition. 

The problem with the quantum squeezers is that the particle that it trap in its energy field must not be too smooth. There must be something that the field can touch. If the field can fall in the particle. That thing can make the quantum whirl. 

But anyway, quantum squeezers are the fundamental tools. That can adjust things like reactive spots in molecules. Those abilities are important in next-generation chemistry.

Researchers found a miniature black hole.

"Astronomers using Gaia data have just found a low-mass black hole orbiting a companion star. Credit: WANG Song" (, Astronomers find a mini black hole)

Today the minimum mass of the black hole is about 2,2 times of the sun. But if the lighter object orbits a high-energy object that energy can transform almost any object in the universe into a black hole. 

"Astronomers have discovered a lightweight black hole that’s a bit of a cosmic conundrum. Hypothetically, black hole masses can range all the way from far less than a paperclip to at least tens of billions of times more than the Sun. But observations have revealed a strange scarcity of black holes between about two and five times the Sun’s mass. Right now, it’s unclear whether these mini black holes are just hard to detect or actually as rare as they seem to be." (, Astronomers find a mini black hole)

"The newfound black hole could offer clues. It falls right in the middle of the gap, weighing in at about 3.6 solar masses. A team of scientists found it thanks to a bloated companion, a red giant star located about 5,800 light-years from Earth. Though the star is only about 2.7 times as massive as the Sun, it’s around 13 times larger and 100 times brighter. " (, Astronomers find a mini black hole)

It's possible. That all low-mass black holes are not stable. That means they can vaporize very fast. And that can cause an effect that looks like a supernova, that comes from nowhere. 

Theoretically, a black hole's mass can be anything from an electron to the tens of billions of suns. That theory is almost proven. There are supermassive- medium-mass and stellar-mass black holes.  But the miniature-, or-low mass, and planet mass black holes are missing. The miniature black hole supports the black hole theory. 

Things, like low-mass black holes make things like superstring theory more suitable. In some models, elementary particles are whisk-shaped structures that superstrings are forming. And in some versions of that theory, those superstrings are a series of quantum-size black holes. Those quantum-size black holes are like pearls in necklaces. That thing explains the power of the annihilation reaction. 

The mini black hole is also introduced behind the mysterious gravity effect in our solar system. That makes some researchers believe that there is still an unknown planet lurking in the Kuiper belt. It's possible. Earth-size planets can turn into black holes if they travel through the black hole's relativistic jet. That thing can form the symmetrical energy impulse that presses the planet into the black hole. 

Another suspected place for the black hole is the star system of Epsilon Indi. That star travels very fast around the universe, and it is also a bright X-ray object. That thing makes some people believe, that there is some, maybe a grapefruit-size black hole near that star.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Gravity, centripetal force, and antigravity.


Image by AI

One of the things that makes some people believe in antigravity is centripetal force. Centripetal force is the thing that keeps the objects at orbiting trajectory and that force or virtual force is the thing that we feel when the car turns into some direction and we will fall into another direction. The centripetal force means that when an object changes its direction. It tends to continue straight. When we think about the centripetal force we can say that this virtual force is one of the most interesting things in the world. 

In gravity, the gravity center pulls the field around it inside it. That thing forms the shadow at the front of the particle. That shadow pulls particles to the gravity center. The antigravity means that something forms a deeper shadow at the opposite side of the particle. The question is about the balance. If something forms the energy shadow or lower energy area at the opposite side of the particle that thing pulls the particle back. 

It's possible that the field around that shadow turns into the channel and some kind of skyrmion can travel to the particle. 

When we think about gravity as the field the gravity center rolls like some roll. That effect forms electromagnetic shadow at the front of the particles. The electromagnetic shadow at the front of the particles makes them travel to the gravity center. There is the possibility that if the energy level around that shadow is high enough that shadow forms the situation that from the gravity center travels some kind of skyrmion to the particle that travels to the gravity center. 

That thing can form an energy shadow on the opposite side of the particle. If that shadow is deeper than the shadow at the front of the particle, that thing means that the shadow behind the particle pulls it back. 

Another thing that might cause an effect that we can call antigravity is the nose that forms when the particle moves very fast. The electromagnetic shadow can pull the nose to the energy shadow.  It's possible. The nose aims energy from the back of the particle to the middle of the electromagnetic shadow. That thing can fill that shadow or channel and then it pushes the object backward. The idea is that the energy shadow that pulls particles to the channel turns into the energy pillar that pushes particles backward. 

Skyrmions and quantum entanglements can be the new tools for quantum technology.

"Researchers at Berkeley Lab have advanced the understanding of magnetic skyrmions by developing techniques to image their 3D structures."  (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the 3D Spin Secrets of Magnetic Skyrmions To Power Future Electronics)

"These nanoscale objects show promise for revolutionizing microelectronics through enhanced data storage capabilities and reduced energy consumption" (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the 3D Spin Secrets of Magnetic Skyrmions To Power Future Electronics)

The ability to store data means the ability to transport data. 

Skyrmions are interesting things. Some people believe that the skyrmion or the donut-shaped electromagnetic fields are behind the event, called ball-lightning. The idea is that the strong skyrmion starts to rotate around the axle. That causes a similar effect as the coin that rotates very fast around its axle. The fast movement makes the skyrmion look like the ball. 

In some ideas, the skyrmion, or skyrmion row can form the tractor beam. The idea is that the system aims laser ray in the middle of the energy tornado. That thing makes the object higher energy. The outside energy channel closes the object inside it. 

"A 3D reconstruction of a skyrmion derived from X-ray images. Credit: Berkeley Lab" (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the 3D Spin Secrets of Magnetic Skyrmions To Power Future Electronics)

And if there is a lower energy layer on the other side of the energy tornado that thing pulls an object against it. There must be a higher energy point at the front of the object and if the energy level is lower behind the object. That causes an effect where the lower energy part pulls the object in the energy tornado. 

The system can benefit skyrmions in that tractor beam. The skyrmions can be used to isolate the channel from outside effects. And it can also make it possible to create a higher energy point at the front of the pulling energy channel. That thing can pull the qubit into the right point in the quantum computer. 

Skyrmions and quantum entanglements are tools that can change networks and data storage.

"Researchers at SJTU have developed a novel method for broadband frequency conversion, enhancing data transfer and quantum networks through improved optical processing. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, New Method Revolutionizes Quantum Information Transfer Across Wavelengths)

The skyrmion that travels in the quantum computer can also act as a qubit. The laser beam or quantum entanglement can be used to control the direction where that thing travels. 

The problem with long-distance quantum entanglement is that. The quantum entanglement must travel data through the wave movement. That wave movement destroys and disturbs the string that travels between superpositioned particles The skyrmion that is the donut-shaped electromagnetic field can be the tool that protects data in the quantum entanglement. The skyrmion is the thing that can store data itself. And that makes it an interesting tool for data storage. 

The quantum system can store a copy of the data to the skyrmion. And then the quantum system can compare data that traveled in quantum entanglement and skyrmion. The skyrmion can travel around the quantum entanglement. And because that system uses two data channels. It's less vulnerable to some outside disturbances. The ability to store information makes it possible to transport it.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Cosmic inflation

"From a region of space as small as can be imagined (all the way down to the Planck scale), cosmological inflation causes space to expand exponentially: relentlessly doubling and doubling again with each tiny fraction-of-a-second that elapses. Although this empties the Universe and stretches it flat, it also contains quantum fluctuations superimposed atop it: fluctuations that will later provide the seeds for cosmic structure within our own Universe. What happened before the final ~10^-32 seconds of inflation, including the question of whether inflation arose from a singular state before it, not only isn't known, but may be fundamentally unknowable." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: What’s the deal with cosmic inflation and the Big Bang?)

The universe requires cosmic inflation. Cosmic inflation releases energy. That was once bound to material and black holes. So, we can say that cosmic inflation keeps the energy moving. 

The key element of modern cosmology is that the Big Bang released all energy and material into its entirety. We call that entirety "the universe". All particles bound energy from space. Or they roll wave movement to the ball-shaped structure. The free energy is the thing that makes reactions in the universe possible. When energy takes particle form it is bound to the structure. 

The interaction between the particle and its environment determines the length of the particle's existence. If the particle's energy level is very high. Energy travels fast to its environment. And that destroys the particle. 

The idea of cosmic inflation is simple. If the space expands. But if there are no more particles or energy from outside the space expands if we compare it with material and energy. So there is more space in comparison to particles. 

When the universe expands its energy level turns lower. That means the energy always travels out from the material. Or, particles release energy that they bound a long time ago in their structure. 

The expansion of the universe causes the amount of matter and energy relative to space to decrease. The universe is like a balloon in a vacuum. When energy and material travel out from the Universe that makes it lighter. 

"As a balloon inflates, any coins glued to its surface will appear to recede away from one another, with “more distant” coins receding more rapidly than the less distant ones. Any light will redshift, as its wavelength ‘stretches’ to longer values as the balloon’s fabric expands. This visualization solidly explains cosmological redshift within the context of the expanding Universe. If the Universe is expanding today, that implies a past where it was smaller, hotter, denser, and more uniform: leading to the picture of the hot Big Bang." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: What’s the deal with cosmic inflation and the Big Bang?)

"There is a large suite of scientific evidence that supports the expanding Universe and the Big Bang. At every moment throughout our cosmic history for the first several billion years, the expansion rate and the total energy density balanced precisely, enabling our Universe to persist and form complex structures. Today, dark energy dominates the Universe, while early on, prior to the onset of the hot Big Bang, a phase of cosmological inflation occurred, preceding it and setting it up." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: What’s the deal with cosmic inflation and the Big Bang?)

The universe loses its energy and material into the space around it. Material is one form of energy. Particles are packed wave movement that we call energy. Sometimes that is called outer border inflation. There is also one other inflation. When black holes pull energy inside them, that means energy that travels to black holes is out from the universe and its interactions. So the black holes cause an effect that we can call inner inflation. 

When things like atoms form in big stars. That means the star creates a fusion that combines light atoms into a new element. When elementary particles form in the young universe they bound energy into their structures. When the Schwinger effect or wave-particle duality forms elementary particles it rolls wave movement into the ball-shaped structures. That wave movement or energy was away from the energy interaction. There was limited energy in the universe. Because all energy existed in the universe, that meant that there couldn't be an unlimited number of elementary particles. 

If energy or or wave movement would be like water we might simply say that there is a smaller energy mass and smaller number of particles in the modern universe than in the young universe. Some of those particles flew away from the universe and turned back into wave movement. Some of them are in black holes. 

They release black when those black holes vaporize. Black holes take energy and material in them. And that means there is a lower number of particles and a lower free energy level in the universe. Cosmic inflation causes a thing that we can call quantum vaporization. 

Because the energy level in the universe decreases all the time energy travels out from material or particles all the time. This thing means that cosmic inflation causes material vaporization where it turns back. To energy or wave movement. Black holes are also vaporizing. The black hole sends energy waves all the time into the universe. 

When the universe expands black holes are losing energy. The expansion causes the material disk around the black hole to jump outside. That means there can form a small energy vacuum between a black hole and its material disk. That effect rips energy out from the layer that is at the front of the event horizon. 

The material disk around the black hole is the thing that pumps energy into the black hole. If a black hole travels to the cosmic vacuum energy starts to travel out from it.

Friday, October 25, 2024

There is a mysterious carbon dioxide and peroxide in Pluto's Charon moon.

"Carbon dioxide and hydrogen peroxide have been detected on Charon through the James Webb Space Telescope. This breakthrough adds significant details to our understanding of the moon’s surface and its environmental processes. Credit: S. Protopapa/SwRI/NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI/JHUAPL" (ScitechDaily, Webb Telescope Uncovers Carbon Dioxide and Peroxide on Pluto’s Moon Charon)

Pluto and its moon Charon are very far away from Earth. There is almost no sunlight. And the temperature on their surface is almost zero kelvin. The chemical reactions are thought to be impossible in that distant, strange world. But the signs of CO2 and peroxides show that there are some kind of chemical reactions in those distant worlds. When we think about those distant dwarf planets called "plutoids" we must realize that conditions around and on those dwarf planets are different than on Earth.

In distant worlds near the Kuiper belt, those dwarf planets can collect atmospheres around them. Most of the solar wind particles are ions and anions that the dwarf planet can trap around it. Those particles can form an ion whirl around those small objects. That ion whirl acts similar way as the ion whirl acts around black holes. It forms the ion generator that forms the magnetic field around plutoids. And even if that magnetic field is weaker than around Earth the reaction that forms a magnetic field around Quaoar forms a magnetic field around black holes.

The conditions around Pluto, Charon, and Quaoar are not similar. The reason why Quaoar has a ring system, but Pluto does not is the Charon's and Pluto'smutual gravity effect that denies ring formation. Quaoar is a lone dwarf planet and that means its clear gravity center in its environment. 

"Artist impress of Quaoar rings. Credit: Paris Observator" (ScitechDaily, Space Mystery: Unexpected New Ring System Discovered in Our Own Solar System)

The thing is that the gas layer or atmosphere around the low-gravity objects is not stable. Things like energy impulses from the Sun or outside the solar system or flyby the large asteroid or cosmic impact can strip that ion curtain from around the dwarf planet. And that's why all dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt don't have those thin atmospheres. 

Gas pressure around Pluto is <0,01 kPa, but that allows ions and anions to move freely. Ions and anions pull each other together even in low-pressure conditions. That thing can form CO2 and more complicated chemical compounds. 

The thin atmosphere that forms when those objects pull gas and ions around them remains because the solar wind will not blow those atoms and ions away.  The gas pressure is so low that it's hard to reach in the laboratory. That gas and ion layer forms a magnetic field around plutoids. And it causes things like ring systems around those objects. An example of those systems is the dwarf planet Quaoar which has a similar, but smaller ring system than Saturn. 

If those objects are closer to the Sun the solar wind blows them away. In those low-pressure conditions gas and ions are near the quantum condition. In that low-pressure condition ions and anions pull each other together. The weak sunlight gives them the energy to travel against each other. And if as an example the carbon ion faces an oxygen anion that thing can cause a chemical reaction that forms carbon dioxide. The reaction is similar to that on Earth. But some fewer ions and anions participate in it.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

The mysterious genius Srinivasa Ramanujan.

Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). (Quanta Magazine, Math Is Still Catching Up to the Mysterious Genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan)

The number theory is thankful to Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). The thing that makes this person, who was born into a poor Indian family in colonial India was a self-educated person, who made a lot of things in mathematics. Those theories are still handy tools for many types of advanced calculations. There are many interesting details in the life of that young person, who passed away in 1920. Many people say that Srinivasa Ramanujan died too early. If that person could live a longer life, he might stand in the place of Albert Einstein. 

There were many interesting things in Ramanujan's early life. The thing is that Ramanujan failed twice in college. Because of his passion for mathematics. And that's why he flees from home. Maybe he was afraid that his parents were angry. Finally, he went to Trinity College Cambridge where he started to work with Hardy and Littlewood in 1914. 
Pages from Ramanujan’s lost notebook. (Quanta Magazine, Math Is Still Catching Up to the Mysterious Genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan)

"Ramanujan’s first letter to G.H. Hardy included formulas (5), (6) and (7), strange nested fractions that Hardy said “defeated me completely; I had never seen anything in the least like them before.” (Quanta Magazine, Math Is Still Catching Up to the Mysterious Genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan)

(Quanta Magazine, Math Is Still Catching Up to the Mysterious Genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan)

There are lots of theories that this man created. At a young age, this man was very poor and also he had very big health problems. In 1912 he sent letters to famous mathematicians and one of them, G.H Hardy the expert in number theory and analysis at the University of Cambridge. When Hardy got the letter from Srinivasa Ramanujan. That man said, that his greatest work for mathematics was that he found Ramanujan. Then Hardy called Ramanujan to England. There Ramanujan made some works for Cambridge. He lived in England from 1914 to 1919. Then he returned to India where he died in 1920. 

"Hardy and Ramanujan collaborated closely for years. They exchanged letters about mathematics until Ramanujan’s death." (Quanta Magazine, Math Is Still Catching Up to the Mysterious Genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan)

And then he went sick. After returning to India Ramanujan died. An interesting thing is that Ramanujan died almost similar way as his colleague Nils Henrik Abel (1802-1829), a Norwegian mathematician. He came to his university, did impressive work, and then got some illness and then that ultimate genius died at a young age, 32. 

Images: (Quanta Magazine, Math Is Still Catching Up to the Mysterious Genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan)

Ramanujan work. 

Still today Ramanujan's work is very highly respected. 
The main thing that Ramanujan did is this: he introduce a way to calculate fractional numbers. There are five ways to introduce number 4.  The number four can be shared in pieces like this (2+2), or, (2+1+1), or, (1+1+1+1), or, (1+1+2). And then it is easier to make things like division calculations. 4/8 can be introduced like this: (1+1+2)/(2+2+2+2). And we all know that 4/8=1/2. 

The interesting thing is that. Those numbers can also be decimal numbers, which means that we can introduce as an example number 1 in this mode. (0,25+0,25+0,25+0,25). Or we can introduce number four in this mode. (0,5+0,5+0,5+0,5+0,5+0,5+0,5+0,5). Or we can share 0,5 to two 0,25. That is one of the most interesting things in mathematics. There are many ways to benefit from that model. 

The Ramanujan theorems play a key role in singularity calculations. There the curves and lines connect a series of points. The introduction for that is in the Quanta magazine article. 

The thing is that Ramanujan's work could help Grigory Prelman in his work with the Poincaré theorem.

List of Ramanujan work. 

Wikipedia, Srinivasa Ramanujan

All images: (Quanta Magazine, Math Is Still Catching Up to the Mysterious Genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan)

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Betelgeuse might be a binary star.

"Researchers suggest that the brightening and dimming of Betelgeuse, a red giant star, is likely influenced by an orbiting companion star, dubbed the “Betelbuddy.” This companion pushes away cosmic dust, affecting how Betelgeuse’s light reaches Earth. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Betelgeuse’s Brightness Mystery Explained: Meet the Hidden “Betelbuddy” Star)

One of the brightest stars in the northern sky is the Alpha Orionis or Betelgeuse. The star is one of the largest known stars. Its color is red if we see that star with bare eyes. Distance to that giant star is 408 – 548 (+90/-49)ly. The Betelgeuse classification is a red supergiant. This star is well known, and that caused suspicion that there are no surprises around it. But now researchers think that Betelgeuse may have a companion. 

Infographic describing how the Betelbuddy affects Betelgeuse’s apparent brightness. Credit: Lucy Reading-Ikkanda/Simons Foundation. (ScitechDaily, Betelgeuse’s Brightness Mystery Explained: Meet the Hidden “Betelbuddy” Star)

The giant red star Betelgeuse might have a companion star. The name of that suspected companion is "Betelbuddy". That smaller companion might have spectral classification above the K. If that companion star is hot that means it sends energy to Betelgeuse and causes the red giant star to be hotter than it should be. But the smaller star can also blow the dust away from around Betelgeuse. The companion star can also pump energy to solar wind that comes out from Betelgeuse. 

If Betelgeuse is a binary star system that thing explains many things that are connected to that star. The brightness of Betelgeuse is one thing that worried researchers. It's possible. That the Betelgeuse will detonate quite soon as a supernova. That thing causes very strong radiation burst to Earth. But the "Betelbuddy" could cause a need to adjust those calculations. 

"Betelgeuse’s position in the constellation Orion. Credit: Lucy Reading-Ikkanda/Simons Foundation" (ScitechDaily, Betelgeuse’s Brightness Mystery Explained: Meet the Hidden “Betelbuddy” Star)

The thing is that many other giant stars have companion stars. Some of those companion stars are much lower mass than red giants or red supergiants. Some of them are far away from their giant companions. The distance from the dominating parts to the recessive companion can be over 2 ly. If the spectral class of another star is quite similar to the red supergiant or giant the central star of the binary star system the red supergiant or giant covers its light under it.

The new quantum materials revolutionize information technology.

"An illustration of the 2D perovskite material that was studied by the researchers. The yellow parts illustrate the linker molecules while the purple and pink parts show the perovskite layer. Credit: Chalmers University of Technology | Julia Wiktor" (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Future of Solar Cells: Scientists Discover Key to Stable Perovskites)

Wikipedia determines quantum materials like this: "Quantum materials is an umbrella term in condensed matter physics that encompasses all materials whose essential properties cannot be described in terms of semiclassical particles and low-level quantum mechanics. " (Wikipedia, quantum materials)

"These are materials that present strong electronic correlations or some type of electronic order, such as superconducting or magnetic orders, or materials whose electronic properties are linked to non-generic quantum effects – topological insulators, Dirac electron systems such as graphene, as well as systems whose collective properties are governed by genuinely quantum behavior, such as ultra-cold atoms, cold excitons, polaritons, and so forth. On the microscopic level, four fundamental degrees of freedom – that of charge, spin, orbit, and lattice – become intertwined, resulting in complex electronic states; the concept of emergence is a common thread in the study of quantum materials." (Wikipedia, quantum materials)

"Quantum materials exhibit puzzling properties with no counterpart in the macroscopic world: quantum entanglement, quantum fluctuations, robust boundary states dependent on the topology of the materials' bulk wave functions, etc. Quantum anomalies such as the chiral magnetic effect link some quantum materials with processes in high-energy physics of quark-gluon plasmas." (Wikipedia, quantum materials)

The term quantum material means material, that has some quantum-level abilities. Those abilities form when the system manipulates and controls some subatomic parts of the atoms. In quantum chemistry, the system can order which carbon chain bond the reactive part of the molecule touches. That means that it's possible to put the reactive part can in the second carbon (o third etc.) in some hydrocarbon chains. That makes it possible to control reactions with very high accuracy. 

"A laser creates pairs of positive and negative charges bound together (large blue and red spheres) in a device made of three atomically thin layers (sheets of metallic red and green spheres). The charge pairs change the properties of the laser beam (red). Credit: University of Maryland, edited" (ScitechDaily, Harnessing Light: Quantum Materials Supercharge Data Transmission)

The ultra-fast light signals can transform into electric signals using nano- and quantum materials. Quantum materials are new and promising tools for many things. Iron-based AI that uses components that emulate neurons and living neural systems requires new materials. One of those materials is perovskite. The pyramid-shaped structure allows the use of this material as an artificial synopsis. The researchers will put the pyramid-shaped structures against each other. Then the perovskite will transfer data to nanotechnical wires. 

These are in the nanotubes, which protect them against outside radiowaves. In those systems, the carbon nanotubes have a metal layer that turns them into a Faraday cage. Perovskite is a material that computers can use to turn laser rays into electric impulses. Small perovskite plates can also be used to give energy to nanomachines. The thing is that the perovskite is the multipurpose tool for nano- and quantum technology. But then we can think about the secured data transmissions. 

"This image shows perovskite photovoltaics in the background with individual perovskite crystals shown as colorful units. Credit: CUBE3D Graphic" (ScitechDaily, New Design Improves Efficiency of Next-Generation Perovskite Solar Cells)

Traditional secured data transmission means that the data is encrypted. The outside actor can see the data, but the data is sorted in a way, that the actor cannot rebuild the message. Quantum encryption means that the data itself is hidden from the observers. The transmitter can use both, optical and radio wave-based data lines. And it can route data through many physical routes. The thing that helps to protect information is the coherent signal carrier that the observers cannot see from the sides. 

The laser system can transfer data in a hollow laser ray that prevents the outsider from seeing the data carrier-laser rays. In the same way, maser systems can use double maser beams where the outside maser beam isolates the data channel. The system can also minimize the transmitting times using three data lines. There are two data lines for one and zero, and the middle line means the pause for the case, that the system sends two 1 or two zeros in a row. 

If the system wants to transport two ones or two zeros in the row (1,1,0,0) there is a problem with a break. In traditional systems, the clock measures the time, a certain number of time pulses determines the break between two zeros or ones. The new system can use the third wire to determine whether the system will change to the next one or zero. A system that uses two different data lines is less vulnerable to outside effects than a regular computer that measures the voltage in the data line. For being fast this kind of system can have the fourth wire that determines if the electricity is on or off in the system. 

Things like Kagome metals can offer a very powerful tool for making things. Like nanotechnical switches and routers. The Kagome structure can be used to control the low-voltage electric impulses in nano-size computers and electronics. Developers can use those things to control independently operating nanomachines.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Researchers try to find the first light of the universe.

"Researchers are using simulations and data from the South Pole Telescope to detect the faint Sunyaev-Zel’dovichn, kSZ effect, a key to understanding the Epoch of Reionization, when the first stars ionized the universe." (ScitechDaily, Cosmic Archaeology: Unraveling the Mystery of the Universe’s First Light)

"Imagine taking a journey back to the very early days of the universe, specifically, the start of the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). That’s when the first stars and galaxies formed, and their energy separated the protons and electrons of the dense, dark primordial hydrogen gas that comprised the universe, producing bubbles of ionized gas." (ScitechDaily, Cosmic Archaeology: Unraveling the Mystery of the Universe’s First Light)

South Pole Observatory has a big mission. That is to find the first light. That term means photons, which came from the Big Bang or the first stars. The first light makes it possible to think about the location where the Big Bang happened. In modern models, black holes formed before the material. 

The gravity effect formed those black holes straight from wave movement. That causes the theorem that some of those primordial black holes are trapped photons from the Big Bang to their orbiter. 

"Scientists are studying the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), a period when the first stars and galaxies ionized hydrogen, illuminating the early universe. Using data from the South Pole Telescope and simulations, researchers aim to detect the faint kSZ effect, which helps understand the timing and process of reionization, even though they haven’t found the signal yet." (ScitechDaily, Cosmic Archaeology: Unraveling the Mystery of the Universe’s First Light)

It tells things like what stars looked like before planets especially rocky planets born. The photon's ability to make internal superposition makes it possible. That photon can close information into its internal state. The photon can carry exact information from the point. And conditions where it is born. 

Modern quantum systems can trap photons. And drive information out from them using superposition and entanglement. The system reads that information like a quantum computer. But the problem is: how to find a photon that comes straight from the first stars? 

Theoretically is possible to find those photons from the early, or young universe because it's possible. They scatter in some molecular clouds. And if those particles reflect enough effectively, that reflection can trap those photons from the early universe into that cloud for a very long time. 

Or maybe, some theoretical primordial black hole pulled those photons to orbit it.  Sometimes, a black hole releases photons. But the fact is that. It's hard to separate the first light from the light, that was born long after the Big Bang. 

The thing that makes the first light research interesting is that there is no time on photons. Photons carry information the same way as the heavier particle, neutrino. The photon should exist forever if it once released. Information touches the photon like a plaque. And it's possible. That some first light photon carries information straight from the Big Bang.–Zeldovich_effect 

Reseachers map dark universe: Euclid mission.

"The huge mosaic released by ESA’s Euclid space telescope on October 15, 2024, accounts for 1% of the wide survey that Euclid will capture over six years. The location and actual size of the mosaic on the Southern Sky is shown in yellow. This all-sky view is an overlay of ESA Gaia’s star map from its second data release in 2018 and ESA Planck’s dust map from 2014. Credit: ESA/Euclid/Euclid Consortium/NASA; ESA/Gaia/DPAC; ESA/Planck Collaboration." (ScitechDaily, Euclid “Dark Universe” Telescope Unveils Stunning 208-Gigapixel Window Into the Cosmos)

ESA's Euclid mission purpose is to find out the form of dark matter. The interesting question is this: are weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs, so-called real or virtual material? The virtual version means that there are so-called holes or electron-hole-type structures in the base energy field in the universe. 

That means the dark matter could be an exciton-type quasiparticle structure. In excitons, the electron jumps out from its orbital. And then that electron starts to orbit its own hole. The thing is that the depth of that electron hole determines how many electrons that hole can tie around it. 

That hole is at a lower energy level than the base energy level in the universe. Or in the most exciting version, those mysterious WIMPs, or part of them are so-called low-mass primordial black holes. If the WIMP is a so-called virtual particle. 

"This graphic provides an overview of the mosaic and zoomed in images released by ESA’s Euclid mission on October 15, 2024. On the top left, an all-sky map (41,000 square degrees) is visible with the location of Euclid’s mosaic on the Southern Sky highlighted in yellow. In the mosaic, the locations of the various zoomed in images are shown. Above the separate images, the zoom factor is given (from 3 to 600 times enlarged compared to the original mosaic). Credit: ESA/Euclid/Euclid Consortium/NASA, CEA Paris-Saclay, image processing by J.-C. Cuillandre, E. Bertin, G. Anselmi; ESA/Gaia/DPAC; ESA/Planck Collaboration"(ScitechDaily, Euclid “Dark Universe” Telescope Unveils Stunning 208-Gigapixel Window Into the Cosmos)

"This mosaic made by ESA’s Euclid space telescope contains 260 observations collected between March 25 and April 8, 2024. This is 1% of the wide survey that Euclid will capture during six years. In just two weeks, Euclid covered 132 square degrees of the Southern Sky, more than 500 times the area of the full Moon as seen from Earth. The full mosaic is 208 gigapixels. Credit: ESA/Euclid/Euclid Consortium/NASA, CEA Paris-Saclay, image processing by J.-C. Cuillandre, E. Bertin, G. Anselmi" (ScitechDaily, Euclid “Dark Universe” Telescope Unveils Stunning 208-Gigapixel Window Into the Cosmos)

It's possible. That the dark flow out from the universe forms that effect. The energy level in the universe is higher than around it. So, energy flows to the universe's environment. That flow can form the quantum shadow on the side, where the flow goes. That shadow or lower energy area pulls particles to them, and that thing creates the dark gravity effect, that we know as dark matter. 

Dark matter means gravity interaction, whose origin is unknown. The key question is this: what puts gravity waves move in the Higgs, or base energy field in the universe? Gravity is possible without mass. In those models, things like oscillating or shaking superstrings cause gravity waves. That we know as dark matter. 

One interesting thing about dark matter is that there is no dark matter in every galaxy. The one galaxy without dark matter doesn't make the dark matter nonexistent. That observation makes this effect more interesting than nobody expected. If dark matter is a so-called quasiparticle that observation means that it also quasiparticles can form similar structures as the so-called real material.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Searching habitable planets: could F-type stars support life?

"Researchers from the University of Texas at Arlington analyzed planets orbiting F-type stars for their habitability potential. They identified 18 systems of interest, including HD 111998, a Jupiter-like planet located in the habitable zone. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, In Search of Habitable Planets: New Study Points to F-Type Systems for Life)

The F-type stars are quite common things in the universe. Those stars are quite similar to the sun. But they are a little bit hotter. The nickname for those stars is "blue suns". Theoretically, those stars can support life on habitable planets. But could that lifeform advance to an intelligent level? Or could it even create civilizations? Honestly, we don't know. There are two facts that we often forget. 

1) An intelligent lifeform is not the same thing as a lifeform. 

2) Another thing is that the lifeform on another solar system is adapted to that planet and that solar system. 

"A simple chart for classifying the main star types using Harvard classification" (Wikipedia, Stellar classification) The F-type stars have stronger hydrogen emission lines than the G-type stars. That can cause stronger resonance in hydrogen atoms than G-type stars. Hydrogen's strong resonance or oscillation can make it harder to form water molecules than around the G-type stars. 

When we think about those two things we face an interesting fact from our own planet. Fish has as long an evolution as humans. It lives on the same planet as humans. But most of the fishes cannot live on dry ground. And human cannot live under the sea without life support system. There are lung fishes that can rise to dry land. 

But most of those fishes are trapped in their wet element. And that element is hostile to humans. As well as dry lands are hostile to fish. So we can say that fish is alien to us. 

But let's go back to the F-type stars and their planets. The F-type stars or late F-stars are only a little bit hotter than the sun. The other thing is that theoretically, all stellar types can support some kind of life form. There are so many variables that the planet must pass. One of them is that. If the habitable is too far away from the star, a large- or massive planet pulls too many cosmic wanderers to it.

And that can cause a cosmic impact that ended the existence of Formahaut B. The thing is that the F-type stars are more common than the G-type stars. And maybe, we should involve some other stars than just our own G-type star in those calculations. 


"Model of Callisto's internal structure showing a surface ice layer, a possible liquid water layer, and an ice–rock interior" (Wikipedia, Callisto (moon))


"Model of Europa's possible interior structure, with a thin ice crust and a subsurface ocean atop a rocky mantle and metallic core" (Wikipedia, Europa (Moon))


"Artist's cut-away representation of the internal structure of Ganymede. Layers drawn to scale." (Wikipedia, Ganymede(Moon))


"Model of the possible interior composition of Io with various features labelled." (Wikipedia, Io (moon))

Searching life from our solar system. 

All other Galilean moons than Io have subsurface oceans. That causes interesting thoughts about the existence of life on some other planet or moon in our own solar system. 

The fact is that. The cosmic life can be quite common. But most of that is more primitive than eucaryote bacteria. Another thing is that the bacteria in the form we know will not be able to send radio transmissions. Another thing is that the observations about things like fungi and their ability to learn things make it important to re-estimate intelligence. 

Learning and making decisions don't require neurons. But how intelligent that kind of creature can be? The fact is that it's quite hard to imagine walking mushrooms or fungi that are like humans. Another fact is that nobody knows where evolution goes in another solar system. All alien creatures that we see in more or less scientific films are fictional or hypothetical. Nobody ever visited another solar system. Or even on our closest neighbor planets, there are atmospheres. Most of our solar system is still unknown to us. 

The first serious attempt to find extraterrestrial lifeforms is the Europa Clipper probe that travels to Jupiter's icy moons. Flight time to that moon is 5,5 years. The planned time to arrive at Jupiter orbiter is April 11, 2030. 

There that probe tries to find out. If there are some kind of alien lifeforms under the Europa moon's icy shell. If there are no bacteria or alien bases Europa would be a good place to test what happens if that moon is polluted with bacteria. But those tests require that there are no lifeforms under the icy shell of that distant moon.

There are also oceans under the Ganymede and Callisto surfaces. And that thing makes those moons very interesting for astrobiologists. Saturn's Enceladus moon also has an ocean under its surface. That moon is quite young and that means there could be organic material from somewhere else. Or, why not lifeforms? But confirming the existence or nonexistence of lifeforms requires a probe. And that is more expensive and takes lots more time than Europa Clipper.

The flight time to another interesting moon, Saturn's Enceladus takes almost 7 years. Cassini-Huygens probe traveled to Saturn in 6 years 261 days. 

The long flight time means that those missions require more effective rockets like nuclear thermal rockets. There is one interesting model for manned missions to outer planets. The spacecraft uses gravity sling to travel to those gas giants. The idea is that mission control sends the spacecraft empty to the mission. When the spacecraft makes the last flyby during gravity acceleration and its speed is high enough the crew will dock to that craft. That minimizes the zero gravity time. But the flight time to those gas giants is still too long.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

The time is almost like a dimension.

"Having your camera anticipate the motion of objects through time is just one practical application of the idea of time-as-a-dimension. For any set of conditions that will be recorded throughout time, it’s plausible to predict when a certain set of spatial conditions (including position and velocity) will arise, with multiple possible solutions being admissible for both the past and future." (BigThink, Time: Yes, it’s a dimension, but no, it’s not like space)

The light cone above this text introduces how information focuses on a certain point. The light cone can introduce the behavior of time in 3D spacetime. Time is like a fourth dimension, the flow that takes energy out from particles. Sometimes somebody said that time is like a string that pulls energy out from the quantum fields. Time is like dimension, but it's not like space. 

Sometimes, somebody introduces that the time is like the string group that travels between two layers. Those strings travel through each particle in the universe. If those strings travel from the higher energy layer to the lower energy layer, that thing acts like a thermal pump. That thermal pump pulls energy out from particles. And when particles release their energy they lose their weight or mass. In this text, I use the words particle and object for the same thing. 

When we think about the black holes and their relationship with space-time. We might realize why black holes are in the past. When black holes pull energy and material into it that material. And radiation, or wave movement forms the spiral structure around that object. Thar spiral or material disk denies the black hole sending energy out from it because time, or some shape of the time is energy. When energy flows to an object that thing turns younger. 

When the energy level of the particle grows its size turns smaller. That thing can be explained as some kind of theoretical string that nobody has seen yet travels through the particle and its quantum field. The string pulls energy out from the inside of the particle and makes its quantum field or shell more high energy. 

"An example of a light cone, the three-dimensional surface of all possible light rays arriving at and departing from a point in spacetime. The more you move through space, the less you move through time, and vice versa. Only things contained within your past light-cone can affect you today; only things contained within your future light-cone can be perceived by you in the future. This illustrates flat Minkowski space, rather than the curved space of general relativity." (BigThink, Time: Yes, it’s a dimension, but no, it’s not like space)

That means the particle size turns smaller. The outside energy field falls to the empty space around the particle. That hypothetical string rolls the quantum field through the particle. That transports energy to that field. And if the energy flow to the particle stops that thing causes that energy to start to travel out from it very fast. If that energy flow starts from inside the particle. That destroys its structure. 

Because things like fast speed load energy into it. Particles turn younger at a very high speed. Or actually, they age slower when their speed is very high. The particle itself can be in a standing location if the ios or electromagnetic field pumps energy into it. The impact between particles and the field around them is a thing that pumps energy to the particle. When energy travels into particles it turns younger. And when energy travels out from particles it turns older. 

The thing that makes black holes so interesting is this: The whirl or spiral around a black hole expands all the time. That means it will pack more and more energy into that particle. That means the energy level in a black hole can turn higher. And energy level is the mass of the object. 

"The displacement between any two points in three-dimensional space, such as the origin and point P shown here, is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the distance differences in each of the three (x, y, and z) directions. A mathematical expression describing that overall displacement, d, is given by the equation d = √(x² + y² + z²)."  (BigThink, Time: Yes, it’s a dimension, but no, it’s not like space)

When the energy level in an object rises its mass rises. When escaping velocity on its shell is the same as the speed of light the time stops. A particle or object reaches energy stability where it releases as much energy as it gets. When a particle or object gets more energy than it releases it will turn younger. 

This means that the particle or the object starts to travel backward in time. The high mass makes the deep pothole into the spacetime. This means that the black hole hangs at a certain distance below or behind the current moment. The energy of the universe decreases all the time. But the size of the whirl increases.  

If that whirl is lost energy starts to travel out from the black hole. That thing causes the fast vaporization of the black hole. The black hole vaporizes because the universe expands. That means the whirl around the black hole will be separated from the event horizon, the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. 

When that happens the black hole loses its weight. It cannot get that mass back, because the universe expands and an interaction with black holes and the Higgs field turns weaker. The Higgs field turns weaker all the time. We can see that as a decrease in the temperature in the universe.

Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...