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NASA detected the first Io-like exomoon just 635 ly from us.

"This artist’s concept depicts a potential volcanic moon between the exoplanet WASP-49 b, left, and its parent star. New evidence indicating that a massive sodium cloud observed near WASP-49 b is produced by neither the planet nor the star has prompted researchers to ask if its origin could be an exomoon. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech." (ScitechDaily, NASA Finds Signs of an Io-Like Volcanic Exomoon Just 635 Light-Years Away)

"Recent research at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) indicates signs of a rocky, volcanic moon orbiting an exoplanet 635 light-years from Earth. The primary evidence is a sodium cloud that appears close to, but slightly out of sync with, the exoplanet—a Saturn-size gas giant named WASP-49 b. Further investigation is required to confirm the cloud’s behavior. Similarly, in our solar system, gas emissions from Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io create a comparable phenomenon." (ScitechDaily, NASA Finds Signs of an Io-Like Volcanic Exomoon Just 635 Light-Years Away)

"While no exomoons have yet been confirmed, several candidates have been identified. It’s likely these planetary companions have gone undetected because they are too small and dim for current telescopes to detect." (ScitechDaily, NASA Finds Signs of an Io-Like Volcanic Exomoon Just 635 Light-Years Away)

The WASP-49 is a binary star with G- and K-type stars. The smaller companion star is the so-called "late K" which means it's near the border between K- and M stars or Red Dwarfs. The WASP 49B is a giant exoplanet, hot Jupiter that orbits a G-2 type star and a smaller M-spectral class star. The surface temperature of the G-type star is about 5600 degrees Celsius. The surface temperature of the smaller K-type is about 3500 degrees Celsius. 

The thing that makes that planetary system hard for lifeforms is the eruptions of the K-class companion. The WASP 49B may have many moons. But the fact is that this moon is the first sign of exomoons. But are those moons so common as I sometimes wrote? 

What about exomoons that orbit planets that orbit the red dwarfs? 

Above: Stellar Classification

There are no confirmed exomoons in the Universe. But if we think about the possibility that the other solar systems are very "basically" very similar to our solar system, we should think that almost all other exoplanets have moons. "Basically" is not actually.  

The red dwarf systems are very small systems, where exoplanets orbit the red dwarf. The red dwarf sometimes erupts very dramatically. And those eruptions can push the small moons away from the planets. 

When we think about red dwarf and its planet and moon interactions that thing is very complicated. The moon, or moons must orbit very close together. And the red dwarfs have a big effect on that exoplanet. The solar system of that dwarf star is so small, that other planets have a bigger effect on each other than in our solar system. If the big exoplanet or large asteroid group is at the side of a red dwarf. That can cause an anomaly in its gravity effects. 

The solar flares that can hit those planets can also change their trajectories. And if those things are lightweight like io-size big asteroids, that flare can push them against other planets. 

The red dwarf's gravity is very weak. And if the large exoplanet is far away from the red dwarf, that massive planet can pull asteroids and other planets to it. That means if the massive planet is too far from its central star, that planet can share the fate of Formahault B. That planet was destroyed by a cosmic blast. 

In our solar system, even dwarf planets like Pluto have moons. But there are no moons that orbit Mercury and Venus. The thing is that Pluto is a dwarf planet and its gravity interactions with its Charon moon are limited. Most of the particles will fall to Neptune or continue their travel to the inner solar system. 

The thing that protects Neptune is its atmosphere. If that atmosphere is solid ice, the cosmic impacts can break Neptune. So if Neptune would be at a longer distance, and its atmosphere did not exist, those impacts have more effect. If the planet is too close to its star, the solar wind can plow its moons away. 

So, maybe other exoplanets have also moons. The other thing is that maybe, it's possible that if an exoplanet is too close to its star, that star pulls those moons into it. Or the solar wind blows those moons far away from the planet that orbits close to its star.


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