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Astronomers found an exoplanet orbiting Barnard's star.

"This artist’s impression shows Barnard b, a sub-Earth-mass planet that was discovered orbiting Barnard’s star. Its signal was detected with the ESPRESSO instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), and astronomers were able to confirm it with data from other instruments. An earlier promising detection in 2018 around the same star could not be confirmed by these data. On this newly discovered exoplanet, which has at least half the mass of Venus but is too hot to support liquid water, a year lasts just over three Earth days. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser" (ScitechDaily, Just 6 Light-Years Away: Astronomers Discover New Planet Around Barnard’s Star)

Astronomers found another interesting exoplanet. The exoplanet orbits a red dwarf star. That star is known, as Barnard's star. Barnard's star is interesting because it's a lone star. That makes this red dwarf the miniature version of the sun. The exoplanet Barnard B is one of the most interesting findings, that astronomers made. It's so low mass, that it cannot cause wobbling movement in specific motion. 

That red dwarf is six light years from Earth. That planet is one of the first exoplanets that astronomers believed to be real when astronomers detected curvature in Barnard's star's specific motion. That wobbling movement made astronomers believe from 1963 to 1973 that Barnard's star has one or maybe two Jupiter-size exoplanets. Then those wobbling movements. Then that wobbling movement was explained as measurement errors. 

So what caused the wobbling movement of the Barnard star? Was there some kind of exoplanet or was the phenomenon that caused the Barnard Star's wobbling some kind of exoplanet version of Planet X known as Planet Nine hunting? A long time ago researchers knew that planet Neptune had wobbling specific motion around the Sun. 

Astronomers search for that mysterious planet around Neptune. And suddenly they found the dwarf planet Pluto. The problem was that Pluto had not enough mass to affect Neptune's trajectory. Researchers thought. That there was some kind of error in the calculations. But those anomalies continued. And astronomers found Pluto, 's mass was so low that it could not cause the wobbling into Neptune's trajectory. The problem is that Pluto was found in the right place. But it was too light. 

"So what caused the wobbling movement of the Barnard star? Was there some kind of exoplanet or was the phenomenon that caused the Barnard Star's wobbling some kind of exoplanet version of Planet X known as Planet Nine hunting? A long time ago researchers knew that planet Neptune had wobbling specific motion around the Sun. " (ScitechDaily, Just 6 Light-Years Away: Astronomers Discover New Planet Around Barnard’s Star)

What caused errors in 2018 calculations? 

Still, in 2018 astronomers believed. That there was some kind of super-earth near Barnard's Star. The confirmed Barnard B is the so-called "sub-Earth", and that causes questions about why that kind of error in calculations happened.  

The mysterious Barnard B. seems to have a similar problem. That exoplanet is too small to affect Barnard Star's trajectory. 

The story of Barnard B is quite similar to the case of Planet Nine. That exoplanet X  caused the wobbling movement of the Barnard star. Then astronomers found an exoplanet, that is too small to cause wobbling movement in the specific motion. But the new exoplanet Barnard B is a sensation. Its mass is about half of Venus. And it's one of the lowest-mass known exoplanets. The Barnard B is too low in mass, that it could cause changes in the specific motion. So the search for that invisible companion continues. The same way the search for planet X continues.

2018 observations. Real Barnard B is far away from super-Earth. But how do those calculations fail?


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