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Quantum cooling may explain many things in physics.

"Trinity College researchers have found the Mpemba effect in quantum systems, where heating paradoxically speeds up cooling. This discovery could impact future quantum technology applications. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, 2,000-Year-Old Mystery: Scientists Discover Paradoxical Quantum Cooling Effect)

Things like black holes are like thermal pumps. The main question is are those monsters just tie energy or do they channel it or aim it in a new direction?

Things like laser rays can make the space cool because they can form an electromagnetic shadow on the other side of atoms. There is a lower energy area around the laser beam, and that thing causes energy transfer to those particles. That means an energy beam, that travels to the particle cloud that thing ties energy in it. 

The new observations about the Mpemba effect are key to paradoxical quantum cooling. The Mpempa effect is explained in Wikipedia, and researchers are still unsure if that effect is real. But quantum cooling gives the ability to understand many things. When we think about energy in any means we know that energy always travels somewhere. That "somewhere" is the lower energy level. The laws of physics are simple. Energy cannot disappear. It can only change its form. That means that energy can turn into particles in wave-particle duality. 

And it can take another form if we think that energy forms a channel through the particle cloud, when it travels between two particles that energy flow ties energy from the particle cloud between those two particles. The idea is similar to in thermal pump where gas or water that travels through the system ties energy into it. The idea is that when energy travels through the system, it takes energy from the system into it. The requirement for that is that the energy level in water is lower. 

Then we can think about the three-layer model. Where there is a cooler or lower energy actor behind the wall in the middle. If the first wall is hot, the second wall is at a medium energy level and the layer in the back is at the lowest energy level and there is a hole in the middle wall. That thing causes energy flow from the highest energy wall to the lowest energy wall. Energy travels faster through that wall at the point of the hole. 

And that causes the quantum fiection. The idea is similar when pressurized air travels through the wall there is a hole. That hole causes friction where air molecules' kinetic energy travels into that wall. At the quantum level, the other particles like electrons take the position of the air molecules. 

When energy travels through the system. That causes annealing. Because traveling energy transfers to those particles or their quantum fields. If material has not that field it's existence as material ends. So if the proton loses its quantum field. That releases its quarks. The quantum field around protons and other atomic and subatomic structures must have so much energy, that it can push those particles into the entirety. 

The expansion of the universe causes situations in the quantum fields around particles to expand. That thing makes those quantum fields weaker, and sooner or later all particles turn back to radiation. The quantum fields are like the corona around the sun. If the sun loses its corona, it releases its energy at a very high speed. If the black hole loses its plasma and radiation that causes that black hole erupts because the energy flow turns the opposite way. When particles and energy fields impact those impacts release energy that transfers into those particles. 

Maybe that thing can explain things. Like, why the Sun's corona is 200 times hotter than the sun's surface. In a corona gas and ions have more space to oscillate. When photons and other particles travel out from the sun, they impact things like helium ions and electrons. Those photons can cause quantum annealing which we see as heat in the corona. That causes energy to flow back to the sun. 

So can this effect of the Sun itself explain some part of the gravity? When we think about the Sun and its structure, we can say that the sun is the same time hot and cold. In the sun's core is total darkness because radiation or wave movement locks photons in their positions. There is no oscillation in the Sun's deepest core. The Sun's core sends energy waves through its structure as an entirety. The fusion in the Sun's core is not totally symmetrical. The fusion reaction must create as much energy, as it can form a wave that can travel through the sun. 

Because radiation locks particles to hover in the quantum field and the expansion of the universe pulls those particles away from each other. That thing causes a situation where outside energy falls between those locked particles. The black holes are extreme gravity objects. The black hole's material disks play the same role as the corona plays around the sun. 

The annealing can also cause a situation that we see around black holes. The transition or material disk around those objects is the wall in the middle. The black hole pulls radiation and material into it. The relativistic jet that forms in the reaction at the black hole's spin axle forms extreme heat that makes the material disk and ion field shine. When material falls through the event horizon black hole packs energy that it pulls into that disk. Also, the speed of gas is higher near the event horizon and that causes friction.  

But when we think about things like black holes they are one kind of thermal pump. They pull and tie energy inside them. One of the reasons for that is the high-energy plasma around them. That plasma feeds black holes with energy. And if that plasma is gone the black hole releases its energy. That plasma is one of the interactions that keep a black hole in its form. And the same way we can think that the Sun's corona does its part to keep the sun in its form.

As I wrote before, the Sun's corona is 200X hotter than the sun. That means the energy. That comes out of the sun comes from the corona. Some part of the energy that the sun shines returns to the sun.  The energy movement in the corona is to the cooler part. If the corona is removed the energy flow out from the sun turns stronger. And that thing can cause a situation in which the sun cannot keep its shell. So if the corona is gone, the sun will erupt as a nova.


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