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Does dark matter exist?

Dark matter is the gravity effect that moves particles. When we think about dark matter and Higgs field, that means dark matter should be renamed to dark gravity. The idea is that the superstring model is connected to the so-called weakening light theorem. The idea in those models is that the material must not be so-called real material to cause gravitational effects. If we think that gravity is the movement in the Higgs field, that means the weakly interacting massive particle, WIMP can be a so-called virtual particle. 

The fact is that, in the dark matter theorem there are two versions of dark matter. 

1) Hot dark matter

2) And cold dark matter. 

It's possible. That cold dark matter is some kind of bubble or movement in Higgs field. In this text, the Higgs field means the base energy field that is energy minimum in the universe. 

The superstrings or very thin energy fields that travel in the Higgs field can form holes in that field. The Higgs field tries to fill those holes. And that can form the ghost gravity or the movement in the Higgs field. Those superstrings can also impact. That releases kinetic energy to the Higgs field, and that can be the origin of the dark energy. 

In most modern cosmological models, the Universe began its existence in the Big Bang about 13,5 billion years ago. Some people think that the existence of the universe began 27,5 billion years ago. The fact is that there could have been many stages before the final Big Bang, one could be the great annihilation where the antimatter-material particles that Schwinger-effect or particle-wave duality formed after the energy released into the space impacted together forming energy and material in the form as we know it. 

So the Big Bang was the event or series of events where material got its energy level and form as we know it. 

When we think about the material we face one thing. We cannot see the material itself. We can see quantum fields around it. In some models, the graviton the hypothetical gravitation transporter particle is a quantum-size black hole. The whirl in gravity waves. And elementary particles are quantum fields around those quantum-size gravity centers. The thing that supports this model is this. 

The outside quantum field keeps the material in its form. If we think of the model where the quark and other elementary particles are whisk-looking structures around the quantum-size black holes that explains why material exists. The material is the standing wave, a bubble, and the energy level must be lower in the particle than outside it. The outside energy pushes that quantum field into its center. And that keeps material in its form. Sometimes the shape of that field is changing. That forms quantum low pressure in the Higgs field. That field starts to fill that low-pressure area. 

The quantum cooler can also explain why material acts like it acts. If there is a small bubble, like a quantum black hole in the particle, Its relativistic jet could be like a string that travels in the universe. While that string travels through the quantum field, it conducts energy out from the particle. And that can form quantum gravity. 

The tired light means that if the light travels from the other side of the universe. That thing causes redshift where light stretches or spectral lines travel into red. But it's possible that things like Black Holes. And other massive objects stretch the light. Actually, all gravitational objects stretch light. And that is one of the things that nobody predicted. 

Virtual particles are the bubbles or potholes in the energy fields. And that thing makes them act like so-called real particles. The most well-known virtual particles are the so-called excitons, there the electron jumps out from its orbital and starts to orbit its own pothole, or electron-hole. The conclusion is that it's possible that also other particles than just electrons can create similar holes as electrons. 

So, maybe the quarks or some other particles are things that form holes that create the invisible structure. In some models, things like up quarks can jump out from the proton. And they can form lower energy points, that act like quarks. That can turn the proton into a form where it's invisible. Or maybe we should search for those particles from somewhere else. Maybe some gluon can jump out from the particle, forming the hole. But there is no confirmation about those "holes" where quarks or gluons jump out from their place forming similar structures that electron forms in exciton. 

When we think about virtual material that can form WIMP we can think of the superstrings. If the so-called Higgs field is a standing energy field where the superstring, or higher energy beam travels that string pushes the field from around it. That string pushes a hole or channel in the Higgs field. 

The Higgs field tries to fill that channel. Another thing is that those extremely thin radiation fields can sometimes impact. It's possible. Those impacting superstrings send kinetic energy that could explain dark energy. And that thing can be one of the explanations for the reason why we cannot see dark matter.


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