Friday, October 18, 2024

The image of an atom's internal structure and form of gravity waves.

The first image of an atom's internal structure is published. That image might open the models for how things like gravity form when we think of the model where the gravity center pulls quantum fields into it. When quarks and gluons are spinning, that effect means that the spinning subatomic particles tie the quantum field into it. 

Then that energy field will travel to the spin axle. There it travels out from the particle. This means that the gravity center doesn't create gravity. It just ties the quantum field into its structure and possibly aims it away. The problem with this model is how to explain where the gravity center puts that energy, and the best guess is that it just aims that energy into the spin axle. 

Then we can go to think about the strongest gravity fields in the universe. The black hole and its event horizon are the things. That makes the so-called information paradox. The idea is that the black hole traps or freezes the information on the event horizon. But then the expansion of the black holes along with the gravity waves destroy that thing.  

When the black hole sends a gravity wave, it sends part of itself to the universe. Models suggest that the gravity wave's origin is just outside the event horizon.  Escaping gravity wave creates the lower energy area or quantum low-pressure area around the black hole. And that pulls energy out of it. 

"For the first time, quarks and gluons were used to describe properties of atomic nuclei, which until now had been explained by the existence of protons and neutrons. The temporary pair of correlated nucleons is highlighted in purple. Credit: IFJ PAN" (, First coherent picture of an atomic nucleus made of quarks and gluons)

A gravity wave is a wave in the Higgs field, which is the base energy level in the universe. The thing like the superstring on the spinning particle acts like the hill or threshold that pushes energy to that wave. Gravity waves are like a ditch in the Higgs field. The higher energy point at the front of that lower energy area can explain the special feature of the gravity wave.

We can explain the gravity waves as a series of waves that have a very high frequency. If the bottom of those energy ditches is lower than the energy hill that ditch takes more energy than the hill can give to the particle. And that pulls the object to the gravity center. 

When we think about things like gravity waves and singularity we can say that the black hole's singularity is not perfectly smooth. There are little valleys and the fast-spinning object creates the lower energy areas at the points of those valleys. That means energy travels out from the singularity in those points. And that can cause a black hole oscillation or eruption, where it sends gravity waves. 

The gravity wave doesn't need singularity to form. The superstring. That is anchored just outside the event horizon can create the quantum pressure wave to the Higgs field. 

The thing is that gravity waves can also form when things like superstrings touch the gravity or Higgs field. The thing is that the black hole's gravity waves can form at the event horizon. The event horizon locks the superstrings around it. And when that structure spins it creates the waves to the Higgs field or whatever we want to call the minimum energy field in the universe. 

When we think about the atom's core and proton's and neutron's internal structure there are quarks and gluons. Gluons move between quarks, and that thing forms quantum channels between quarks and quarks and gluons. The gluons and spinning quarks pull energy out from those channels, forming a quantum vacuum that keeps those quarks and gluons as one entirety.

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