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The new AI-controlled methods revolutionize chemistry.

"A research team has successfully synthesized high-energy-density cubic gauche nitrogen (cg-N) at atmospheric pressure using potassium azide and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Credit: Xianlong Wang" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Have Synthesized a Diamond-Like Nitrogen Structure That Could Redefine Energy Storage)

The assembly theory of everything makes it possible to create models of the chemical compounds and atomic actors behave. The new systems were the AI-controlled microwaves, laser microscopes, and reaction controllers and ion creators are making it possible to create new metamaterials and quantum compounds. 

The ability to make precisely controlled reactions is the thing that revolutionizes chemistry. New materials might have special abilities that make them new tools for data, and energy storage, communication, nanotechnology, and many other things. The new systems can put things like those nitrogen crystals into the graphene. That thing makes energy pockets where the impact energy can go. 

Nitrogen can also create similar tubes and 2D lattices as carbon. 

The newest materials are diamond-like nitrogen structures. That nitrogen diamond is the thing that allows it to store very high energy levels. Nanotechnology allows to creation of new types of chemicals like explosives, that are more powerful than the RDX. Those chemicals require a nitrogen structure that is similar to carbon fullerene or carbon graphene. 

If the 2D nitrogen network is possible the reactive tails of the RDX can make a pillar-shape structure above the layer. That thing can make it possible to create powerful explosives. 

"Recent studies challenge Assembly Theory’s innovative claims, showing it mirrors existing complexity measures like Shannon Entropy and does not offer a unique method to define life. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Prove Revolutionary “Assembly Theory of Everything” Isn’t So Revolutionary After All)

Nitrogen graphene or nitrogen fullerene are the tools that revolutionize the explosive industry. In those systems the nitrogen forms tubes and 2D lattice same as carbon in graphene and fullerene. 

The carbon ring in the RDX molecule makes the standing wave in the molecule. That reflection makes the RDX so powerful. If the RDX molecules or their reactive parts connect to the nitrogen fullerene ball, that structure makes the situation that the standing wave can not erupt from the structure from open sides. 

There is also the possibility to connect those reactive tails of the RDX with the nitrogen nanotube. That makes it possible to create an explosive that can aim its force in the wanted direction.  In those structures, nitrogen makes similar forms as carbon makes in fullerene and graphene. 

Theories of molecular behavior and forming bonds between atoms make it possible to create models and simulations of how atoms and molecules interact at a certain pressure and temperature. The AI makes it possible to record models that involve even billions of actors. And then the computers can make it possible to create new molecular and atomic bonds. 

The assembly theory of everything is the thing, that is the model of the molecular behavior is the thing that makes it possible to create new chemical compounds and form new forms of material. The ability to make things like Bose-Einstein condensate makes it possible to create atom form where the atom groups are under one common quantum field. 

That behavior makes it possible for researchers can make things like photon crystals. In photon crystals, the photons are under a common quantum field. The energy level on the border of that field is higher than in those photons. So that means those photons cannot break themselves out from that quantum field. 

The same effect can be used to connect many other particles or atoms to chemical compounds that were been impossible a short time ago. The ability to create Bose-Einstein condensate makes it possible to connect things like noble gas to new chemical compounds. 

There are two ways to use the Bose-Einstein condensate. The symmetrical way and the asymmetrical way. Symmetrical reactions mean that all participants in the chemical reaction are at the minimum energy level. An asymmetrical temperature means, that some participants can be at the minimum energy level, but other participants may maybe at room temperature.


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