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Researchers produced organic molecules in the laboratory.

"New research challenges the assumption that specific molecules detected on other planets signify life, showing that these can be synthesized under controlled lab conditions without any biological activity. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Molecular Mirage: Lab Findings Question Signs of Alien Life)

The possibility of finding alien life Is not the same as confirmation of alien life. Things like some organic chemical compounds like amino acids can form in the laboratory without any living organism. The thing is that organic compounds are weak signals that tell that there is the possibility of finding alien life. The possibility to find alien life doesn't mean that there is some kind of alien life. And the second thing is that there is no "certainly" in research. 

Before we make any observations we cannot make any confirmations about the existence or nonexistence of alien life. Alien life doesn't automatically mean alien civilization. And if some kind of bacteria will be found in Venus' atmosphere or Venus's highlands those bacteria can have origin on Earth. If the probes were not properly disinfected. It's possible, that they transport bacteria to Venus. 

When we look at the "Martian bacteria", we must realize that those "bacteria" are only formations in the stone. Without DNA or RNA those possible fossils are not possible to confirm being Martian origin. Those fossils must be collected from Mars and there should be some kind of genetic material in them. But when we look at things like Martian meteorites from the South Pole, those samples are anyway polluted. 

"One way to explore the potential for life on distant planets—those orbiting stars other than our own—is by studying their atmospheres. Telescopic images can reveal gases that suggest the presence of life and habitable conditions. However, a recent study by the University of Colorado Boulder challenges this notion by demonstrating that a gas commonly considered a biosignature of life can be produced synthetically in a lab without any living organisms." (ScitechDaily, Molecular Mirage: Lab Findings Question Signs of Alien Life)

"The Miller–Urey experiment was a synthesis of small organic molecules in a mixture of simple gases in a thermal gradient created by heating (right) and cooling (left) the mixture at the same time, with electrical discharges." (Wikipedia, Miller–Urey experiment)

Without a search for alien life, we cannot find it. 

The creation of the amino acids in the laboratory is not a new thing. The Miller-Urey experiment was a laboratory experiment where researchers manufactured simple organic molecules in the laboratory. Where researchers produced amino acids. Without living organisms. 

"The Miller–Urey experiment (or Miller experiment) was an experiment in chemical synthesis carried out in 1952 that simulated the conditions thought at the time to be present in the atmosphere of the early, prebiotic Earth. It is seen as one of the first successful experiments demonstrating the synthesis of organic compounds from inorganic constituents in an origin-of-life scenario. The experiment used methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), hydrogen (H2), in a ratio of 2:2:1, and water (H2O). Applying an electric arc (simulating lightning) resulted in the production of amino acids." (Wikipedia, Miller–Urey experiment)

"Launched in December 2021, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) extends our cosmic vision with its infrared capabilities, enabling detailed analysis of distant exoplanet atmospheres and their potential for life. Credit: NASA GSFC/CIL/Adriana Manrique Gutierrez" (ScitechDaily, Molecular Mirage: Lab Findings Question Signs of Alien Life)

There is no confirmed evidence of life on other planets. But there are billions of planets. And I am afraid that we or I make a similar mistake as some astronomers made with exoplanets. Some astronomers said that there are certainly no other planetary systems. And in the next week, researchers found the first exoplanet. 

But then we must ask one question: is it fair to compare the JWST spectral analysis from some exoplanet that is maybe about 500 ly away from Earth with laboratory research? The thing is that the laboratory is not the exoplanet. The JWST is not a test tube. And that is the thing that we should realize. The amino acids and organic compounds in the laboratory do have not the same source as amino acids and other chemical compounds in the exoplanet atmosphere. 

Many people say that the red dwarfs cannot host lifeforms. The reason for that is that the habitable zone is so close to that star. And that means the planet would be locked. The IR radiation from red dwarfs is so high, and UV is so low, that life cannot form on those planets. So that means searching for other lifeforms is a waste of time. But then we can realize, that maybe someday we find even another civilization. ''

Without contact, we are alone. And we have no contact with other civilizations. But then the fact is that without a search there is no possibility to find alien life.


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