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Spiral form's role in nature and spacetime.  

We have all seen spirals. We all know what that geometrical shape looks like. Spirals are the mathematical introduction of the whirls. The whirl around the center makes things like tropical storms possible. When tropical hurricanes form the interaction between falling and rising air in the middle of the whirl makes the air pillar that the Coriolis force starts to turn. In a hurricane, there is the falling air pillar that rising air surrounds. 

That low pressure forms a whirl that denies that the rising air pillar cannot spread. And then. That air spiral starts to pack air against the air pillar that forms the eye of the storm. In the diagram, you can see, that there is a rising air around the falling air. 

That thing makes energy fall into the middle of the whirl. And because the falling air has a lower temperature than the air spiral around it, that packs the spiral against cold air. If there is no cold air channel the whirl will be broken. The cold air conducts energy. Out from the hurricane's eye and denies the standing wave formation. 

Could the geometrical shape of the universe be a large flat spiral rather than a plate or sphere?

There is a very huge whirls or spirals in the universe. Those spirals are spiral galaxies and black hole material disks. The spiral structure interacts same way as the air spiral or whirl interacts in the atmosphere.

The spiral denies that things like black holes will not release their energy away. The outer structure in a spiral or whirl packs energy against the inner structure. The thing that makes the black hole act as it should is the wormhole the structure, that takes energy out from it. The spiral around the black hole presses the structure with the power of the entire spiral power fields.  The black hole is destroyed if that spiral is lost. Without it. A black hole sends energy back to space. 

The spiral dumps energy into the black hole.  But in the same way, something must remove the standing wave from inside the black hole. The black hole expansion continues until it can transport energy into those wormholes that might leave from the same point as the black hole's relativistic jets. 


When we think that the spirals are repeating and repeating structures and forms from cosmic megastructures to tropical storms, we can ask one thing: Could the quantum field be around elementary particles rather than the spiral shape? The quantum field can form a ball-shaped spiral around those particles. 


Can the universe's geometrical shape be spiral? 

"The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1. From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space. " (Wikipedia, Shape of the Universe)

Only if Ω>1 the gravity win and the ultimate fate of the universe is the big crunch. But there is the possibility. That none of those geometrical shapes of the universe are not homogenous. It's possible. That there are holes or lower energy fields in those structures. Those things can make the universe look like a spiral. But that is a hypothesis. 

When we think that the spirals are repeating and repeating structures and forms from cosmic megastructures to tropical storms, we can ask one thing: Could the quantum field be around elementary particles rather than the spiral shape? The quantum field can form a ball-shaped spiral around those particles. 

When we think that the black hole pulls material in it in a spiral form there can be a little hole in the power field. If that hole exists that means that the black hole's material jets are the place, where we should look for the wormholes. In this model the relativistic jets involve wormholes. In gravitational models, wormholes are the channels through the Higgs field. The biggest spirals in the universe are unknown. It's possible that around the entire universe is a giant spiral. 

So what if the universe's geometric shape is a flat giant spiral? That thing means that cosmology is wrong because the geometrical shape of the universe is wrong. But does that thing cause something to the ultimate fate of the universe? 

When we think about the Coriolis force, that effect makes the whirl or spiral turn in the same direction on Earth. So if all galaxies will rotate in the same direction that means that they would be in, or, on the layer that moves into the same direction. That is one thing that could support a thing called dark flow. The dark flow is the hypothesis that all galaxies move in the same direction. That means that the universe would have the center of the gravitational object, which puts all other objects orbiting it.


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