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Computer games and jihadists (PROJECT ARTICHOKE)

Joint Special Operations Command Seal Plaque
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The computer games can be used in the mind control programs like MKULTRA. And when I'm writing here about terrorists, I must say that those techniques can be used in opposite way. And that is the very concerning thing because, in the hands of criminals, this kind of tricks can make possible that any person in the world can use as the assassin. When we are thinking about MKULTRA or ARTICHOKE, we must say, that those techniques can be used to force some innocent person to violence like assassinations.

The J-SOC (Joint Special Operations Command) might use this kind of techniques for motivating their operatives. But if somebody misuses this technology, will the results be devastating.  And during that operation, this person's mirror neurons would be locked, and that means this person would not remember anything, what he or she have been done. This would make the movie "Sleepwalkers" transferring in the real life.

When we are thinking about the process, what is making the jihadist or suicide bomber, we must recognize that there is a mental trigger built in those people mind. That trigger is built because of the organization afraid that those terrorists would tell their information to the officials if those terrorists were captured. That's why they are mentalized to make suicide when those usually very young terrorists have made their duty. So when we are thinking about the use of that trigger against those organizations, we might think, that those terrorists would be targeted the information like YouTube movies or computer games, what would activate that suicide trigger, and after that, those terrorists would commit suicide.

If that will happen in the training camps, those people would cause very much problems for their own organizations. The best way to target that information would be to use specially modified computer games, what might addict those Islamists. Those computer games could be something like "be the side of terrorists in some action game", and then that game would be equipped with subliminal messages, what would tell to the gamer, that he has made the strike and obeyed the master, and now is the time to make the final duty.

That would make possible that those terrorists would kill themselves before the strike has been done. Or the messages would tell that person, that the worst enemy of his religion is the terrorist-leaders, what must be eliminated. And this person would make the strike inside the terrorist training camp. The best influence would have the computer games because the player must follow the screen and concentrate the data, what comes from the game. That's why the games are very addictive and dangerous in the wrong hands.

There have been rumors that this kind of techniques has tested on humans in real life, and somebody claims that this kind of mind control, what was created for "PROJECT ARTICHOKE" are behind some mass murders. "ARTICHOKE" has been mentioned as one of the most insane and disturbing military tests in the world. The individuals of that project have not been mentioned, and their identities are classified. But there are rumors, that some private contractors have copied the techniques, what has been used in "ARTICHOKE" program.

Picture I


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