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Why are extroverts more popular than introverts? And why actors misuse drugs so often?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

What might be the reason for that thing? The extroverts are more social than introverts, and that is the reason, why they normally have more friends than introverts. Introverts don't speak very much in the public situations, and that would be very disturbing in the mind of other people. Sometimes introverts would be sent to psychiatrists because they would not take part to talking, between people.

If you think that is the right way, that person can be taken to the doctor, who makes the diagnoses, and gives the medicine, if that is necessary. But if the medicine would take to some other use, like using them in some discos for giving "feelings", would that the misuse of the chemicals. And in some cases, the patient would not even see those medicals, because some other family members are eating them.  When we are thinking about the introvert personality, we would face the very exciting thing, what is normally left without notice.

The profession would not make anybody introvert or extrovert. This is the thing, what should everybody know. The persons, who are keeping speeches for their job, might be introverts in their private life as usual as the normal workers. And here is one thing, what many people would not know, the brightest star in the history of the movie, Marilyn Monroe was also the very introvert person, and the social pressure broke her heart and drove that woman to suicide. When are in the social situations, the need to be social is sometimes very stressing, and because we all are not social that would cause the need to drink and the way to alcoholism and drug addiction is ready.

The social pressure to act against own personality causes the very stressful situation, and because the person must act all the time, and afraid to make mistakes causes the very big pressure against that person. And when the person is under the social pressure all the time, would that cause the burnout. We have some social norms, and sometimes we would not think, what we are doing. In sometimes would it seem easy to send the introvert person to the medical doctor, because that would change the introvert person to social and open personality.

But do you know, that this is not true? The truth is that some persons want those medicals for party purpose, what is wrong. The misuse of those chemicals is the very common thing, and the medical staff must think carefully does the patient really need them. Or are they getting those drugs for the entertainment use? When we would think about the skills of the medical doctor, we would see that there is one thing, what shows that the doctor is highly trained professional.

Those persons would not ever promise that the changing would happen in days, and they would use proper methods like follow-ups for their patients. And the misuse of the psychiatrical medicals is very dangerous because if those medicals have been misused, the feedback can be so deep depression, that the person would make suicide. The reason for that is that the tolerance level of the medicals would rise, and be getting a good feeling, must that person take more and more drugs. Sooner or later the dose would increase to the lethal level, and that would cause the death for the patient.


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