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Writing about statues and attitudes

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Society gives us the norms how to live, and the norms might understand the synonyms as world "attitudes".  Attitudes have been changed, but the remainings from the old time are still visible in the street views. Above the text is the picture, what might show the well-known place, but there is one very small thing, what I'd like to show you. In this view is two statues, where another is the man, who keeps the boy on the right side, and the woman, who keeps daughter on the left side.

As we all know, the heart is at the left side. I don't know if this the purpose of the sculptor, but this composition might mean, that the women always be persons, who make the decisions with feeling, and the man would make the decisions by using rational way of thinking. When we are looking those statues, the woman is on the right side and the decisions, what she makes by using feelings and heart feels right, and the man who is positioned on the left side might mean, that the decisions, what man makes, might seem wrong.

But when we are looking at the things from their side, they would be made right things, if the things are looking from their side. This is the problem with the things like getting the education have been understood the very masculine thing, and of course, the decision, what educated person made are always difficult. But the life is not easy, and if the person would have no education, would other people make the decisions for that person. When those sculptures are made, the man actually owned women.

 And being free, must the women stay unmarried. In that time masculinity was right, and the masculine man was the thing, what symbolized the advantage and power. Women and feminine things meant traitorous attitudes, and the best example of those attitudes is the old detective films faithful women, who set the traps for the detectives, who used brown poplars and who were portraited famous actors like Humphrey Bogart, who smoked cigarettes non-stop.

This man died because of throat cancer at the age of 58, and he smoked over 100 cigarettes per day. In the modern movies that would not happen, because the laws are prohibiting the marketing of cigarettes.  Science was the very masculine thing and that's why in Finnish language Scientist is almost every time translated in the way "tiedemies", what exactly means "science man", and this is the very good example of the attitudes in 19th. century. This is writing about attitudes, and the thing, that those attitudes were very different in the past. Or if you lived in the time of those black and white movies, would you ever believe, that in some day, would gay people get in the married or woman would be portraited the action hero?


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