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The surgical implants would be next-generation equipment for electronic warfare.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The next-generation electronic warrior might use implanted equipment, what would be set in the bodies of the kidnapped enemy. In this fictional scenario, we might think the misuse of the medication or the making the human being the walking bomb. GPS-implants are dangerous because that system can use to track the personnel, and that can be used to track enemy camps. This solution might seem like some cyborg-story, but there would be the technical capacity to make that kind of missions right now if the commanders of the special forces would want to make that decision.

Those implants can be set in the person's body very fast, and the thing would be to go, that some special forces would go to the enemy lines, and then anesthetize some personnel. After that, they would shoot the implant into the enemy's body. The process would be similar to the setting the GPS implant to This implant can be tracked from the satellites, but there would be more dangerous equipment, that human ever can imagine. Those implants can be modified to deliver the computer viruses, and that system must only get the connection to the WLAN-systems.

Pentagon is creating the new robot-warriors, and some of those models would be human-shaped. We might call those machines "the Terminators" or the human-shaped robots can be equipped with internal EMP-systems, what might bases in the Leyden bottle, what is also called the high-power capacitors. Those robots might have carbon fiber skeleton and the artificial muscles, what seem like silicon bags. There would be small cells in those bags, what is filled with electrolytic liquid, and when the electricity would be connected to that bag, the electrolytes would transfer to another side of those cells, and that would make those silicon bags act like the real muscle. The electric wires must be connected to both sides of those cells, and they might allow the computer to control those muscles like human brain controls our muscular tissue.

And the joints might be equipped with extra-servos, what can be used when that system needs extra power. The computers would be under the chest or they can be installed inside the skeleton of that machine. Those human-looking robots might be controlled remotely from the aircraft, or by using the satellites, another side of the ocean, from giant computer centers. This kind of "terminators" could have human faces and the outer layer would be rubber, and the faces can get from kidnapped enemy warriors or leaders. That kind of robots can walk straight to enemy command centers, and then they would send the EMP-pulse to those systems.

The problem of the EMP-systems is, that those systems can also surgically implanted to humans, and the modified GPS-systems could also be used for delivering the computer viruses into command centers and other computers. This kind of systems can be installed to captured enemy soldiers, who would be anesthetized by using chemical arrows or to the area would be delivered the opiates, what makes possible to kidnap enemy personnel. And then those EMP- and computer virus deliver-systems could be put to the bodies of that personnel.

In the skull of that kidnapped, could set the loudspeaker, what would simultaneously be repeating the order to go to the headquarters, the frequency of that system would resonate the skull, and that would cause the sound inside the targeted person head. And then the attack can be activated by using remote-application. Those systems might also be equipped with explosives, like in one "Agent 47" movie was happening. The implanted high power EMP-system would cause the death of the person because the system uses high-explosives to create the high-power radio- or microwave.

Those systems can automatically be activated by using satellite or some other communication system. And when we are talking about surgically assembled implates, those implants can also be used to collect information from the networks. They can store it in the flash memory, and when they would get the right code, they would send the data to the satellites. I don't know how realistic this is, but the GPS-systems could be reprogrammed to that purpose, and only thing, what is needed, is the antenna, what collects the information from the network.

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