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Why is somebody not satisfied with the meeting between Trump And Kim?

Nice photo about meeting
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There would be the greatest disappointment in the world. The nuclear war didn't start in the Korean peninsula. There have been many writings in the media, that the meeting between the leaders of the USA and North Korean leaders should not be done, and some persons seem very disappointed about this meeting, what was the first between the USA and North Korea. If we think this case very sarcastic way, the thing, what is always disappointed in the case, where some nations would normalize their relationship, or making something else than building nuclear weapons and shoots the opponents.

There is sometimes the persons, who believe, that the attacking another country would bring the peace, and of course, the media would be filled with the pictures of human sacrifices. Also, the attacker would be the nation, what always want the war against other nations. When we are thinking about Donald Trump, this man has not yet begun any war, and that makes him very different than Barack Obama, and the media supported strongly the choice of Hillary Clinton in the presidential election campaign in the USA. And now the media would not be seen, what it wanted.

Trump didn't attack North Korea and proved that he would be some kind of war maniac, who always want to attack other countries. This is the problem with the United States. This nation is always welcome when the force is needed but during the campaign, the media starts to blame the U.S military men as the war criminals, and of course, the opponent is always the heroic fighter, what causes terrible losses to U.S military forces. And when we are thinking about this kind of things, we might face the truth, that this time Trump didn't make the favor for his political enemies, and attacked North Korea, what would cause the billions of deaths.

When we are searching the reason, why the conflicts, what is so far away, are so popular in the newspapers in Europe, we must say that some of the local politicians and newspapermen need those conflicts to turn the heads of the people away from ordinary problems like growing differences of salary, the loss of homes and many more things, what we should talk  in everyday life. Those problems are easy to cover with the stories of the war, what was, of course, started the militaristic USA because it is the evilest country in the world.  And then we could face the situation, where the opponent, North Korea would become the puppy of the media.

This is the normal news in media. And the problem with that kind of writings is, that they would support the dictators and the only part, what is listened, would be the opponent of the USA. There have been many persons, who would like that kind of conflicts. And many people would support anybody, who makes harm to the USA.  There have been persons, who would believe, that everything, what the intelligence community makes is some kind of crimes. And they support everybody, who shares harmful information about those organizations. But there would be little conflict between media and Trump because media is always against this man, but at the same time, there would be waited for support about divorcing some persons, who were not satisfied the press, what will tell the people, how unctuous those leaders smile was in the meeting.

And when we are talking about Chinese pearls of wisdom, many of them are made in other countries. But when we are thinking about the thing, what Ivanka Trump wrote in the social media, I must say, that this phrase was very good.  Probably it was written somebody, who lived in Chicago, but who knows about those things. The phrase  “Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it.” is good. And if that is written in Chicago would not make it worse, than if it would be written by some monk in Sun Tzu monastery in Tibet.  Many of those phrases, what are mentioned as "Chinese" are made the journalists, who claimed to read or hear them from some Chinese person because that would hear and be more selling by pearls of wisdom of Chinese monks than pearls of wisdom of some journalist, who worked in the newspaper at Chicago.

Picture I


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