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What if the customer would take a part in the developing process?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The co-development means that the deliverer or offender of the product would work together in the development process. The way of thinking that way would mean, that there would be no borders for the feedback, and sharing the information of the problems would be easier. The problems with the multi-level planning of the production are that the information of the problems would not enter to the ears of traditional companies. The co-developing is not the leaders or directors, this model happens in the workshops were the persons, who would take the part of the process can talk freely, and that would support the innovation.

Of course, there are limits in that kind of developing process, and one of them is financing. and of course in the company is the leaders. But in the developing process, the major role in the process is the network type working, where everybody has the chance to influent the process. The network-type information system allows free innovation, but of course, there is one thing, what must be noticed in this process.

The introvert persons must also take a part in the talking about the production, and those persons must be heard. Co-developing process is very interesting, and the answer to the question: why the company should choose this kind of method in the production and developing new products is, that in those models the developing team would get every information for their work, and the customer can also bring their own experts in this kind of team.

Co-developing means the real P2P model development for the products. This would revolutionize the borders between the manufacturer, deliver and the customer. And the feedback would be given during the process, that the development team can fix the errors during the process, and that would eliminate errors in the final product.

But the success of that project would need the good knowledge of the product. And of course, the chemistry between the members of the team must work very good. The persons who are working this way must have good social skills, and they must know, that every member of the team is important. No firms would hire persons, who would bring nothing in their projects, because those persons must get their salaries. And that's why they must have listened in the process. The people must realize that there would be no engineer, who would have nothing to do in the company.

Those people are expensive, and that's why there must be something to do, where the engineers are needed. In those projects must first collect every needed information, and then make the analysis of the need for the new product. And in this analysis must be seen, what is the trouble in the product, and could it replace by giving their new cores, if the product is the mobile telephone or some tool, what would need to use with gloves. That new cores or size would make them easier to hand with gloves. But there is no need to invent the wheel again. The old products might have many parts, what would operate in the new size product. And that would make the developing process cheaper and easier than starting to make brand new concepts.

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