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Why is CIA so active in Central America?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we looked the news ar 80's we saw every time, that CIA or some other United States intelligence organization was working intensively in Central America. Sometimes somebody asked, what is the problem if some Nicaragua or Costa-Rica moved to the socialist country? There is one thing, what makes this choice very bad for the United States. If some of those nations would turn to socialistic, they might call the Soviet- or Russian airbase to their territory.

By using this airfield the Soviet air force could operate near the United States borders and if the country has got harbors, the highly mobile missile systems might be transferred to that area. In the Cuban missile crises in 1962, the Soviet Union wanted to move their IRBM-missiles to Cuba. Those missiles were very primitive, and they must be tanked before the attack. And if the USAF would notice that the missile's tanks were filled, they could destroy those missiles by using napalm and cluster bombs. Those weapons could destroy fuel dumps and rockets of the missiles, and the radioactive pollution would be delivered all the area if the warheads of the missile will be damaged.

After the missile crises, the CIA have suspected that the Soviet Union or Russia had plans to bring SS-20 "Saber" or SS-25 "Sickle" (Topol-M) highly mobile missile systems to Cuba. Those highly mobile missiles could be driven to the places, where they are out of the sight, and because the fuel is stored in the missiles, they are very independent and highly mobile. Those missiles could be driven out straight from Il-76 cargo planes, and then they would be transported out of the sight. There were no signs of that kind of operation, but as we know that those highly mobile systems could transport to Cuba in very short warning period.

They must just drive in the cargo planes and then fly to the target. Those ballistic missiles would be most suitable for the mission because their fuel is inside the rocket, and structure of solid rocket fuel makes those missiles easier to handle than cruise missiles, what uses petroleum in their jet motors. In the high temperature, the petroleum can evaporate, and that's why in the tropic the tubes of those missiles must equip with the cooling system. That keeps the temperature of the missiles low and eliminates the vaporizing the fuel.

If liquid rocket fuel like highly poisonous Hydrazine starts to vaporize, would those missile crews wear the NBC-gas protecting suits, and start to pump that fuel to other tanks for decreasing the temperature of the chemicals. If there would be the leak, the highly toxic chemical can kill people and also pollute the ground. With Hydrazine would be used nitric acid, what can cause terrible burnings, and destroy the protective gear. If that chemical, what is used as the oxygenizing agent in the reaction would deliver to the ground, that would cause pollution.

The problem with that kind of operation is that those weapon systems are then far away from the mainland, what means that their crews are out of the political control. And that thing causes problems with this plans. There were rumors that those missiles would transport to Cuba without launching codes and necessary circuits if the crises would get deeper. And then some MiG or Sukhoi fighter would bring those stuff if that is necessary, but then those plans were abandoned because the KGB would not be sure could those fighters survive to Cuba in the real crises.

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