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The Quicksilver and its usage in the optical and radiotelescopes

Arecibo telescope
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Only liquid metal in nature is Quicksilver, what is used in thermometers. But this element can be used in the optical telescopes. In this system, the Quicksilver would be the tip in the dish, what is rotating at very high speed, and this rotating makes the metal act like water and forming the parabolic mirror, what can use in the optical telescopes. The problem with this kind of mirrors is that they are suitable only in the zenith mirrors, what are looking straight upwards. The best example of zenith-telescopes is the largest single antenna radiotelescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. This zenith telescope has brought in the mind the thing, that Quicksilver is also metal, what conducts electricity. So this liquid metal can also be used for large radiotelescopes, where rotating dish would make the parabolic form for that system. Here I would return to write about mysterious structure in Poland.

The structure looks like "Stonehenge", and it was mentioned to have the dish on the bottom, what was filled with water. I sometimes have thought that can salty water used for the same purpose as the quicksilver, and then the large-scale radiotelescopes can be made very cheaply. In the situations, where those telescopes would not be needed, they can remove easily. The quicksilver can be suck to the tank, but if the system uses salt water, the handling of the material would be easy, because the salt water is non poisonous material. In the modern version of this kind of radiotelescope, the antenna, what have the receiver, can be installed on the hydraulic pylons, what can be used to impose the height of the receiving antenna. And sometimes I have thought, that could the Arecibo telescope have the same purpose, as the "Henge" in Poland?

"The Henge"
(Picture II)

And when the speed of the dish would increase, the distance between the receiving antenna and parabolic mirror can impose, that the focus point of the system is always right. When we would go back to the "Henge" in Poland, that structure could also be used as the high-power radio receiver, what the German military intelligence used to trap the signals from Allied radio-transmission. But that system can be multipurpose, and it could also be used to the tests of the mysterious system called "Die Glocke".  When we are thinking about anti-gravity, we might see, that system would use magnetic pushing force, where two poles, what have the same electric capacity would push the craft upwards. This is the effect, what you can see when you put the plus poles of the magnet against together, and the magnets start to push together outwards. If the plus and minus poles are against, the magnet starts to pull together.

There are many rumors about this thing, and one of it would be, that it would be flying machine, what was planned to flight by pumping there an energy by using high-power radio-transmitters, and in some conventional plans, the system would pull up and down like jo-jo, and that movement would rotate the generators inside that system. But in theory, the machine could create the small black hole inside the henge, what means that system would focus the high power radio-transmission in the same point.

 When we are thinking about this system, the original purpose would create the "doomsday bomb", where those radio-waves would be targeted to the ball-shaped object like bearing balls, and by using this technology would "Ahnenerbe" (SS-E-IV) create the gravity bomb. In this scenario, the mass of the object would be increasing by pumping there the radio-waves, and when the mass would be big enough, could that system forming the tiny singularity, what could cause the fusion reaction in the atmosphere. And maybe "Die Glocke" would be the smaller version of the "Henge".  This system would be fundamental, and maybe this would be so-called "one system fits all".


Picture I

Picture II


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