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The threats of the Alzheimer-chips

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

By modifying the Alzheimer-microchip by connecting it to the Internet, somebody can make this kind of things, which are mentioned in the next text possible.  What kind of the world could be, if we would move our conscious to the Internet? We would not feel our bodies, and nowhere would not be wind or heat. That would happen if we would transfer our mind to the Internet, and this kind of things could be very dangerous. If there would be some person, who would be some kind of net addict, that addiction might be very much worse than some case, what is caused by the normal computers.

The transferring the mind to the Internet would happen by using the brain core stimulation. And this might cause very serious psychiatric problems because the user of that kind of things would not realize, what happens in real or what happens in the virtual world. Because the person cannot realize this thing, might there happen that the user of that system would just die of hunger or loss of the water.

That's why those systems would be extremely dangerous. By using that system,  the person can be made to believe anything, what the persons, that are responsible for use of those systems want the targeted person to believe. And those things might be very dangerous because by using this braincore stimulation the targeted person would believe, that he or she can fly like the bird. This might cause the situation where somebody would just jump from the roof because that person has "made that before" in the virtual space, where the wings grow in this person's back.

In some very interesting and frighten speculations, the humans would be implanted by microchips, what would set under their skulls by using surgery. Those microchips can allow transmitting a different kind of skills to brains, and also those skills can be removed, when they are useless. This scenario allows that every person can get medical doctors skills when they need them, and then those skills and memories can be removed when they are not needed anymore, and then those persons can continue in some other job when those special skills are not needed anymore.

This means that if the country would get attacked, every citizen could get the skills of commando operator from some command center, and when those skills are not needed, they can be removed, and this brings me the horrifying things in the mind, that somebody could be made this kind of things, and use those techniques for some mercenaries and private military corporations. This technology could make impossible that those operators would tell about their operations. The reprogrammed Alzheimer chip can be used for this things. And this is the quite horrifying scenario, for use the microchips, what are made for Alzheimer-patients for the wrong purposes.


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