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The deadliest things are not, what we suspect that they are

AC-47 "Spooky"
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Kimmo  Huosionmaa

Normally people think that some nuclear weapons and STEALTH-fighters are dangerous for people but in the real life we would die for many other reasons, like walking ahead of the car, But reality is, that even more often we would die because we eat too much sugar and fat. When we are going to visit in another land, we would afraid many things like a violation, and of course, mother warned us about sex with local girls. But then we would go to sit in the same room with another tourist, who has been sitting on the bus with the person, who had the flu.

We would not have sexual contact with this person, and everything seems that this person just got cold. This flu might be very first symptoms of the worlds deadliest virus, known as Ebola. The problem with that hemorrhage fewer is that causes the first symptoms after a couple of hours and the second is, that the virus would transfer to victims blood in the spit contagion.

Nobody believes this is only the marginal case, but as we know, that the first symptoms of Ebola seem like flu, and that would cause the situation, where some Ebola-patient comes to sit next to another person in the bus. This is the worst scenario, what the CDC has ever created. The another very bad believe is that some new military systems are deadly. Of course, if some head of the state would want to go to legal war, this person would buy the next-generation fighters like JAS-Gripens from some country, and that would be legal weapons trade.

But if the head of the state would want to make genocides, would he think, that those Ebola-viruses are perfect for that operation, but the laboratories would be problematic, because if somebody finds out that the tissue samples of that virus would be transferred to the cell plantages, and then the virus can be produced from the single organism. But if that organism would release in the wrong place, would that cause the death of the head of the state. So this person might want to do this dirty job with some equipment, what is unseen for normal people.

The deadliest aircraft in the world is gunship if the firing operation would be targeted against infantry. By using modified cargo-planes with rapid action machine guns could only a couple of persons kill even thousands of people. In theory, four or eight mercenary soldiers, who operate with two AC-47 gunships can control entire state in Africa. In this case, the unit has two Dakotas, with GAU-2 miniguns, and they operate nonstop. The other crew must, of course, rest while another gunship operates. And there is a pilot and co-pilot, who operates miniguns and the loader, who change the ammo belts for that weapon.

The minigun can operate from the cockpit by installing the electric switch to the control stick of that plane, and the aiming for those weapons could happen by using video-and infrared cameras, what is used for locating the heat leaks in buildings. Those systems can be connected to the screens, what are in the cockpit, and then the system is ready for work, and when we are thinking about Vietnam, there was the jungle, what protected Viet-Cong fighters.

But in Africa, there would be no protection against this weapon. If the opponent has no anti-aircraft missiles like BUK-system, they would be in very big trouble. If those opponents are guerillas, they have realistic chance to buy the Stingers or SA-14 missiles, what can harm that gunship, but there is only one problem. Selling weapons to guerillas is strictly prohibited. And if someone wants to sell those shoulder-shooting missiles for guerillas, that salesman must be quite sure, that the guerrillas would win, and they would not tell that story to the international press.

Of course, that gunship is also illegal, if it has bought during the conflict. But the governments have one head start for guerillas, they diside, when the war can be started, and if some area would be rebellious, can the government buy military equipment, and when the storages are full of weapons, would it tell the rebellion to the world. And if the conflict is not known, it would not have existed. This is the golden rule in international politics.


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