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The "snowball effect" causes very much work in criminal investigations

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The "snowball effect" means that rumors and prosecutions are building upon the one person. One of the good examples of those things is murder investigations, where one person is suspected of the homicide. The psychological effect called "snowball effect" would start to transform the story of that person, and the criminal case in the way that even that person would not recognize self in those rumors. In some cases, the murder weapon, what was some kind of small caliber revolver transforms into the machine gun, and the suspected person would be made thousands of murders because somebody wants to play key witness in the courtroom, and tell little bit changed stories about the crimes, what that prosecuted person would make.

Some of those stories are made for releasing the suspect, but sometimes somebody would try to push the homicides for those prosecuted persons, and those cases are very disgusting. Persons, who have made disgusting crimes are persons, who would have no friends inside the prisons. They are not wanted anywhere, and this is the reason, why some members of the criminal groups want to put their own crimes in the fault of some maniacs, who are convicted to the mental hospital.

When we are thinking about the fictive serial killers like Michael Myers from the movie "Halloween", we must understand that this kind of persons are very easy to pressure or tempt to make serious crimes, and in this scenario, somebody would give list to that kind of person and claim that they are made something. And then the last person on the list would be armed with firearms, and then this fictional "Mike Myers" would be killed, and the secret, that somebody teased that person to make their dirty work, and then they would shoot that man to death. After that those persons can play some kind of hero in the public media.

Those persons, who might be professional killers would want that somebody, who made the crimes because of the mental disorders, would take their crimes on the responsibility of some mentally ill person. But the motive for that kind of action might be, to make the impression to the classmates or the most handsome girl or boy in the school. And what would be the better way to get the glory would rescue that person. Of course, police would ask this "angel of the streets" why this person carries the gun. But they might claim, that this was the coincidence, what saved other person life.

There have been cases, that somebody pays the "torpedo" to struggle against some woman, that this man could play the hero, for the target of the attraction. This kind of persons like this fictional "Mike Myers", who have made serious and disgusting crimes are the good target for that kind of persons, who are members of some organized crime group.  They are "perfect enemies", and very easy to tease to make that kind of thing, like attacking against some girl, and then the prince of the streets would come and rescue this sweet maiden from the bad attacker.

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