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Showing posts from September, 2024

The acoustic lasers, SASERS can make many things possible.

Sound amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (SASER) can be an excellent tool for acoustic systems like acoustic communication. Because SASER sends its beam in the form of atoms or molecules. It makes it possible to make systems where people or computers can exchange information using acoustic waves.  Acoustic waves can clean surfaces. And if their energy is high enough, they can break any material. That they face. The acoustic systems can make atoms or other particles between those loudspeakers and then lasers and ion systems can drive energy to them.  That is unable to hear from the sides. Because information travels in coherent acoustic waves it makes eavesdropping very hard. The acoustic lasers are suitable for sonar systems. They can be used to lift objects from the ground as the tractor beam. Those beams can act as very highly accurate sonar systems.  They can move objects on layers. The highly accurate high-power acoustic waves can also make submarines move. The syste

Magnetar could be an explanation for the Wow! Signal.

"A scan of a color copy of the original computer printout bearing the Wow! signal, taken several years after the signal's 1977 arrival. Public domain" (Smithsonian Magazine, Mysterious ‘Wow!’ Radio Signal Might Finally Have an Explanation—and No, It’s Not Aliens) Researchers explained the "Wow! Signal" was the energy signal. That came from the magnetar. The signal hit the molecular hydrogen cloud and caused that unique radio effect. The fact is that the "Wow! signal" was not as unique as we previously thought.  "They found that between February and May 2020, the observatory picked up multiple instances of radio activity similar to the mysterious signal from 1977. The locations of these signals corresponded to the sites of cold hydrogen clouds in space." (Smithsonian Magazine, Mysterious ‘Wow!’ Radio Signal Might Finally Have an Explanation—and No, It’s Not Aliens) "They found that between February and May 2020, the observatory picked up

What does "tired light" actually mean?

"Tired light is a class of hypothetical redshift mechanisms that was proposed as an alternative explanation for the redshift-distance relationship. These models have been proposed as alternatives to the models that involve the expansion of the universe. The concept was first proposed in 1929 by Fritz Zwicky, who suggested that if photons lost energy over time through collisions with other particles in a regular way, the more distant objects would appear redder than more nearby ones." (Wikipedia, Tired light) The idea of the tired light model is this: In the wave movement form light is faster than in particle or photon form. And sooner or later that wave movement that travels ahead of the photon pulls it straight. That thing causes the change in redshift. The idea is that the "old light" has a stronger redshift than the "young light".   That effect can explain why very distant galaxies seem to be older than the universe. When a photon turns into wave moveme

The new extraordinary material can freeze time.

"Cambridge physicists have developed a two-dimensional Bose glass, a new matter phase with localized particles that could revolutionize quantum computing by enhancing data preservation and reducing system decoherence. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Extraordinary New Phase of Matter Discovered: Freezing Time With Cambridge’s 2D Marvel) Nanotechnology is the ultimate tool in civil and military technology.  The new phase of material is the 2D marvel. The Bose glass is the tool that can make quantum computers more powerful and trusted than ever before. In a quantum computer, each pike in the material can act like a quantum antenna.  In that system, each pike on the material is one state of the qubit. That means those antennas are against each other, and the quantum system can share data between those antennas. And that allows us to make the new qubits.  The new quantum- or nanomaterial is the ultimate tool for stealth and anti-stealth technologies. T

The AI and RNA are the tools for the next-generation medical treatments.

"Boston University researchers have developed a modified self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) vaccine, which could improve COVID-19 vaccines, gene therapies, and cancer treatments by providing longer-lasting immunity at lower doses." (ScitechDaily, New Type of “Self-Amplifying” RNA Could Revolutionize Cancer Treatments) The AI is an excellent tool for medical research.  The AI is an impressive tool that can diagnose cancer. Harvard researchers developed ChatGPT-style AI tools that can seek cancer. The system that makes cancer diagnoses from X-ray pictures can automatized. In those cases, the system searches for changes in the tissue, shadows, or some other details. That is visible to X-ray systems. The system can compare X-ray images over a long period, and it can see the changes in those images.  That means the AI can tell to doctor that it might see cancer in the X-ray images. Then the human doctor makes the diagnosis. The AI can compile many other variables like DNA/RNA tests and a

Multiverse is one of the most interesting thinking experiments in history.

"The Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics holds that there are an infinite number of parallel universes that exist, holding all possible outcomes of a quantum mechanical system, and that making an observation simply chooses one path. This interpretation is philosophically interesting, but has no physical meaning if there isn't enough "universe" out there to physically hold all of these possibilities within it." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Could a “copy” of me exist in the Multiverse?) "Within our observable Universe, there’s only one Earth and one “you.” But in a vast multiverse, so much more becomes possible." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Could a “copy” of me exist in the Multiverse?) Multiverse is one of the most interesting thinking experiments in history. The idea is that there is another universe outside our universe. That means that the spacetime is full of Big Bangs. And there are lots of universes around the remnants of those still unseen Big Ban

Are we searching for dark matter in the wrong place?

All models that researchers made of dark matter are purely hypotheses. Nobody has seen Weakly interacting massive particles( WIMPs). That means WIMP is something other than just some massive high-energy particle. And if WIMP is a lower energy particle than the universe energy that travels in it should fill it. That means the WIMP should reach the same energy level as the rest of the universe. And that means WIMP should turn visible. If WIMP is at a higher energy level than other particles, it should be visible, because energy travels out of it.  Sometimes is introduced, that WIMP travels so fast, that it creates an electromagnetic vacuum behind it. And that could explain why WIMP is so hard to detect. The idea is that WIMP releases energy only in one direction. That is behind it. And the massive redshift stretches the radiation or wave movement so long that it's almost straight. Or blueshift causes the effect, that WIMP sends radiation at the front of it. As the form of gravity wav

When does the universe reach its shape?

The shape of the universe.  When does the universe reach its shape? The reionization process made the universe transparent. And that is the key element if we want to see other galaxies. The atomic or neutral hydrogen causes the scattering effect that makes the universe opaque. The question is, why most of the universe is invisible to us? Why dark matter can interact with visible material only through gravity?  Ionization makes it possible that photons can travel through molecular nebulas. And that is the thing that can give hints about the form of dark matter. There could be some kind of super ionization. Or some kind of ionization look-effect that turns the material dark.  That effect should stretch the quantum field around the dark matter particles. And make the quantum fields slide over it. The case where information travels faster than particles can make it possible to create a model of how dark matter can avoid interaction between dark matter and visible material.  ***************

The quantum internet. And smooth photon's problem.

"Flying single photons emitted from a quantum dot are coupled into a field-based deployed fiber in the city of Hannover, Germany, and sent to Braunschweig, Germany. Credit: Light: Science & Applications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41377-024-01488-0" (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Quantum Internet: Germany’s Latest Experiment Sets Global Benchmarks) The quantum internet is the system. That stores data into the particles like photons. In traditional networks, data travels as a wave movement. And wave movement is always a little bit less accurate. Because wave movement always expands like a shaft or beam of light. That means somebody can steal information from that beam. Even in highly accurate maser and laser systems. Wave movement shafts. That is the reason why the traditional internet is a little bit unsafe.  In the quantum internet, data is stored in particles like photons. The photon travels at the speed of light. The information is the waves on the photon's shell. In quant

The nebula around the magnetar could explain the FRB.

"An artistic representation of a magnetar, surrounded by the nebula responsible for the continuum radio emission associated with some Fast Radio Bursts. Credit: NSF/AUI/NRAO/S. Dagnello" (ScitechDaily, Weakest Signal Ever Detected Could Solve the Fast Radio Burst Mystery) Fast radio bursts (FRB) are one most powerful effects in the universe. Their source has been unknown. Until now when the Very Large Array (VLA) saw some weak radio impulses that can have a connection with the FRB. That thing connects the FRB with the molecular nebulas around the magnetars, neutron stars with extraordinarily powerful magnetic fields. The idea is that when the magnetar sends its pulse, that pulse hits to molecular cloud around the magnetar.  When that molecular nebula takes the energy impulse it sends energy back to the magnetar. That energy impulse travels through the magnetar's magnetic field which increases its power. If that nebula is like a ring around the magnetar that explains why F

It's time for the Santa Claus machine.

The 3D printing systems connected to the internet make the "internet of physical things" possible. The system is based on the idea that the CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/ Computer-Aided Manufacturing) tools can operate remotely. The fully automatized 3D printing tools require only CAD drawings. The new high-temperature 3D printers can work with the strongest metals like Wolfram and Titanium.  The system uses the metal powder that plasma or lasers can melt like in a plastic printing system. Then laser scanners and laser machine tools system finalize the object. The system can use real-time images to detect things like bubbles inside the object. The system can operate in a vacuum that denies the oxygen effect to the object.  The laser systems and high-resolution scanners can copy even the scratches from the master object to copy. The price of those systems is not very high. It is about $ 80,000- $1000,0000. 3D printers can make merchandise like machine parts or even weapons. I

Researchers created an electromagnetic vortex cannon that can be useful for engine purposes.

"An innovative “electromagnetic vortex cannon” capable of emitting vortex rings has been created, mirroring the behavior of natural air vortices. This technology could revolutionize communication and remote sensing with its enhanced data encoding capabilities and resilience to environmental disturbances. Credit: Ren Wang; Pan-Yi Bao; Zhi-Qiang Hu; Shuai Shi; Bing-Zhong Wang; Nikolay I. Zheludev; Yijie Shen" (ScitechDaily, Chinese Scientists Have Developed an Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon) The idea of the electromagnetic vortex engine is this: it creates electromagnetic pressure difference using two magnetic fields. The system might use opposite rotating magnets to create that vortex. The electromagnetic vortex cannon emits electromagnetic pulses to coaxial horn antennas. And that makes it possible to create a perfect vortex air ring that travels through the air. This kind of system can make it possible to create new types of cannons.'s article tells abou

The hypercube can be the model for the next-generation quantum sensors and new quantum computers.

"Like a giant wave in the midst of a sea of gaseous calcium atoms, the Bose-Einstein condensate soars. It is composed of approx. 20 000 atoms which are normally not visible to the human eye. However the waves which describe the atoms quantum mechanically, all oscillate synchronously in the condensate and accumulate to form a dense giant wave. In this way, the microscopic pile-up of atoms suddenly becomes macroscopic and therefore visible." (, German scientists produce first Bose-Einstein condensate with calcium atoms) The Bose-Einstein condensate is the low energy state in the material. The system decreases those atoms to the minimum energy level.  In that case, the system can make the sensor that detects ultra-low-level energy impulses.  The hypercube can host ultra-cold atoms. Those ultra-cold atoms can detect gravity waves. In an extremely low temperature, the electrons in the atom's orbitals are at the maximum possible distance from the atom's nucleus. Whe

The model collapse can danger LLM.

An example of model collapse in an image-generating AI. (FreeThink,“Model collapse” threatens to kill progress on generative AIs) "When AI eats its own product, it gets sick." (FreeThink) The images introduce how the AI. That surrounds the same data and causes corruption in the data's entirety. When data travels in wires, there is always some kind of disturbance. Those electromagnetic and physical anomalies cause a lost bit or two in the data that travels in the wire. The loss of one or two bits doesn't mean much. When the data surrounds the system thousands of times. That causes a very bad change in the data flow. And sooner or later, the data mass is corrupted and turned into another one.  The corruption in data is the same thing as the model collapse in the data flow.  When we use large language models LLM's we use computer programs that can search and connect data by using certain algorithms. That algorithm searches for details from search and then connects d

Nanotechnology in modern medicine research.

The world is full of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. That's why researchers must find new methods to carry medicines or create some other systems than chemicals to destroy wanted cells. Nanotechnology opens the way to create new types of systems, that can destroy bacteria and tumor cells.  The problem with new types of medicines is how to make them go into wanted cells. The new medicines are tools. That is in nanotechnology. And that allows to use of new and more effective chemicals like ricin. The ricin molecule is extremely poisonous. But if researchers can deliver it into precise right cells, that helps to make the new tool for antibacterial and cancer treatment.  The problem is this. If ricin molecules are released at the wrong point, they can cause death. There are also nanotechnical solutions there the nanomachines that are released in the cells. When some kind of acoustic wave hits those particles they start to supercavitate and form bubbles inside the cells. But

How can information travel faster than particles?

"Figure 1: Conceptual illustration of the Higgs boson (orange, top, and bottom) being produced by colliding two protons. RIKEN researchers have found that the propagation of information in systems of interacting bosons can accelerate over time. Credit: Mark Garlick/Science Photo Library" (ScitechDaily,Boson Systems Shatter Quantum Speed Limits: Information Races Faster Than Particles) How can information travel faster than particles?  The idea is this. When a particle reaches its maximum speed, which is always below the speed of light, the quantum field jumps out from the front side of it. That thing forms the photon, which can travel faster than the particle that sends it. When an electromagnetic- or quantum field loses contact with the particle it forms a lower energy area at the front of the particle.  Then the energy starts to travel away from the particle in front of it. Or it travels in the particle's movement direction. That thing causes an effect where a particle