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The 6G is a revolutionary communication method.

"Researchers have developed a groundbreaking terahertz polarization multiplexer, which doubles data capacity and reduces data loss for ultra-fast wireless communications. This innovation is expected to significantly advance 6G technology and beyond, paving the way for commercial applications within a decade." (ScitechDaily, Innovative Silicon Chip Advances the Potential of 6G Communications)

The terahertz communication can be a tool that makes the 6G communication safer and faster than other communication tools. The terahertz frequencies are the new way to exchange information. And they can, at least, increase the number of frequencies. That the mobile systems can use. That thing can make communication faster and more secure. 

"In electronics, a multiplexer (or mux; spelled sometimes as multiplexor), also known as a data selector, is a device that selects between several analog or digital input signals and forwards the selected input to a single output line. The selection is directed by a separate set of digital inputs known as select lines. A multiplexer of  select lines, which are used to select which input line to send to the output" (Wikipedia, Multiplexer) 

"The basic function of a multiplexer: combining multiple inputs into a single data stream. On the receiving side, a demultiplexer splits the single data stream into the original multiple signals." (Wikipedia, Multiplexer)

The mux-demux can make it possible to create a virtual quantum computer. 

The multiplexer is the tool that can make the room-temperature virtual quantum computer possible. The idea is that the system will take the opposite action of the multiplexer, which drives data from several input lines to a single output line. The virtual quantum computer requires the opposite operating multiplexer that shares data from a single input line to multiple output lines. Those output lines travel through the individual microchips. And then the "regular multiplexer" will reconnect those data lines into one single output line. The problem is how to make that thing happen at the same time. 

The development of the 6G communication goes hot. The new artificial intelligence models and their full-stack use require fast and secure data communication. Another reason for the 6G data transmission requirements is the physical, remote-controlled robots that require faster and more capable networks than ever before. 

"Schematic of a 2-to-1 multiplexer. It can be equated to a controlled switch." (Wikipedia, Multiplexer)

"Schematic representation of en:multiplexing operation" (Wikipedia, Multiplexing) The qubit (below)is an opposite version of multiplexing. In virtual quantum computers, the arrowheads are microprocessors. 

Also, the neural and morphing neural networks require faster communication. We can see that the same development thing that is known from the computers themselves will turn into a network-based version. The faster, and more powerful microchips allow to make applications that are heavier and more complex than the original applications. 

The other thing is that computer programs and other applications turn into network-based solutions. The idea of those applications is that the server that is in the cave in the server room at a long distance drives the code. That thing helps to control pirateïsm. Because the end users don't get the source code in the BlueRays. The code is driven on the server, and that thing makes it important to create more powerful servers and more powerful communication lines to those systems. 

The requirement for the 6G microchips is the internal security algorithm. That algorithm should make it possible to use multiple frequencies at the same time. And that makes the virtual quantum network possible. In those networks, each individual frequency is the one state in the qubit. And that means the 6G communication is one way to exchange information between quantum computers. 

In some visions, radio waves can transmit data in the computer's microcircuits. That means radio waves travel in the protective tubes. And that allows researchers to create virtual quantum computers. In those systems, the system uses multiband radio communication, and each of those bandwidths communicates with individual cores in the multicore processors.


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