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How can information travel faster than particles?

"Figure 1: Conceptual illustration of the Higgs boson (orange, top, and bottom) being produced by colliding two protons. RIKEN researchers have found that the propagation of information in systems of interacting bosons can accelerate over time. Credit: Mark Garlick/Science Photo Library" (ScitechDaily,Boson Systems Shatter Quantum Speed Limits: Information Races Faster Than Particles)

How can information travel faster than particles? 

The idea is this. When a particle reaches its maximum speed, which is always below the speed of light, the quantum field jumps out from the front side of it. That thing forms the photon, which can travel faster than the particle that sends it. When an electromagnetic- or quantum field loses contact with the particle it forms a lower energy area at the front of the particle. 

Then the energy starts to travel away from the particle in front of it. Or it travels in the particle's movement direction. That thing causes an effect where a particle releases its energy. In the form of a photon. In normal space, anything can travel as fast as a photon. 

The speed of light is the speed of a photon, and when the electromagnetic or quantum low-pressure pulls the photon out from the front of the particle that causes an effect the information travels faster than a particle. 

In some theoretical systems, researchers plan to use this phenomenon as the quantum accelerator. The idea is that the bosons travel in a row where lasers and EM fields try to accelerate to the maximum speed. The idea is that the boson or electron. That comes from behind and pumps information or energy to the boson that travels ahead. The idea is that when particles travel in a row, the system can pump more energy to the particles that travel at the front. 

The idea is that the particles form quantum low pressure behind them, and the particle that travels behind them sends energy to a particle that travels ahead. This kind of thing can make it possible to create higher-energy particle beams. And maybe. That helps to create the models for making new and high-accuracy ion systems that can operate as ion cutters and measurement tools.


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