Thursday, September 19, 2024

The photon graphene or 1-dimensional (1D) photon gas is the next exciting solution in photonics.

"To the reflective surface trap the photon gas in a parabola of light. The narrower this parabola is, the more one-dimensionally the gas behaves. Credit: IAP/Uni Bonn" (ScitechDaily, Light Takes a Quantum Leap Into One Dimension)

The next quantum leap in photon research is 1-dimensional (1D) photon gas. Researchers knew it a long time ago. Theoretically they can put photons could be stopped, or almost stopped. Then those photons can be put on the layer. There is only one photon layer. And then they can act like gas. The problem has been: how to find a solution to produce those photons, that can create the "photon graphene".

Researchers made experiments on how to make this photon gas. "In their experiment, the researchers filled a tiny container with a dye solution and excited it using a laser. The resulting photons bounced back and forth between the reflective walls of the container. Whenever they collided with a dye molecule, they were cooled until ultimately the photon gas condensed." (ScitechDaily, Light Takes a Quantum Leap Into One Dimension). 

There are lots of things to do for practical solutions. One of the problems is how to deny the wave movement in the 1-dimensional photon gas. That wave is the thing, that breaks the photonic structure. 

Things like holograms are one version of photon gas. The problem is that they have a 3D structure. The 1D photon gas is like the photon graphene. It's hard to produce and it's hard to control. But if researchers can make that thing. They have an ultimate tool that can make many things like zero-reflecting quantum gas possible. If we think that the photons are hovering above the layer, the reason why they cannot lock light inside them is simple. The wave movement in the photon layer causes light waves or wave-form photons to travel over another photon. 

If researchers can aim the light wave precisely at another photon that thing can make it possible to create the invisible objects. And it also makes it possible to create new types of quantum networks. The thing that makes an object invisible means that the light will not reach the object. Or reflection cannot reach the observer.  That helps to protect quantum systems or make the ultimate stealth systems. The idea is that low-energy photons pull energy from other photons. And maybe those photon clouds can someday make it possible to create protective fields against lasers.

The photon gas is the photon cloud that hovers over, or between layers. Those photons can used for many purposes. Most of those solutions are still theoretical level. It's possible to create quantum computers where photons are trapped between quantum structures. 

And then the quantum structure like a frozen hydrogen atom can transport information to those photons. The idea is that the laser ray locks the electron into a certain position. Then the photon hovers above the electron. The system drives data to the photon and puts it into superposition and entanglement with some other photon. If researchers can control this photon gas, they can create the photon network over the layer. 

Researchers' dream has been to make the photonic version of the graphene. There should be many ways to benefit that photonic structure. But the problem has been: how to make practical solutions for that thing. 

The problem is how to make ultra-cold photon gas. In some systems, the electromagnetic fields will put the photons into a stable position. The problem is that the system should remove the 3D structure from the photonic structure.

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