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The AI and RNA are the tools for the next-generation medical treatments.

"Boston University researchers have developed a modified self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) vaccine, which could improve COVID-19 vaccines, gene therapies, and cancer treatments by providing longer-lasting immunity at lower doses." (ScitechDaily, New Type of “Self-Amplifying” RNA Could Revolutionize Cancer Treatments)

The AI is an excellent tool for medical research. 

The AI is an impressive tool that can diagnose cancer. Harvard researchers developed ChatGPT-style AI tools that can seek cancer. The system that makes cancer diagnoses from X-ray pictures can automatized. In those cases, the system searches for changes in the tissue, shadows, or some other details. That is visible to X-ray systems. The system can compare X-ray images over a long period, and it can see the changes in those images. 

That means the AI can tell to doctor that it might see cancer in the X-ray images. Then the human doctor makes the diagnosis. The AI can compile many other variables like DNA/RNA tests and anomalies in protein chains. The system can use lasers, optical and electronic microscopes, and DNA tests to help doctors to make diagnoses, that can save their life. 

Along with the mRNA will operate the thing called: self-amplifying RNA, or, saRNA. "Researchers decided to focus on modifying the chemical structure of a lesser-known type of RNA, called self-amplifying RNA saRNA, which is manufactured in the lab and replicates itself multiple times in a cell to produce a higher number of the proteins it’s programmed to make." (ScitechDaily, New Type of “Self-Amplifying” RNA Could Revolutionize Cancer Treatments)

"The new method worked: their modified saRNA was replicating itself in a petri dish." (ScitechDaily, New Type of “Self-Amplifying” RNA Could Revolutionize Cancer Treatments)

The ability to produce RNA in a petri dish makes it easier to produce RNA for large-scale needs.  The AI-controlled system can assemble the RNA prototype. And then the system just replicates and multiplies those RNA molecules in a petri dish. The mRNA transports the genetic code. And that thing can be used to reprogram cells. 

When we talk about genome transfer. The mRNA is a more suitable tool for that thing than the DNA. Before the cell divides the divide enzyme divides the DNA into two parts. The other part is the thing there forms the new DNA. The mRNA is the tool that can also be used to manipulate cell organoids. The ability to multiply the mRNA in the petri dish is the tool, that makes the mRNA therapies cheaper. 

The mRNA research that is made for COVID-19 vaccines can help to create a cure for cancer. The best possible thing. What the developers could do is the mRNA that reprograms cells again. In that case, the developers just remove the cancer sequences from the mRNA and then they can transfer the genome into the cell. That mRNA can also involve code that makes cells destroy their genome and leave space for genome transplant. That technology can turn cells into other ones with very high speed. 

The mRNA genetic engineering makes it possible to create the cloned cells. In some visions, the cancer cells are made using cells that rescue terms taken from accident victims or patients that need cell or tissue transplants. The problem with all tissues in organ or tissue transplant is the shell antigens of those cells. If those cells can be created from cells that are taken from the person who needs those transplants that guarantees the transplants fit to the receiver. 

The cloned, or synthetic bone marrow stem cells begin a new era for bone marrow transplants. However, the same technology can make it possible to create many other organ transplants from retina cells. And even to neurons. 

The ability to transform cells into another is the tool that can make it possible to create cloned neurons, that can used to fix things like brain damage and mental disorders. The governmental officials are suggesting that the cloned tissues can used to give treatment to people whose brains are old. The same technology can be used, to give treatment to people who have brain damage. 

The idea is that those cancer cells can reprogrammed using genetic engineering to the needed cells. The idea is that cancer cells are fast-growing tissues, and things like tissue transplants require lots of cells. Genetic engineers can use those cancer cells as tools, that they can use to make cell clones. And reprogramming cancer cells means the possibility of creating stem cells.


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