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Gravity waves and the Theory of General Relativity help to make models of the universe's strangest objects.

"Neutron stars, the dense remnants of collapsed stars, offer scientists a unique window into the universe’s most extreme conditions. Through gravitational waves, researchers can study their composition, paving the way for a deeper understanding of stellar dynamics. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Gravitational Waves Reveal the Hidden Depths of the Universe’s Strangest Stars)

The gravity waves tell how other energy forms and fundamental interactions, electromagnetism,  and weak and strong interactions affect gravity. The bright stars and pulsars that jet impacts to binary neutron stars can tell. Do those energy impacts have some effect on gravity waves? Does the energy impulse that hits neutron stars affect their gravity fields? 

Binary neutron stars are strange star formations. While another neutron star orbits the dominating component in that system. That causes changes in the gravity wave formation. That thing gives information about those strange binary stars. 

Another thing is that the changes in the gravity waves and their form is that neutron star's interaction can tell if one even stranger binary star type possible. That star type is a binary black hole system. There are two singularities under one event horizon. In some theories, two singularities can orbit each other so close. That they are under one event horizon. That thing can form a virtually donut-shaped structure under the event horizon. 

In the most extreme black hole model, the singularity can form the standing wave around it. There is a strange donut-shaped form inside the Earth. Same, way the Van Allen belt looks like a donut. That thing causes the hypothesis that the standing wave can turn into the donut-shaped singularity that orbits the dominating singularity. 

Gravity waves are waves like waves on the sea. The counter waves pull energy out from the gravity waves. And those counterwaves can make it possible. That gravity effect cannot reach some objects. Theoretically, antigravity is quite an easy thing to make. The system only must make horizontal gravity waves that prevent the gravity waves that the gravity center sends reach the craft. 

"General relativity works well for large-scale objects, while quantum physics accurately describes microscopic phenomena. (Representational image)" (Interesting engineering, Magical equation unites quantum physics, Einstein’s general relativity in a first)

"For the first time, we have an equation that connects the cosmic realm with the quantum world in ways never before imagined." (Interesting engineering, Magical equation unites quantum physics, Einstein’s general relativity in a first)

"For the first time, a mathematical framework proves that Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which explains the relationship between space, time, and gravity, is in alignment with quantum physics —- the branch of science that describes the behavior of electrons, photons, and other fundamental particles." (Interesting engineering, Magical equation unites quantum physics, Einstein’s general relativity in a first)

“We proved that the Einstein field equation from general relativity is actually a relativistic quantum mechanical equation,” the researchers note in their study" (Interesting engineering, Magical equation unites quantum physics, Einstein’s general relativity in a first)

"In simple words, this new framework connects the science that governs the macroscopic world with that of the microscopic world."  (Interesting engineering, Magical equation unites quantum physics, Einstein’s general relativity in a first)

The AI can be the ultimate tool for developing the gravity models. 

But the problem is how to make synthetic gravity waves. Those things require energy sources that are impossible or too dangerous to create. Antimatter systems can probably create a high enough energy load, but if there is a malfunction in the system, that can destroy the entire Earth. Only 1g of antimatter can turn Earth into a molecular cloud. 

The problem is that even near black holes, gravity is not the only field that interacts. To make a model of the system the researchers, and the AI must know every particle and actor in the system. The dark matter and dark energy might play a big role in the black hole's gravity field. And maybe gravity pulls also dark energy and dark matter into the black hole. 

Einstein's Theory of General Relativity is a tool that can be used to make a model of how the dominating actor moves the EM or gravity field into it. That interaction should create the famous quantum shadows at the side of the gravity dominator. Those shadows pull particles or objects to the gravity center. 

The Theory of General Relativity might work also at the quantum level. The system must just handle each particle as separated quantum dots. Then it must connect those quantum dots into one entirety. And maybe that helps someday to create the Grand Unified Theory GUT. 

But then we can see what the binary star systems can tell us. They can tell about the gravitational interactions. Einstein's Theory of General Relativity is a tool that can model large objects and their interaction. In a quantum system, there are microscopic actors. So the system must make a model where those microscopic actors interact with their pairs. 

And then, the system puts those pairs into the macro-scale structure. The idea is like putting dots in two nets against each other and then calculating their interaction individually. After that, the system must include the net or the field interaction and make the entirety that completes the simulation. The problem is that all other fields are also interacting near black holes rather than just the gravity fields.


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