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Nanotechnology in modern medicine research.

The world is full of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. That's why researchers must find new methods to carry medicines or create some other systems than chemicals to destroy wanted cells. Nanotechnology opens the way to create new types of systems, that can destroy bacteria and tumor cells. 

The problem with new types of medicines is how to make them go into wanted cells. The new medicines are tools. That is in nanotechnology. And that allows to use of new and more effective chemicals like ricin. The ricin molecule is extremely poisonous. But if researchers can deliver it into precise right cells, that helps to make the new tool for antibacterial and cancer treatment. 

The problem is this. If ricin molecules are released at the wrong point, they can cause death. There are also nanotechnical solutions there the nanomachines that are released in the cells. When some kind of acoustic wave hits those particles they start to supercavitate and form bubbles inside the cells. But in the wrong places, those bubbles are very dangerous. 

The difference between chemicals and nanomachines is this: The nanomachine's effect on the target is mechanic. And that means nanomachines can operate many times. The nano-size saws can destroy the cell's protein shell. The nanomachine can have positive and negative ion pumps that move the nano-saw back and forth. 

"Typical structures of dendrimer NPs. (A) The typical structures of dendrimers are central core, generations, void space, branching, and surface focal groups. Copyright Permission from Chowdhury et al. (B) Poly(propyleneimine) dendrimers. Copyright Permission from Sherje et al. (C) Poly(amidoamine) dendrimers. Copyright Permission from Sherje et al. Credit: MedComm – Oncology (2024). DOI: 10.1002/mog2.67" (, Advances and applications of nanoparticles in cancer therapy)

"Tunable size achieved through varying cross-linker/inimer compositions. Credit: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2024). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2406337121" (, New class of organic nanoparticles shows promise for diverse applications)

The oscillating structure in nanoparticles can make nanobubbles in the cells. Another way is that the nanoparticle opens its structure very fast. The expansion causes a pressure effect through the cell, which destroys its shell. 

The idea is that when the nano-saw travels through the ion pump, it deactivates the ion pump. And the same time another ion pump activates. The idea is that the system activates ion and anion (positive and negative) ion pumps in turn. And that moves the nano saw. 

The answer to the problem of how to handle very dangerous tools can be the miniature submarine. The miniature submarine can carry chemicals or nanomachines to the right cells. The nanomachine that carries those things must just find the right cells that can release those things into it. 

The new methods to control magnetism make researchers possible to create new independently operating nanomachines. The independently operating nanomachines can slip nanoparticles and new medicines to wanted cells. 

One of the limits of the nanomachines is how to make them operate independently. One of the biggest bottlenecks is the mass memory, that controls the system. There is the possibility to make small and effective mass memories by using protein which is magnetic particles. Those proteins act like old-fashioned tape memories. They drive the data through the miniaturized microchips. 

And those miniature systems can operate in the most difficult positions. The independently operating nanomachines can be revolutionary tools for medical work. They can carry the new medicines to the right cells, and that thing makes them impressive tools. But there are lots of things to do before those systems are ready to use.


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