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Magnetar could be an explanation for the Wow! Signal.

"A scan of a color copy of the original computer printout bearing the Wow! signal, taken several years after the signal's 1977 arrival. Public domain" (Smithsonian Magazine, Mysterious ‘Wow!’ Radio Signal Might Finally Have an Explanation—and No, It’s Not Aliens)

Researchers explained the "Wow! Signal" was the energy signal. That came from the magnetar. The signal hit the molecular hydrogen cloud and caused that unique radio effect. The fact is that the "Wow! signal" was not as unique as we previously thought. 

"They found that between February and May 2020, the observatory picked up multiple instances of radio activity similar to the mysterious signal from 1977. The locations of these signals corresponded to the sites of cold hydrogen clouds in space." (Smithsonian Magazine, Mysterious ‘Wow!’ Radio Signal Might Finally Have an Explanation—and No, It’s Not Aliens)

"They found that between February and May 2020, the observatory picked up multiple instances of radio activity similar to the mysterious signal from 1977. The locations of these signals corresponded to the sites of cold hydrogen clouds in space." (Smithsonian Magazine, Mysterious ‘Wow!’ Radio Signal Might Finally Have an Explanation—and No, It’s Not Aliens)

"What does this mean? (1) Science works. Everyone can (and should) advance hypotheses, and once these are put out into the open, usually via publication, they are critically evaluated by peers. If a hypothesis is correct, it will stand the test of time. If not, like most hypotheses, it will be dismissed. The latter seems to be the case for Paris’ hypothesis, but the last word has not been spoken yet. There are many historic examples of hypotheses that were shredded to pieces by critics when they were first advanced, but later turned out to be correct." (Smithsonian Magazine, The Wow! Controversy and Decoding Alien Messages)

"(2) If, as it appears, a comet cannot explain the Wow! signal, it does not mean that the signal was a transmission from an alien civilization. There are a number of natural sources that could, in principle, explain the sudden appearance and disappearance of radio signals, such as fast radio bursts. Ohio State’s Big Ear telescope could have picked up the tail end of such an emission. (Smithsonian Magazine, The Wow! Controversy and Decoding Alien Messages)

The graph of the "Wow! Signal". The other waves after the main signal could be echoes from other molecular clouds. If the "Wow! Signal" is some kind of maser effect that forms when an energy ray travels through multiple energy fields or some black hole's transition disk those energy hills can be the echo of that signal. 

Maybe the "Wow! Signal" was some "Black Swan" A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences. Magnetar is a neutron star with an extraordinarily strong magnetic field. And that creates extraordinarily strong energy beams. That means the "Wow! Signal" can form when the radiation from a magnetar travels through the black hole's relativistic jet. 

We must understand when we receive signals that look almost similar to the "Wow! Signal" we don't receive the "Wow! Signal". That means we can say that the origin of the "Wow! signal" remains a mystery. In some hypotheses, the the signal's origin was some kind of military satellite, that tested so-called sleeping frequencies. It's possible. Those frequencies might reserved for nuclear weapon command in the nuclear conflict. And their mission is to make sure that nuclear weapons can operate in real nuclear war. 

The thing that makes the "Wow! signal" so interesting is that it looks unique. The unique means that the signal has some kind of very extraordinary source. And that thing also supports and denies the alien theory. The question is this: why did the hypothetical aliens send that signal anyway and only once?

But what if the "Wow! signal" came closer than astronomers calculated? Some radio frequencies are reserved for radio astronomers. That means they are not allowed to use it in peacetime. But what if there are some kind of satellite communication channels that are reserved for high-level national security purposes? 

Situations like nuclear warfare require special communication and in many visions, the enemy tries to jam radio frequencies that are used to send launch codes for nuclear missiles. That's why there must be some kind of sleeping channels for that kind of extreme military situation. So, could the "Wow! signal" be the test of that kind of system? 

I think that this signal was some kind of unique but aliens didn't send it. All physical and chemical reactions happen many times. There is no evidence that some reaction happens only once. And some explanations are that. 

The "Wow! signal" came from some secretive satellites that tested the channels that were meant for some kind of emergency purposes. The idea is that maybe the military tested some kind of sleeping channel and radio maser-based communication. And then they aimed the radio maser accidentally at the Big Ear telescope. 

But the fact is this. Nobody ever found out why that signal was so unique. The truth is that nobody ever why that signal came to Earth, and what created it.!_signal


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