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The black-and-white attitudes are also dangerous in the UAP (UFO) research.

B-2 "Spirit"

The black-and-white attitude in the UAP and alien search and research is dangerous. That attitude means that even if the alien craft once visited Earth in history, that model expands to enormous-scale conspiracies and alien visitors at the White House and US president's cocktail parties. The "once in history" doesn't mean the aliens have a base on Earth. And another thing is that unknown (or unidentified) phenomenon)UAP is the new title for the unidentified flying object UFO. So maybe researchers should ask "Have you seen the UAP"? 

That kind of misunderstanding is the key thing in the many UFO-alien conspiracy theories. When we hear things like President Bill Clinton sending his Chief of Staff to the AREA-51 which is one thing, that the US president must do all the time. The AREA-51 is the governmental test-flight area, and of course, military and politicians want to see, where the taxpayer's money is put. 

The location of AREA-51 is near Las Vegas, Nevada and you see it on Google Earth using the words "AREA-51". The AREA-51 is the home of many secretive aircraft like U-2, SR-71, F-117, B-2, and many other aircraft that are not public or are individual, hand-made test planes.  Sometimes only one or two individuals are produced of those, very extraordinary-looking aircraft. The X-29 and Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar, or, Avro Avrocar "flying saucer" are tools. That observer can easily be described as a UFO. 

Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar

X-29 Forward Sweep Wing, FSW demonstrator

The X-29 was the forward sweep wing, FSW technology demonstrator. The aircraft was very unstable. But modern computer technology, where computers fix the position tens of times in a second can turn the FSW fighters true. The Avro Avrocar was the tool in the 1950s and early 1960s and modern technology like computer-base stabilization systems can turn this thing into true. Stealth helicopters can be extraordinary-looking things like the RAH-66 Comanche. There are only two produced RAH-66 helicopters in the world. 

There is also the possibility to make the supersonic Avrocar" using the radial rocket engines. The blower pushes the craft up, and then small rockets push it horizontally. The saucer-shaped helicopters can be the dream for stealth designers. When we think about the "Avrocar" we might ask, what would you see when you see that thing flying? Would that thing be the "saucer-shaped flying machine"? 

The black-and-white attitudes make people scary. They don't dare to tell their observations to the office called the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, AARO. The researchers require that information to tell if their stealth concepts don't work, as they should.  But when we think about the UAPs and the knowledge about flying. Some or most of them might be highly secretive governmental concepts. 

The Boeing Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche

Things like underwater bases like the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center are secretive. And maybe the government hides some parts of the stealth technology. The military systems are always secretive. 

And then we come to alien civilizations. Some think that it's cool to comment on every new aircraft and UAP observation using the word "Plejadeans". Of course, AI specialists can create the neural network called "Plejadeans". And that can open new visions in AI research. 

When we think about "reptilians" those things might be some kind of special law enforcement or other kind of operators, that use the wrestling masks. The thing is that until we see and make contact with another civilization we are alone. And before we make contact with detected civilization we must be ready. And also those hypothetical aliens must be ready. 

But then we face another thing that we might not want to see. That thing is that maybe the first alien that we meet is the creature where the artificial, lab-grown brains interact with the computers. When we make things like genetically engineered humans, we face problems. Are those humans so-called aliens, that we created? The world of the AI is full of stories about the AI gods and other kinds of things. So, can we call the neuroprocessor-boosted AI an AI alien?


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