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The new visions for the quantum network.

"Experimental results. a, Experimental setup. b, Intensity image on the camera and c, correlation image. The intensity image reveals no information about the object, which can nevertheless be seen in the correlation image. Credit: Physical Review Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.093601" (Phys.Org)

The human neural network is one version of the quantum network. The neuron packs data into the neurotransmitter. Then neurotransmitter transports data to the next neuron. The data travels in the neuron in the multiple channels. And then the neuron just transfers it into the neurotransmitter again. 

The human nervous system is the quantum-electric hybrid network. The data travels in neurons in the form of electric signals following multiple channels at the same time. Then the neurotransmitter acts as a qubit that transports data to the next neuron. 

In quantum neurocomputers, the qubits that travel in the hollow quantum channels have the same role as neurotransmitters. The electric systems in the quantum processors play neurons. 

The difference between quantum and regular electric networks is this. Data that travels in the quantum network is packed in physical objects. That makes it impossible to break the network and steal information. If something touches the qubit that transports data, that corrupts the information. In visions, the data travels in the quantum networks in hollow nanotubes or hollow laser rays. 

There is a possibility of using things like colored laser rays or multi-frequency radio signals to transport data in a virtual quantum network. In those systems, each frequency is one state of the qubit.  In some visions, the multilayer, duplicated nanotubes can make it possible to create a room-temperature virtual quantum network. In that case, each shell of the fullerene nanotube is one state of the qubit. That allows to creation of virtual quantum systems that can operate in higher temperatures. 

Entangled photon pairs transported image code. 

"Entangled photons play a crucial role in various quantum photonics applications, including quantum computing and cryptography. These photons can be produced through a process called spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) within a nonlinear crystal. During SPDC, a single photon from a high-energy (blue) pump laser is split into two lower-energy (infrared) entangled photons." (Phys.Org, Entangled photon pairs enable hidden image encoding)

French researchers created a model where quantum systems transfer data into a single photon. Then, the photon decayed into two infrared photons. And that makes it possible to create a new quantum communication line. The problem in quantum computers has been how to make two identical photons. However, the requirement in quantum communication is a little bit different than the requirement in the quantum processor. 

In quantum processors, data travels only short distances in a very highly controlled space. But in a quantum network data travels in the form of the qubit in the space that is not controlled. The ability to pack information into qubits and transport it over long distances makes the quantum computer more effective. 

The second problem is how to make those photons travel in the quantum channel in the wanted direction. Then quantum computer catches that photon into the frame, and then it resends the data to another photon that is entangled and superpositioned in the quantum computer. 

If the system can make the superposition and entanglement straight from the photon that comes to the frame the system would be more effective. The other version is to drive information that received photons to mass memories, and there each memory address is in a certain qubit state.


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