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The LLM requires new microprocessors.

The new virtual quantum computers can be the most effective systems, that can operate at room temperature. 

Maybe we create the alien in some laboratory, if we think that alien is some kind of robot, that follows orders from the living neurons.  In some models, the brain in a vat is the alien that we create. It can be artificial intelligence that hybridizes with living neurons. Another thing is that when we create artificial intelligence or large language models LLMs we face the systems that might seem to think. But those systems do not think, in the way we think. 

The LLM can collect enormous data storage and then combine the data sources. That thing makes the LLM an effective tool if it recognizes the source. But the problem is that the AI doesn't know what it writes. It just connects sources into the new entirety. The AI is the tool that connects data from multiple sources. 

But when we think about the structure of complicated data structure that the computer uses for making new data entirety. The system must have very data storage bites. So that it can connect them with very high accuracy. That data structure looks like the magnetic mass memory version of the neteye. 

"Two X-ray laser pulses interfere on the surface of a ferrimagnetic GdFe alloy, leading to a lateral modulation of the electron temperatures, a reduction of the local magnetization and all-optical switching of the magnetization. In this fashion, data bits to be stored can be written by purely optical means. On the right hand side, the period of grating and hence the size of a bit is reduced to below 25 nm. As a result, the temperature profile is washed out before the magnetization is sufficiently reduced and all-optical switching breaks down. Credit: Moritz Eisebitt" (ScitechDaily, Rewriting the Rules of Magnetism: How Laser Pulses Could Redefine Data Storage)

The new ways to control magnetism make it possible for laser rays to drive information into the mass memory with very high accuracy. The system controls magnetism with laser rays. And that makes it possible to transform data, that travels in a laser beam from optical to magnetic form.

In those systems, the optical cables can replace microchannels or the long wires in the computer. That means data travels in optical fiber between the microprocessors. 

The LLM and the AI act a little bit like a Neuralink neuro-implant. The system listens to the Broca area and then collects data from the brain cells. The AI-based systems collect data from the miniature magnetic particles. 

The virtual quantum computer can be based on the idea, that the morphing neural network can share data between microprocessors like quantum computers. The system is based on a group of binary processors that operate like the quantum computer.  

For working with maximum power the LLM requires powerful microchips. The AI-based kernel allows computers to use multi-core processors as the virtual quantum processor. In those systems, each core in the processor is the individual state of the virtual qubit. 

In a virtual quantum computer, the central processing unit CPU shares data line between multiple microprocessors and then return that data into one entirety. Those tools are the most advanced computers that can operate at room temperature. Quantum computers require so stable environment that they cannot turn to portable. But the laptop can turn into a virtual quantum computer.


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