The first DNA computer-stored data and solved problems. And that new computer gives many fascinating possibilities for R&D work with the new era of computing. In visions, the bacteria can host DNA-based computers. And those DNA-based computers can be part of the microprocessors. DNA-based computers can revolutionize things like portable electronics. And robotics.
The DNA-based computers require lots of work to come to our desktops. DNA-based computers can be effective, even if they are small. The DNA's ability to store data is very high. And that makes those systems suitable to control nanorobots.
"DNA computing, also known as biomolecular computing, is a cutting-edge interdisciplinary field that harnesses the unique properties of DNA molecules for computational purposes. At its core, it relies on the inherent ability of DNA to store and process vast amounts of information in parallel, offering a potential alternative to traditional silicon-based computing systems." (
"At the heart of DNA computing lies the remarkable ability of DNA molecules to store information in the form of sequences of nucleotides—adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). These nucleotides can be arranged in specific sequences, analogous to the binary code used in digital computing. However, DNA offers a much denser storage medium, capable of storing immense amounts of data in a tiny volume." (
"You won't believe where scientists have found the new material they need to build the next generation of microprocessors. Millions of natural supercomputers exist inside living organisms, including your body. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules, the material our genes are made of, have the potential to perform calculations many times faster than the world's most powerful human-built computers. DNA might one day be integrated into a computer chip to create a so-called biochip that will push computers even faster. DNA molecules have already been harnessed to perform complex mathematical problems." (
The newly discovered brain cells fire electric impulses. And if researchers can manipulate that cell using a DNA computer, it can communicate with microchips. The ability to control those electric signals also makes the DNA computer control engineered bacteria or other small-size biorobots. The electric signals make proteins in the bacteria cell contract and lengthen. And that thing is possible to use as a biorobot.
DNA-based computers are tools that can control regular-looking computers. They can also operate as computers that control nano-size machines. The DNA computer can control systems using miniature microchips as the data mediums. The DNA sends information to the microchip. And then, the system can interact with each other.
The thing is that DNA can control computers or artificial DNA can control genetically engineered cells. In the most exotic visions, the DNA can change the cell's form from bacteria to a neuron. Then back to bacteria. The neuron can boost computer operations. Then the system can turn those neurons back to the bacteria when they are not needed anymore.
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