"An innovative “electromagnetic vortex cannon” capable of emitting vortex rings has been created, mirroring the behavior of natural air vortices. This technology could revolutionize communication and remote sensing with its enhanced data encoding capabilities and resilience to environmental disturbances. Credit: Ren Wang; Pan-Yi Bao; Zhi-Qiang Hu; Shuai Shi; Bing-Zhong Wang; Nikolay I. Zheludev; Yijie Shen" (ScitechDaily, Chinese Scientists Have Developed an Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon)
The idea of the electromagnetic vortex engine is this: it creates electromagnetic pressure difference using two magnetic fields. The system might use opposite rotating magnets to create that vortex. The electromagnetic vortex cannon emits electromagnetic pulses to coaxial horn antennas. And that makes it possible to create a perfect vortex air ring that travels through the air. This kind of system can make it possible to create new types of cannons.
ScitechDaily.com's article tells about the electromagnetic vortex cannon this way: "These scientists summarize the operational principle of their electromagnetic cannon: “The principle involves utilizing ultra-wideband, radially polarized, conical coaxial horn antennas to create a rotating electromagnetic wave structure. (ScitechDaily.com, Chinese Scientists Have Developed an Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon")
"Air cannons produce visible vortex rings by generating rotating air pressure differences, while electromagnetic cannons emit electromagnetic vortex pulses using coaxial horn antennas. The electromagnetic system also demonstrates self- resilience properties and skyrmion topology, offering unique potential in high-capacity communication, target detection, and data encoding due to their complex wave dynamics and topological features. Credit: Ren Wang; Pan-Yi Bao; Zhi-Qiang Hu; Shuai Shi; Bing-Zhong Wang; Nikolay I. Zheludev; Yijie Shen" (ScitechDaily.com, Chinese Scientists Have Developed an Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon")When the antenna emits, it generates an instantaneous pressure difference that forms these vortex rings, which maintain their shape and energy over long distances. The uniqueness of this method lies in its ability to produce electromagnetic pulses with complex topological features, such as skyrmions, that showcase remarkable resilience and self-healing properties during propagation.” (ScitechDaily.com, Chinese Scientists Have Developed an Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon")
There are many ways to benefit this system. One way is to create skyrmions that travel through air. Those skyrmions can transport information in a quantum channel. Or they can protect information that travels in it.
Nikola Tesla's antigravity craft planned to use the ion cushion to fly. The system was the so-called virtual antigravitation or silent ion levitation system. Not a "real" antigravity craft. Because it didn't manipulate gravity, it planned to use an ion field to fly. The system would use radio waves to make two donut-shaped ion vortexes that push against each other. The other ion vortex would be inside the chamber at the bottom of the craft. And another is below the craft.
And then we can think about "Die Glocke or the Bell".
The dream of electromagnetic engines that lift aircraft up and ahead silently without any other fuel than just electricity is not new. During and just after WWII researchers worked with electromagnetic ion systems those names were "The Bell" or "Die Glocke". Those systems planned to use the ion cushions, created by the opposite rotating magnets. Those systems where the ion cushions push against each other failed because of the lack of a properly operating power source.
The origin of those systems is in the mind of Nikola Tesla, who planned to make the "flying saucer" that can operate silently at high speed. The problem was that Tesla had no power source for that system. It is known that during WWII was some kind of theoretical research on that kind of thing. But I don't believe that the famous Die Glocke was a time machine. I think that it was planned to make an engine, that was independent of petroleum. The idea was that the system could be loaded using electricity and then it would create the vortex that lifts the craft. The system would use the ion cushions for lifting off. So ion against ion causes contemnation, which pushes them away.
The idea in that system is that two ions, or, plasma whirls with the same polar particles are against each other. Then electromagnetic pushing force pushes those fields away from each other. This kind of system can cause an electromagnetic phenomenon that cuts electricity in a large area. This kind of ion vortex system offers protection against drones. And it closes all radio frequencies. So it's possible. Some UFOs are systems that are used to test this kind of engine.
That kind of ability can have many operative uses in communication and transportation applications. The vortex rings that travel around the rocket can make the air channel through the air. The electromagnetic vortex like an ion cloud can push the aircraft over the ground. The idea is that the system uses electromagnetic push where a positive ion field pushes the craft upward. In some models, the craft's bottom is another ion vortex and those ion vortexes push against each other. That ion cushion can raise the saucer-shaped craft to a high altitude.
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