Monday, September 9, 2024

Photonics is a new way to control light.


 "Experimental results. a, Experimental setup. b, Intensity image on the camera and c, correlation image. The intensity image reveals no information about the object, which can nevertheless be seen in the correlation image. Credit: Physical Review Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.093601" (Phys,org)

An entangled photon pair is made by splitting photons. 

"Researchers at the Paris Institute of Nanoscience at Sorbonne University have developed a new method to encode images into the quantum correlations of photon pairs, making it invisible to conventional imaging techniques. The study is published in the journal Physical Review Letters." (, Entangled photon pairs enable hidden image encoding)

Entangled photons play a crucial role in various quantum photonics applications, including quantum computing and cryptography. These photons can be produced through a process called spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) within a nonlinear crystal. During SPDC, a single photon from a high-energy (blue) pump laser is split into two lower-energy (infrared) entangled photons." (, Entangled photon pairs enable hidden image encoding)

This technology can open the road to ultimate stealth technology. 

What combines quantum computers and stealth technology? The stealth technology can make it possible to minimize the outcoming radiation effect on the material. The ability to transfer light over the layer minimizes energy impacts on the material. That means the same technology that makes stealth aircraft invisible to radars can protect quantum computer systems. 

The optical-area systems that allow light to slide over the layer without any contact make it possible to create systems that protect aircraft against laser and microwave weapons and EMP pulses. If the directed energy weapon's DEW's energy just slides over the layer without touching it. That makes it possible to protect systems against lasers and other directed energy weapons. 

The smooth form of the stealth bomber makes radar radiation slide over it without the reflection that reflects the radar receiver. Researchers have thought about the possibility of making the surface. That also makes other radiation wavelengths than radio waves slide over the layer. If, there is the possibility of making a surface that makes optical wavelengths act like radiowaves over the stealth surface.  And photonics is the tool that can make this kind of thing possible.

"Researchers at NYU Abu Dhabi’s Photonics Research Lab have developed a new two-dimensional material that can precisely manipulate light, promising enhancements in bandwidth for communication networks and optical systems. This breakthrough in tunable optical materials demonstrates potential applications in environmental sensing, optical imaging, and neuromorphic computing. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Photonics: 2D Materials Manipulate Light With Remarkable Precision)

"Mid-infrared laser pulses coherently drive atomic modes in YBa2Cu3O6.48 and stabilize superconducting fluctuations at high temperature. This quantum coherence leads to the ultrafast expulsion of a static magnetic field. Credit: S. Fava / J. Harms, MPSD" (ScitechDaily, Light-Induced Superconductivity: A New Frontier in Quantum Physics)

It's possible to create the quantum field that drives radiation through the graphene structure. The idea is that the system makes a structure using a standing wave that drives radiation to the graphene layer's empty point. Standing waves can make the virtual structure that drives wave movement and photons in the desired direction. That makes it possible to turn objects invisible even to the human eye. 

The ability to control light brings new tools for data researchers and material development. That technology gives a powerful tool for R&D work with quantum computing and stealth technology. The light and radiation that slide over the object can make extremely stable conditions in the object. The same technology can also make some surfaces invisible to the observer. The idea is that the radiation that hits that quantum layer will not reflect to the observer. 

Another thing that the system can do is to split reflecting photons to the UV- or IR, or even gamma- or X-ray frequency. That thing makes it possible to create a surface that is invisible to the human eye. This kind of splitter tool can split one photon into another frequency. And it has split photons into two IR photons. But the problem is: how to make the same thing with billions of photons at the same moment. 

The ability to control photons with very high accuracy makes it possible to create layers where photons and other reflections scatter very strongly.  That kind of "mountain structure" decreases the energy of the straight traveling wave movement. That is one way to decrease the ability to see that thing.

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